Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1427: Do not know each other

"Now I want you to understand one thing, that is, I am also a member of this steppe tribe. Listening to your explanation, it seems that you have caused a very difficult problem for our steppe tribe. You take it away This is indeed a great test for our prairie tribe. The Liuyue jade sword is a very important treasure for us, but our patriarch actually gave it to you, and then went to find it. It’s hard to find the wind and grass. It seems that our team leader really trusts you very much. But I don’t know why our patriarch trusts you so much. In my opinion, you are a group of rogues, not only stabbing me to death The wolf is actually so unreasonable to me. If I hadn't known that you were from the grassland tribe, I would have killed you aside."

"Even if you kill us here, it won't have any effect. Your favorite wolf won't come back. The first thing you have to understand is that they attacked us first, and neither will we. They were forced to defend themselves before they hurt them. If you continue to persevere like this and feel that we have hurt your wolf, then we have nothing to do. Then I cannot say if you kill us here today!" Feng Ying said to the unknown woman.

"Then say that my wolf is more than dead as you want?" the woman said angrily.

"We don’t mean that. Don’t misunderstand us. We just want to explain this matter to you. Let us resolve this ignorant grievance. But our problem is that there is something, regeneration and very important, if we If we continue to entangle here, then all of our work will be in vain." Jiang Ning said.

"Okay, I'm not embarrassed by you. I just heard what you said, and I understand what you mean. If the leader of our grassland tribe and our people trust you so much, then I will also be very sure of them. Thoughts. If they think you are all kind people, then I don’t think there should be any problem. I don’t care about the wolf today, but you have to remember it to me if I am next time in the grassland. If you meet you again, then you will have no life to go back. Remember?" Then my unknown woman said harshly.

"We understand, now we will leave here. I won't bother you again. I hope you don't be surprised. This time our encounter may be a destiny from heaven. I hope we will not forever forge such a deep hatred because of a wolf. .I hope you can forgive our ignorance." Jiang Ning said sincerely to the woman.

"Then you go, I will let you go first today. I hope I will never see you ignorant people again. If I see you again next time, I will let my wolves besiege you to death!" As he spoke, the woman got on his white horse again, ready to take his wolves away.

But at this moment, he was injured, Jiang Ning suddenly called the unknown woman riding on the white horse.

"I don't know the heroine, can I ask you a question?"

At this time, Jiangling might have thought of something, and then it asked the woman riding a white horse as quickly as possible. Because he thinks that this unknown woman riding a white horse often wanders the grassland, and she is a member of the grassland tribe, maybe she will know Liu Mei, the sister of the head of the grassland tribe. Thinking of this, Jiang Ning couldn't help asking her.

"I don't know, heroines, you often wander in this grassland. You are a member of the grassland tribe. I think you should know the leader's sister Liu Mei, right? I don't know if you have seen her on this grassland?" Jiang Ningxiang The unknown woman asked.

When the woman who I didn't know who was still riding on the white horse heard the name Liu Mei. The horse's reins stopped there instantly. Jiang Ning seemed to feel it when she saw her, she should know something. Perhaps she often wanders this grassland, and may also see the leader's sister. But that unknown woman suddenly got off the horse in an instant.

"What are you talking about? Who are you looking for?" the unknown woman replied hastily.

"We are looking for the wind and grass, and we are always looking for the leader's sister. I don't know, do you know him? We still have important things that need her help, but she has always been walking in the grassland. It's not easy to find her everywhere. That's why we asked you to see if you know where she is now?" Jiang Ning asked the woman.

When the woman who didn't know it heard Jiang Ning said this. She turned her head in astonishment. Staring blankly at Jiang Ning, Feng Ying, and Yue'er, the three of them. She felt more and more strange to these three people. There are more stories waiting for her to discover. Perhaps he gradually understood these three people. It seems that there are really more important things waiting for them to complete. But he didn't know what they were looking for Liu Mei.

"What did you do with him?" the unknown woman asked.

"We have important things we need to get his advice." Yue'er replied.

"Then you have a suitable need to find her, if you don’t say anything, then I won’t tell you where she is now. Of course, I know his whereabouts for sure, so I think you need to tell me you I need to find her for what. That's why I can tell you where she is. "Then my unknown woman smiled mysteriously.

"Well, if you really know her whereabouts, then I might tell you why we wanted to find her. Because we are going to look for Fengqingcao, but no one knows Fengqingcao only the leader and his sister. This kind of precious medicinal material. So we must find the sister of the leader to take us to find the wind chime, otherwise we will go all the way, it will be at a loss. If you really know, then please tell us the truth. Good? Because we are really anxious. We really need his help."

"Although we hurt your wolf this time, I hope you don't remember the previous suspicion and tell us where the leader's sister is, then we will be very grateful to you. We are also very sorry about your wolf. . But I hope you can still help us." Jiang Ning said pleadingly.

"If what you said is true. Then I really want to tell you where he is? But before that, you have to pay some price for my wolf. Hey, there is nothing in this world that can be obtained for nothing. Yes," said the unknown woman. His face seemed to smile more brilliantly.

"Then tell me, you need to tell us what we need to do." Fengying said to the woman.

"Now you must follow me and ask you to do something for me to understand the resentment in my heart. Otherwise, I won't tell you for nothing." The unknown woman said with an evil smile. .

"Okay, now we all listen to you, but you can't do excessive things, let us do. Burning, looting and robbing all things that violate the conscience, we are not going to do, I hope you know yourself. Even if you kill We, or don't tell us where the patriarch and sister are going, let us not do it either." Yue'er said to the unknown woman. ,, ..

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