Jiang Ning's words fell, and the three women responded immediately. They also understood this. There were mostly people on the opposite side of the court. If they were attacked in a concentrated manner, there would be no way, as long as their team was already destroyed. , Then it can almost be said that they can only run away.

If the first battle cannot be won, it is a bad sign, and the enemy will figure out the routine, so Jiangning will definitely not let this fight lose, even a little bit, if he loses. If they do, it will leave a shadow in their hearts, and there may even be casualties.

They are different from the Protoss. The Protoss is because there is a resurrection altar, but they don’t have a resurrection altar. They are dead and can’t be resurrected again, so they must be dealt with all at once. Then, in this way, they can make them unable to guess their own strength, and then they may be able to achieve unexpected results.

In fact, many battles are like this. As long as you win, it will leave an indelible shadow on the enemy, and sometimes this shadow is slowly magnified over time, even if No matter how you are, you can't stop this shadow from rising. That is to say, the principle of being bitten by a dog for ten years is afraid of dogs.

Under Jiang Ning’s order, the three women clenched their teeth and released their strongest power. It can even be said that they all used their last strength, completely not wanting to give to the gods. People have a little chance, and below this, they don't let the opposite person have any breathing opportunities.

Jiang Ning was even more serious. At this time, he was already fighting against the Protoss. No, he killed two people who were trying to sneak attack. As for the leader behind, He was already staring around, trying to sneak attack Jiang Ning and others, but there was no good chance.

Because no matter where that person goes, Jiang Ning will go wherever he goes. He is not given any chance to attack the three women. After all, his strength lies in it. If he attacks the three women, maybe There will be problems, because the three women are already extremely difficult facing three directions. If there is a sneak attack again, they will be overwhelmed.

"Jiang Ning, help me, I am under a lot of pressure!" Suddenly, Yue'er couldn't help asking Jiang Ning for help. On her side, the so-called people from the Protoss took action against her. Although her strength was extremely strong, she had already used her secret technique when she first started fighting, so now it is almost necessary. The ability to lose the body is coming.

Not only that, the people of the Protoss also saw this, and they shot Yue'er directly, and didn't give her any breathing space, because they also understood that if one person was killed, then Jiangning's side Four people will be broken into a hole, and at that time they can completely kill other people.

Hearing this, Jiang Ning frowned immediately, because he found that the leader of the Protoss had already gone to Yue'er. If the guess was good, he should be trying to attack Yue'er.

"I'm coming right away!"

After the words fell, Jiang Ning did not hesitate, and turned directly in Yue'er's direction, and then proceeded to shoot. It was also at this time that Yue'er had already killed the Protoss with a single knife, but it followed. It was a smarter attack, suppressing her, completely unable to move.

Originally, a member of the Protoss saw that he could kill Yue'er, but he did not expect that when his knife fell, there was a bright light flashing in front of him, and then only saw the in his hand. The weapon has already been thrown aside, his fingers are very tired, and a little bit more, he feels that his vitality is losing.

This point was extremely bad for him. The next moment, he was already slowly falling to the ground. There was no saying at all. It could even be said that he had already reached a The state of death is now, because he encountered a powerful blow from Jiang Ning.

There was originally a chance to kill Yue'er, but with Jiang Ning’s help, this person could only die with hatred, and he was killed directly by Jiang Ning. As for the other person, the same is true. The end of the game was directly defeated by a skill given by Jiang Ning. There was no doubt at all.

"Kill!" Jiang Ning couldn't help but sneered after killing a person, and then a powerful aura burst out of his body, which directly aroused the people of the Protoss. Although the Protoss said there were many people, they were also lost at this moment. Half of the staff came, and for Shang Jiangning and the others, it was obvious that they were already at a disadvantage.

"Kill! Kill them all!" Yue'er also snarled. Her hatred for the people of the Protoss is no less than that of anyone. After all, many people in her Moon Clan have already encountered these Protoss. The people of is being killed, and the home has been destroyed. If it is possible, she will definitely destroy the Protoss base.

Several people seemed to be crazy, completely showing their power. Not only that, the anger of each person was rising, and it was directly billowing, so that the people of the Protoss were all There was a trance, because they all realized that they couldn't beat the four people.

One of the leaders was already trembling at this time. He had already been killed by Jiang Ning once before. He still remembered Jiang Ning’s abilities very much. Originally, he wanted to ask more people to join him. Jiang Ning killed him so that he could complete the mission, but he didn't expect that the mission was not completed, and perhaps he couldn't escape.

He wanted to escape at this time, because his number of people was declining. If this continues, in less than two minutes, maybe his people will be running out. It can even be said that the people waiting for him After he was already killed, then it was time for him to die.

Thinking of having to wait for some resurrection time after he was killed, he couldn't help feeling depressed, but he couldn't fight if he wanted to fight, after all, Jiang Ning's ability was there.

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