The people of the Berserkers are cruel, but under Jiang Ning’s ability, they have no way to do it. After all, Jiang Ning’s strength cannot be stopped by other people, and there is still a month left here. Er can deal with these violent people, and they have no other way.

If Jiangning didn’t show great strength here, perhaps these violent races would be desperate to kill them, but after Jiangning showed great strength, they had no idea. After all, Jiangning’s strength lies there. Even if they want to do more, it is obviously impossible. At this stage, if Jiangning is offended again, perhaps their violent race will face disaster. Got up.

In this world, if you encounter a powerful person like Jiangning, then things will happen. If a powerful person gets angry, it will be catastrophic to other people or the entire race. This point is self-evident, and it can even be said that even if the people they meet are not strong, as long as they fight, they can do all these things well.

Everyone knows this very well.

"You go first!" Jiang Ning could not help but say to the two women when he saw that these violent people were staring at Feng Ying and Liu Mei.

The strength of these two people is just so-so. If they are targeted, it will be completely difficult. Just now, they were already held hostage. It's just that Jiangning's strength is there, and so are they. There is no way, if you change to another person, maybe there is already a problem.

After all, if a person is held hostage, he cannot be saved without strong strength. This is extremely normal, and here, even if Jiang Ning does not use his own strong power, it may happen. There is a problem, and there is no doubt about it.

"We're not going, we want to fight with you!" Feng Ying also showed her courage at this time. She didn't think she was a coward, so she wanted to fight side by side with Jiang Ning, trying to fight. Breaking through herself, otherwise, she can only be where she is today in her life.

If you want to make continuous breakthroughs like Yue'er, it is obvious that there is no way to do it. It can even be said that if they don't continue to walk in danger in their entire life, they will be unable to continue.

If a person wants to transform, then he can only show his own abilities, and every time he shows it, he is in danger, praying to release any of his potential. In this way, There can be many opportunities, otherwise it would be impossible if it was just like usual.

"Do you know that it has become the target of others now? If others hold you back again, we have no way to do it!" After Jiang Ning heard the words of these two women, the whole person was Depressed, he originally wanted these two women to leave quickly, and then he could quickly display his abilities, and then quickly eliminate the people in the field.

But these two women may be ignorant, or maybe they didn't understand Jiang Ning's words, and they just stood in the field and fought with these violent people. This is something Jiang Ning is extremely depressed.

If it were changed to another occasion, Jiang Ning would definitely not pay attention to these things, but now these violent people, every one of them is obviously already violent, and in this, if there is a protoss coming out, then Jiang Ning was unable to take care of these two women.

If two women are held hostage, they will be in great danger. After all, Jiang Ning only has one pair of hands, not three heads and six arms. It is obviously impossible to take care of everyone. , This is Jiang Ning's very clear truth.

It can even be said that if someone is kidnapped, there will be a great danger, and other things may happen by then. These Jiang Nings are all in the eyes.

"Little girl, I didn't expect you to be so bold. At this moment, you all want to fight with us! We admit that Jiang Ning's strength is good, but your words are obviously much worse!" After people said this, a sneer appeared on his face.

For these two women, the Berserkers are extremely easy to deal with, and here, as long as other things happen, then these two women can become their own handles, even though they They are all already defeated now, but if they have a chance, they can also stand up and become the masters. This is beyond doubt.

"Look at the move!" Feng Ying was already ignoring anything at this time. Compared with this point, they hoped that they could transform and become the same person as Yue'er. They will become a burden to Jiangning, so at this moment, even though they have become the handle, or if there is an accident, they will lose their lives, but they are also extremely willing and they don’t want to be The burden of a lifetime.

Once you have this thought, you must realize your own ideas, and then continue to undergo transformations to make yourself more powerful and changeable. Almost everyone wants to embark on this path. , There will definitely not be any other shortcuts.

Speaking of shortcuts, it might be better to take another road, but they don’t have any help. Unlike Yue’er in the Yue clan, someone helps. This is what they have never done. I haven't, so I have to rely on myself for all of this. If I can't do it anymore, then my whole life can only stop now.

"Although you say it is amazing, it is obviously impossible to put us to death!" Liu Mei understood Fengying's thoughts at this time, and then directly attacked these violent people. , Every move that falls, is to use all his abilities.

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