"Let Yue'er explain it to you, I've taken you too!" Jiang Ning shook his head and sighed, thinking in his heart, why did he meet such a stupid woman, such a simple thing? , And some people have explained it, but still can't understand it. This can't help being extremely depressing.

"Okay! Go and do other things, I'll just talk to Liu Mei!" Yue'er smiled, and looked at Liu Mei's expression, also with a doubtful expression.

In her opinion, Liu Mei shouldn’t be stupid. Why did she encounter this thing, she can’t think about it. In fact, this little trap is extremely simple for them, but Liu Mei can’t. See clearly.

Jiang Ning went to build a tent. After all, in this place, he still needs to rest, and this place, if he guessed well, has already entered the territory of the Protoss, if it is seen by the patrolling monsters If so, then there will be a problem completely.

Not only that, but it can also prevent the monster beast from moving forward. If the monster is coming, then the tent can withstand a lot of time, and after a tent is built, if you deal with the monster, Obviously it is extremely useful.

Other people couldn't think of this, but Jiang Ning could think of it clearly. After all, at this time, he also understood the truth very well.

As for Yue'er, she patiently talked to Liu Mei about the principle of the trap made by Jiang Ning. The two women started talking directly from the most basic, and they had been talking for a long time before Liu Mei responded to Guo Donglin.

It took Jiang Ning to see Liu Mei for a long time to understand this matter, and the whole person was completely depressed. Is this dumb or dumb?

But he also didn't say it. After all, what he said was obviously a blow to Liu Mei. In other words, no one is young, how can he see other things when he is young.

However, Liu Mei finally understood under Yue'er's words, and this was also the reason Jiang Ning let go of his hanging heart.

As for Feng Ying at this time, he has already joined Jiang Ning’s camp, constantly building up his own tent. After all, at this time, he is about to reach the state of night. If one reaches the night, there will be monsters. Coming out, recalling the first time they were in the wild, the powerful monster beasts they encountered made my heart numb.

If it weren't for Jiang Ning, maybe they had become a bunch of bones now, and one could imagine how powerful the monster beasts were back then.

Later, while looking for Fengxincao, I also encountered a large python, Jiang Ning helped to deal with it. If there was no such person as Jiang Ning, what the situation would be, they still don't know!

Just after Jiang Ning and Feng Ying had set up one of the tents, Yue'er was already exclaiming.

"There is an enemy!"

Hearing that, Jiang Ning quickly came to his trap, because he was very confident about his trap. As long as there are large-scale creatures walking past his trap, then he can detect it clearly. , Which is why when one's own abilities are not so strong, one can often avoid bad luck.

In fact, compared to Jiang Ning's trap, this is extremely simple, as long as it is triggered, then there will be discoveries.

"Don't move, I'll go ahead and take a look!" After Jiang Ning stopped the three women, he quickly left the place, only to see his figure like a bolt of lightning, constantly in this swampy land. If they didn't know Jiang Ning's strength, they would already be shocked.

But this is so, and it is also extremely shocking now, because every time they think Jiang Ning's strength is already so, Jiang Ning often shows the climax of technology, which directly shocked everyone.

"Let me go, what kind of strength is Jiang Ning!" Liu Mei was completely panicked at this time, because she hadn't found how Jiang Ning left. If it were their enemy, maybe There is absolutely no power to parry.

But even if they weren't his enemies, they were shocked.

"Yue'er, do you know? Your current strength is so strong, you should be able to see Jiang Ning's strength clearly?" Feng Ying also looked at Yue'er, because among the three of them, there is only Yue'er's strength is the most powerful. If Yue'er can't see clearly, perhaps Jiang Ning has already reached the point in the legend.

Yue'er could not help but shook her head when she heard this, and then said: "Actually, my strength is only average, but to be honest, it is really possible that Jiang Ning has reached that level, otherwise the speed will not be so fast. Yes, and you see that he didn't. In the battle with hundreds of Protoss, he can also take the enemy's first rank, but he didn't do this, but was fighting with us."

"From this, you can clearly know the strength of this man Jiang Ning! Not only that, but mainly because Jiang Ning has not displayed all his strength every time. Have you noticed this?"

"I noticed it!" Although Liu Mei had already understood that she had this idea, she was still quite surprised when Yueer was really sure about it.

"It's also noticed! But let's not talk about it here. After all, what strength Jiang Ning is, he will take care of us!" Feng Ying nodded, and he also had such a thought in his heart. , I just haven't said it all the time.

Jiangning’s strength is strong. Every time he wants to explore Jiangning’s strength, Jiangning will show his unique strength. Everyone who wants to explore Jiangning will be desperate, even fundamentally. Unable to reach the bottom of Jiang Ning's strength.

Jiang Ning, he is like a bottomless pit, you can't get to the bottom at all, and the more you want to understand him, the more you will find that he is a mystery, and there is no room for any exploration.

When several women were talking about Jiang Ning, Jiang Ning had already seen many Protoss people on the other side.

These Protoss people don't seem to have a great aura, but if they appear in front of them, they will definitely shock people.

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