Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1440: The mysterious place of Liu Mei

Feng Ying and Yue'er had been slowly following Liu Mei, and they didn't know where Liu Mei would take them! Perhaps Yue'er and Fengying had already had countless fantasies about what it was like in their minds.

Liu Mei, who had just finished speaking, walked towards a small hill not far away. As he walked, he waved to Feng Ying and Yue'er behind, as if telling them to hurry to her. Feng Ying and Yue'er also followed Liu Mei's footsteps to the small hill. At first, I looked at the hill from a distance, and didn't feel anything unusual, but the hill in this place was a little higher than the others.

Feng Ying and Yue'er have always followed Liu Mei with a very curious mood, while Liu Mei has been leading them forward with excitement, but Feng Ying and Yue'er have seen the lesson on the hill. , And did not think there are too many strange things. But when the three small hills of them walked in front, Yue'er and Fengying walked behind, only Liu Mei saw a piece of grass.

Seeing Liu Min lifted that piece of grass, Fengying and Yue'er were shocked to see this piece of grass. That piece of grass was separated from other lawns. If you don't look carefully, you won't see anything. After Liu Min opened the grass, he could see the opening of a size of two or three square meters, which seemed to only accommodate one person.

Liu Mei showed the entrance of the cave in front of Fengying and Yue'er. Feng Ying and Yue'er were very surprised when they saw it, that there is such a cave on a grassland. I saw Liu Min got into the hole alone first, and then I heard Liu Mei shouting in the hole: "You guys come in too!" Yue'er and Feng Ying looked at each other and looked at each other. Then he just got in directly from the hole.

I saw that the opening of the cave was not big, but it looked so spacious inside. There were all kinds of things stored inside. This place was more like a treasure house for Liu Mei. There are her clothes and some weapons, they are all neatly stored there by Liu Mei. Since this is a hole in the ground, there is no light inside. There was a little direct sunlight coming in only at the entrance of the cave.

"How did your secret cave come from?" Yue'er asked Liu Mei very curiously.

"Actually, I might as well tell you. I was very curious one day and started paving the soil here. But I finally wondered if I could put all the things I don't often carry in a secret cave, so that others I won’t find it again. I can rest assured. From the time I had this idea, I have been implementing my own plan. After half a year, I finally completed my own construction plan, and finally This kind of hole is completed." Liu Mei said.

"Then you are really amazing, you are much more amazing than I thought." Feng Ying said to Liu Min in surprise.

"Wow, I find that I admire you very much now. You are really amazing." Yue'er also said with envy.

"Don't you guys, I'm a little embarrassed about what I said, it's nothing, I can be more powerful. Hey..." Liu Min said to Yue'er and Fengying.

I saw that Yue'er and Fengying had been rummaging in that cave, tinkering with something. They saw so many weird things that they hadn't seen before. In fact, these were all personal collections Liu Mei traveled around and collected from various places, many of which were very valuable. And many people have never seen these. So Liu Min also cherishes these things very much. So they are hidden here privately.

You watch it slowly, I'll go out first, come back and show you something dumb, it is one of my favorite things. I saw Liu Min leaving the cave, but I don't know where she went? Yue'er and Fengying didn't take care of that much, so they just kept looking at those strange things.

After a while, Liu Mei returned to the cave with something in her hand. When she walked in, she pulled out what she was holding and showed Yue'er and Fengying a look. It is a very white and crystal jade, but there is a crack in the middle. Before Yue'er and Fengying could see what happened, Liu Min took it in his hands.

"Don't look at it, let me tell you the origin and story of this jade. It is one of my favorite things. I always put it in the lake in front."

"What? In the lake, I haven't seen it since I've been at that small lake for so long?" Yue'er said.

"Of course you can't see it, because this piece of jade has no color when placed in the water, let alone see it. It's hard for me to find it. I can only find it after marking it, okay? "Liu Mei smiled and said to Yue'er.

"The story about this jade is very interesting. This is when I was traveling in a place, and I met an old man by chance. He was hawking things on the street, saying that it was to go back and save himself lying on the hospital bed. His son, otherwise he would not sell this thing. He told me a legendary story about this jade stone.

He told me that this jade was originally two pieces and was held by two different people. If their fate allows them to meet this stone, they will become one. But time has passed for a long, long time, and the two people with fate are no longer alive, and the jade fault has never been separated. But there is only another pair of people who are truly destined together and take out this jade and one person holds one end. If the jade is separated, it also shows that they are the most destined people in history. "

In this way, Liu Mei brought the jade back here and cherished it. Maybe it is not a real jade, but Liu Mei will think its story is the most valuable. Liu Mei is convinced of this story, maybe one day he will also meet the destined person. ,, ..

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