For the Protoss people, Jiang Ning can't bear it anymore. If it were not for Yue'er's treatment needs, he would definitely be looking for the Protoss base. When that time comes the resurrection altar will be pushed down directly, then they will not have So courageous, because as long as there is a resurrection altar, they will not be afraid of death, and can do whatever they want.

This point, even if it is given to Jiang Ning, Jiang Ning will do it, but he will not do things that are unreasonable. Often, a person is more chic. Needless to say, he will not want the same as others. To rule this continent, Jiang Ning would not do it.

People of the Protoss and low-level people are also afraid of death. Only some people with high strength will be resurrected immediately if they are killed, because they are not afraid of death, and they have great strength. After all, Protoss people don't have countless masters, so after the masters die, they will be resurrected immediately.

This is also the most critical place. Therefore, the Protoss is an inexhaustible type of person. Otherwise, Jiang Ning can kill him without leaving, but thinking that the opposite person has a resurrection altar. , He also has no way at all. After all, it is still relatively difficult to find the base of the Protoss, and even if he finds it, he can't do anything.

Such an important resurrection altar, if it is not guarded by heavy soldiers, no one would believe it, and if someone wants to attack the resurrection altar, then the resurrection altar will definitely be resurrected with many gods and men. Jiangning will definitely be able to. There are so many people to face, even the entire Protoss.

"What are we going to do now?" Liu Mei's brows frowned at this moment. She already saw clearly. It was definitely not a coincidence that the Protoss chased them. Perhaps they had already seen through all of this. Let them die, so there will be one after another to deal with them.

If it weren’t for their strength, they must have been killed now. After all, every wave of Protoss is extremely powerful, and in terms of the number of people, there are more people in each wave than in each wave. Now, this made Jiang Ning a little worried.

Fengying is also the same. Now she is not only worried about their team, but also about their people, because from the traces of the protoss people, it can be guessed that this protoss has almost committed a murder. Yes, the Yue clan has already suffered, maybe their clan members will also suffer.

This is a fact that no one can be sure of. After all, they are now unable to see their people, and although they are extremely secretive along the way, they are still spied on. This is what shocked them. When a person's traces are completely revealed, then it means that others have found all their traces.

This is exactly what the enemy secretly said. If they are targeted, it is extremely dangerous. Even they will suffer, not to mention the large troops. It must be the same. Given the situation, this is completely predictable.

"Don't worry! Even if the Protoss dealt with your tribesmen, it would not immediately kill your tribesmen! It has been able to develop for such a long time, there is a little bit of background, and even at critical times, it can be carried out. Combining with other races to deal with the Protoss!" Jiang Ning could not help but comforted, seeing the worry of the two.

"Next, we will first go to Wunan Mountain to wake up Yue'er, and then go to the Protoss base, and then destroy their clan lands, or even destroy a resurrection altar, then our mission is almost complete! Jiang Ning groaned and said coldly.

"Understand! Then let's hurry up!" Feng Ying and Liu Mei nodded in agreement. They are of average strength, but in front of the Protoss people, that is not enough. After all, this Protoss is extremely powerful. Powerful, if you are not careful, there will be serious casualties.

This is their goal, as well as the goal of the entire group. When they have completed this goal, perhaps this world can be peaceful, otherwise, it will be almost impossible for peace to continue. The Protoss people are watching. , Which race cannot be eliminated. It can even be said that when the Protoss people reach a certain stage of strength, even if they unite with other people, they can’t make a mortal blow to the Protoss people. .

This is exactly what Jiang Ning worries about, but now it’s useless to worry about everything. Now their first task is to wake up Yue'er. After all, Yue'er is not an ordinary person. The people who lead the Yue Clan come because of Yue'er's identity.

At that time, if Yue'er takes the charge of the Moon Clan, it will almost enhance the strength of their team, and with Jiangning's strength, it may also be possible to unite other races and deal with the people of the Protoss. That would also be an easy way.

Li Dong listened to him. He seemed to see the dawn, but he did not dare to say more. After all, he was just a bereaved dog. If it weren't for Jiang Ning and others to take him in, perhaps he would have been killed by now. Down.

When a person of a race encounters a crisis, no matter how powerful your identity is, it is not feasible. Another point is that once the crisis takes shape, it may be that thousands of people cannot stop it. Down.

"Let's go! Go to Wunan Mountain quickly, this is a great thing for us!" Jiang Ning nodded, without saying anything. Since he has already set his own goal, he must go quickly. Go to the target place, so that you can complete your task.

"Yeah!" Liu Mei and Feng Ying also nodded, and then they helped a comatose Yue'er to move on.

This time, Jiang Ning and others are already very careful. After all, they have already understood the dangers that are likely to occur in front of them, and after these Protoss people die, they will still retain their memories. As long as the people from the previous wave are resurrected, perhaps they will know the whereabouts of Jiang Ning and others.

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