Even Feng Ying and Liu Mei, who are weak in strength, are looking at this person at this time. They think that there are three people on their side, and Yue'er's strength is also that strong. It takes minutes to kill this person, but they were wrong. When they first wanted to do it, this person turned out to be a demon.

I saw that his breath suddenly rose, not only that, but he was also able to do other things. It is undeniable that at this moment, this individual's strength has gradually soared. The scene before is totally different from the two. If Yue'er had already resisted, perhaps he had already been successfully attacked by this person.

But that's the case, she was also a little injured. She was hurt by this person, but it was not too fatal. It could also be said that it was just a rub, and nothing else happened.

"Looking for death! I will fulfill you right now!" Yue'er is already completely angry. For such a person, her idea is to kill directly, because such a person is here. Tou, there won't be any sayings, and it can even be said that even if other things happen, she must first kill this person.

"Looking for death? It's not always certain who is looking for death. Just a few of you, who want to kill me, are really idiotic!" This person sneered, and then only saw his breath suddenly rise at this moment. You can say something. The son has risen to a very serious point. If it can be compared, then this person can be compared to a sun, and the three daughters are just a little star!

Seeing this situation, the three women were completely shocked. They had never thought that this stone tribe was so cunning. At this moment, it is obvious that they are going to be trapped, because there was Jiang Ning. Now, he didn't dare to make any trouble, but now Jiang Ning had already entered their clan land, so he wouldn't have any consideration for it.

Some people will have such a feeling at some point, that is, after the powerful people around you are gone, they will directly attack you, leaving you without any thoughts.

It can even be said that at this moment, if Jiangning is still there, then there will be a lot of things that can be done, but now Jiangning is not there, they have no way to do it, not only that, even if If Jiang Ning was on the court, this person would probably not have any changes.

This battle, with this person taking the lead, has already begun!

The strength of the three women is not so strong. When encountering this person, they can only resist tenaciously. After all, at this time, if there is no accident, the three women will definitely be defeated. Now, this is a fixed matter, because except for Yue'er, the other two women are only average in strength, and it can even be said that there is no resistance at all when encountering this powerful person.

At the beginning, they thought that this person was just a fake tiger, but now they really discovered that even if this person is fake, they are not comparable to them. It can even be said that they are separated by 100,000. It's the same as eight thousand miles, this is definitely there.

A battle made the three women more recognized for their strength. Although they all wanted to decide to kill this person, but despite the problem of strength, they could not kill quickly. With this person, it can even be said that even if they have that heart, they don't have that strength.

After a short while, the three women were completely suppressed, but it was obviously difficult for the stone tribe to kill the three women, because Yue'er's strength was there, not only In this way, apart from Yue'er, Feng Ying and Liu Mei's strengths are also average. Although these two women are not very good, they are still extremely difficult to attack if they are protected.

A team’s cohesion is already manifested at this time. They can't beat the opponent, but at this moment, they can definitely decide for themselves. Only in this way can there be other things. After doing it, unlike some ordinary trivial things, there will be no other ways to do it.

"You can't beat me. If you don't want to die so miserably, then immediately lay down your weapons and surrender. Otherwise, you can only stay here for the rest of your life!" This stone clan said coldly , Regarding the three women constantly using the above tactics in their minds, and here, this person also has nothing to say about Jiang Ning.

At this point in time, Jiang Ning has no news. If the guess is good, perhaps he has already encountered hostility. After all, the signs that Jiang Ning entered the house just now cannot be released at any time. This is except for some of the more sophisticated institutions, where such problems arise.

But no matter what, they all know that Jiangning is already in danger, so at this moment, they absolutely don’t want Jiangning to worry about them anymore. Although Jiangning doesn’t know that they are suffering from harm now, but They already knew incomparably that no matter what they were, they wouldn't let anything happen to them.

"Hold it, even if the battle is not won, we will have to hold it!" At this time, Yue'er finally figured it out, because if you want to prevent Jiang Ning from worrying, then you have to hold it back and don't let this person return to the base Inside, if you go back to the base, it is equivalent to breaking away from their hands.

At that time, as long as this person spreads the rumors again, then maybe Jiang Ning will believe that this matter is true. As long as there is a fluctuation in Jiang Ning's psychological activities, they will have the opportunity to take action against Jiang Ning. It is what they don't want to see. It can even be said that even if something big happens, they don't want Jiang Ning to worry about them.

In normal times, they have already received a lot of care from Jiang Ning. If Jiang Ning is still worried at this time, then the gain will not be worth the loss. Because in the battle with others, if a person has other concerns, it will be distracted, so Yue'er already understands this, even if the battle is not victorious, don't let this person Go back to the clan field.

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