Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1430: Nothing to do

"You just relax your heart, okay? I told you that this herb is not very toxic, and it won't take long for him to wake up, so don't make a fuss here, okay?"

"You said it was so easy, but we have been walking for so long? Why did Jiang Ning still not wake up? You are a liar, right? You brought us here by knowing the whereabouts of the leader’s sister. Just for us to do things for you, to threaten us!" Yue'er said to the woman very angry.

"Anyway, whatever you want, just believe it. If you don’t believe me, I won’t force you. Looking at your downfall, you think I really want to help you. You really think too much. The wolves I raise are not willing to be too friendly to you!" said the unknown woman.

In the midst of their constant quarrel, Jiang Ning who was lying on the bed slowly opened his eyes and woke up. He didn't know what had just happened, only that he had been confused after falling asleep. It seems to hear someone arguing and talking.

"What happened? Why am I here? Whose home is this? Why did I just hear someone arguing when I fell asleep?" Jiang Ning said drowsy.

"Jiang Ning, you are awake. We have watched you sleep like this for an afternoon. Both Yue'er and I are afraid that you won't be able to wake up. Fortunately, God bless you. , I still woke up." Feng Ying said slowly from the side.

"Jiang Ning, you finally woke up. We have always been worried about you. We are really sad to see you like this. It's all that woman, blame her, she painted her knife Poisonous herbs, and then cut you, made you poisoned, and then fainted. He is a sinner!" Yue'er said angrily to Jiang Ning who had just woke up.

"Yue'er, don't blame her, we stabbed her wolf to death, and now she also slashed me, it is my retribution, murder pays my life, I killed her wolf, what should I pay for? Right. After I fainted, I kept hearing you arguing. In fact, we should thank her now. If it weren’t for her, maybe I wouldn’t get better so quickly. My heart is that she put me on her again. Inside the tent, it means that she is not a bad person. We should understand her." Jiang Ning said deeply to Yue'er and Fengying.

"Well, it seems that among the three of you, there is still one who understands the truth? Yes! Yes, you should all be thankful to me. If it weren't for me, you would still not be able to save him, and you would not be able to stop his blood. Yes." The unknown woman said proudly.

After their conversation, several people quieted down, and they didn't know what to say.

"Well, now I'm awake, you say, you want us to do something for you, you are willing to tell us the whereabouts of the leader's sister, because we are still in a hurry, and we need more things to do next. Let us finish, so I hope you can let us leave here soon after we finish the work. We can't delay here." Jiang Ning looked at the woman with very pleading eyes and said to her.

"Well, since you have said this, then I will arrange some things for you as soon as possible for you to do for me. Maybe these things are a bit hard, so I will trouble you." The woman used Said in an excited tone.

"Then tell me, no matter what we do, we will do our best and leave here as soon as possible. Because we have to find the leader's sister, and then let her lead us to the wind chime grass, so that we can finally be fast Click back to the grassland tribe to help the injured Spirit Race people." Jiang Ning said slowly.

"Okay, what I need you to do for me now is to help me pick up all the stones on the nearby grassland! Bring them back and put them on the right side of my tent, I will check it, don't worry!" Said the woman.

As soon as Yue'er heard what she said, it became even more irritating. This is all the **** mess, Wan Qun is just making trouble! These are simply things that can't be done at all, why should we do it? Isn't this a waste of time?

"What are you doing? It's okay to find something to let us do, right? Are you looking at us for free? Let us do those boring things like this. Are you crazy, right?" Yue'er said angrily.

"You are too much like this? Let's do these inexplicable things!" Feng Ying also said to him angrily.

"Don't say anything, let's do what she said!" Jiang Ning persuaded Yue'er and Fengying.

"Look, there is still a wise person, yes, you just do what I said, it won't hurt you!" the woman said with an evil smile.

"Jiang Ning, I think you still don't go. You were injured. You woke up just now. Don't go. Let Yue'er and I pick it up. Don't worry, we will finish it soon." Said to Jiang Ning.

"That's right, don't go, we will do it well, you can rest assured Jiang Ning." Yue'er also said to Jiang Ning.

"That's really embarrassing. I'm like this. Not only did I not help you, but I was still dragging you down. I am really embarrassed!" Jiang Ning said to Yue'er and Fengying very sorry. .

"It's okay, you helped us like that before. Today's things are all trivial!" Fengying said.

"Then what are you talking about? If you don't hurry up and do things for me, do you want me to cook for you?" The woman said fiercely!

"Why are you in a hurry? I'll go right away, it's just unreasonable to make trouble!" Yue'er said to the woman with an unhappy expression.

When Yue'er and Fengying were talking, they walked outside Zhang's tent. Yue'er was still mumbling from time to time. Maybe it's complaining about the woman's unreasonable troubles, so she can find something to do for them. ,, ..

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