Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1500: Danger ahead

Regardless of the crazy person, Jiang Ning and others continued to walk up, because in this, they often could not spend more time, otherwise they would be completely finished, because Yue'er's performance was already very good. I am impatient. If my guess is good, Yue'er's condition has gradually deepened.

"What to do, Yue'er seems to be getting worse and worse now. This is already a dance. If it goes on like this, it will be so difficult!" Liu Mei couldn't help but say, looking at Jiang Ning. With her support, Yue'er seemed to be completely mad, ignoring other people at all, and dancing by herself. This is obviously more serious than before.

People are afraid of such a situation. If it is really going on like this, it will be extremely difficult to do. Not only that, maybe even they can't reach Wunan Mountain. Yue'er is already completely unconscious. Now, because from the current situation, it is impossible to walk, let alone doing other things.

"What can I do? I can only continue walking like this, otherwise, Yue'er will be completely crazy, and we can't throw her away. We must know that we are a group!" Jiang Ning's heart is also It was uncomfortable. Seeing Yue'er like this, my heart ached slightly. They used to be wandering around the world, but they didn't want to have something happened in the middle of the journey.

This is like, people who get along with themselves are directly killed because of certain things. If you change to whoever it is, it will be like this. It is very sad, but they cannot have Other methods can only be like this.

"Keep walking, we have no choice but to do this!" Feng Ying took out a rope and directly tied Yue'er up, and then pushed her forward, although it was a bit torture her. , But what's the solution? Who wants to be like this, but otherwise, obviously can't continue walking, and it can even be said that it will be destroyed by Yue'er.

In this case, it is extremely difficult for them, and Jiang Ning also needs to explore the way ahead, and cannot take too much care of Yue'er. If the two women cannot take care of them, Jiang Ning will take care of these two people.

When Jiang Ning saw this scene, it was extremely uncomfortable in his heart, but he could only hold it back, because it was all like this, so it could only be done in this way, and it seemed that there was no other way. It's useful, after all, he is a crazy person, that is powerless at all, is it possible that you have to take her slowly forward? If this is the case, maybe it doesn't need to be said, and it can do anything, but it can't.

Jiang Ning, who was walking in the front, tried his best not to look back. Jiang Ning felt uncomfortable for a while, but she had nothing to do. After all, it was already like this. The distress increased, Jiang Ning was a firm-minded person, but seeing his good friend like this, his heart was slightly hurt.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, Jiang Ning let out a low growl, and immediately leaped back and threw Yue'er on the ground. Then only a mechanism appeared suddenly, a big net, directly hanging some dirt. In mid-air, it's like things in a TV series. Those traps directly outline people in mid-air, and then disappear.

Feng Ying and Liu Mei were also taken aback when they saw this scene. They didn't understand why this happened, but in any case, they were not injured. As for Yue'er, who walked ahead and was pushed, was thrown down. , Also was not injured, but she was thrown to the ground by Jiang Ning.

"Who did it on earth?" The two girls were already stunned. They felt that this trap seemed to be set up a long time ago, because the grass in front of it has already risen. If this is replaced by What I just did is definitely not so new, and on this point, it can explain a lot of things.

"I don't know! It may be aimed at the people of the Moon Clan. After all, what happened to the Moon Clan before, perhaps these traps are to prevent the Moon Clan people from escaping, but it seems that they have not been triggered, and then let us be triggered!" Jiang Ning was also unsure of guessing. After all, this was already a new grass, and he simply didn't understand how long these years had come.

"According to what you said, isn't it a long time since the people of the Moon Clan were killed?" Liu Mei's eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief. After all, this is all based. If the situation in front of you is said to be If it is true, then this will definitely be a long time away, maybe just when they were looking for the Fengxincao, the people of the Moon Clan had already been killed.

But they couldn’t figure out which race was there to deal with the Moon Clan. After all, the people of the Moon Clan are peace-loving, and they never go out of the mountain, even if they are attacked by others. I would fight back, but I didn't expect to encounter this situation now.

Jiang Ning was also surprised when he heard this. He seemed to have guessed something, but if he thought about it carefully, he couldn't guess other things. This was extremely depressing.

"Perhaps, maybe not..." Jiang Ning groaned slightly, and said.

Although he said so, he couldn't be sure. After all, this was just a trap. It was impossible to make any guesses at all. If you can say that you can make guesses, perhaps you can make guesses with other methods.

But there is a mere trap in this tract, no one can be destined to be destined to what happened in it. In other words, what is going on here can only be found by the people of the Moon Clan, and maybe they can know a little bit of the situation. , But that's all, apart from this, there is no saying.

"If this is the case, when the people of the Moon Clan escape, they might be arrested immediately!" Feng Ying thought of this suddenly, her face was full of fear, because she seemed to be I found that there were not many people left in the Yue Clan. From that paradise, it could be seen that some people had already been killed.

But now the trap in front of us may be able to involve a lot of people. After all, this is a normal thing. No one places a trap in the field for no reason. This can only be a gangster. If you do something like this, if you change to another person, it won't be like this at all.

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