Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1400: Find the real Spirit King (2)

"Bai Qing, don't say that. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid the three of us would have died long ago. If you didn't stand up in time, we wouldn't have caught that beast. He did so much. Bad things, now his death is deserved."

Jiang Ning looked at Bai Qing. He knew that everyone was in low ebb now, and now the only thing that was the most important thing was to find out the Spirit King, and now that the appearance of the Spirit King could make everything better.

After a while, when everyone was depressed, a little court lady stood up, and they saw that this was the little maid who had been serving the false spirit king next to her. But now she stood up and everyone looked at her. Everyone was expecting something from this person.

"I know where the Spirit King should be, but I don't know exactly how the fake Spirit King opened the secret path. I seem to see what special mechanism he has. But I guessed a specific location. I used to often I saw this false spirit king going there, but he always asked us to wait outside.

No one has gone in with him, but I always think that place is very strange, but because it is the Spirit King, we don’t have much doubt about him, but now he is not the Spirit King, he is a beast, so I guess there must be What's strange. "

After Bai Qing listened to the maid’s words, she was stunned. Now the maid’s words are undoubtedly Langzhong's relief. Everyone is very excited after hearing the news, because anyway, this incident is finally true. Yanmei.

"How do you think there are people there, and they are our spirit king." Bai Qing looked at the little maid.

"Because the false spirit king now brings food in every time he goes there. The food every time is the amount of a week, and it is about the amount of food for two people, but we didn't have much doubt at first, because the spirit king said he Take in stray dogs. They are more scary, so we never went in."

"Oh? Is that so? Then you take us there now."

After Bai Qing said this, he turned his head to look at Jiang Ning, and motioned Jiang Ning to follow them to have a look. Jiang Ning nodded to Bai Qing, maybe what the little maid said was true. Then they don't need to spend so much effort flying, now the Spirit King is in front of them.

The little maid took them to the back garden. There was nothing in the back garden except a rockery, trees and flowers. Everything seemed so normal, and there was nothing abnormal as the little maid said just now. Place, but because the more normal it is, the more terrible it is.

In such a seemingly normal place, there might be something terrible. The little maid took them to this garden, then pointed to the rockery in front, and then said to everyone that it was there. That was what he thought was weird.

Then Jiang Ning began to wonder, why is it the rockery? It's really strange, why does the beast hide the spirit king and them behind the rockery?

Jiang Ning looked at the little maid. "Didn't you say that every time the beast has to go here with food? Then if it is here, then this place is too wide, why did he tell you to let you wait for him outside? It doesn't mean outside. This garden.

So every time you watch the Spirit King enter this rockery? Then you will not be suspicious? What's under this rockery? Isn't anyone doubting it? "

"It's not that we have no doubts, but what I just want to say is that we didn't wait for him in the garden. The place where we waited for him was outside the garden. No one knew what the Spirit King was doing in this garden. But every time he came, He will let everyone go down.

He said he didn't like being disturbed because he was in a wide area, so no one doubted him. This is the reason. "

"Then how do you know that the real spirit kings are hidden under this rockery? How do you find this rockery weird? This garden is so big, why don't you doubt other places?"

After Jiang Ning heard what the little maid said, he felt very strange, why did this little maid know that there was a problem with the spirit king and didn't say it? Maybe it's because of life saving. But how did she know the secret about that beast?

"There is no reason, just because of curiosity, so once I took a peek at what the Spirit King did here. If you don't believe it, this is the evidence!"

After speaking, the little maid suddenly rolled up her sleeves, and then her arms were all traces of being burned by flames, and every inch of it was burnt by flames.

Everyone is silent, and everyone knows why.

This little maid was spotted by the fake Spirit King after taking a peek, so she burned her with fire, and she was also a victim of that beast. But now if it weren't for her, no one would find out where the Spirit King was hidden.

Jiang Ning looked at this woman and couldn't say anything. He felt guilty for his doubts about her just now. At first he thought that this woman was probably in the gang with that beast. The rockery must be a problem, but now Jiang Ning Believe everything she said.

All the lessons in exchange for blood and tears will not lie.

And the brutal atrocities of that beast made everyone hate him even more.

After Bai Qing calmed down, he immediately took people to the rockery, but to everyone's surprise, the appearance of this rockery was completely indistinguishable from the smell of institutions, and everyone was now in a state of embarrassment. , Even if I found out where he was, I still couldn't find the location of the Spirit King.

Speaking of this, Yue'er went forward. She carefully observed the rockery. There must be a problem with this rockery. There is no doubt about it this month, but Yue'er looked at the rockery carefully and it was indeed flawless. Even she couldn't find any problems, this beast was really hidden deep enough.

Jiang Ning and Feng Ying stepped forward to watch Yue'er carefully look at the rockery.

"Yue'er, do you remember when we were in the cave before? At that time, you also thought that everything was normal, but it was because the things that were normal in Yue had more problems, right?"

Feng Ying looked at Yue'er silently and said these things to Yue'er, Yue'er turned around and smiled at Feng Ying, she knew that Feng Ying seemed to be reminding herself of something.

Yue'er turned around, and she decided to observe this huge rockery again. As a result, in one place, Yue'er discovered a strange thing. ,, ..

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