Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1713: Tough state

This point, the people of these violent races are also extremely aware, even they can know that it is here, if they continue, it will have no effect on them, because the people who fight in them have become Very powerful.

Jiang Ning could not help but nodded slightly. He could also see the changes in these two women. If this situation continues, then there will not be long time for this transformation. It must be here. In such a state, as long as there is an opportunity, then you can quickly enter the state of transformation.

At that time, let alone these few people in the field, even if there are a few more people, then it is not their opponents. After all, the transformation has been completed, and the strength must have been improved a lot. As for that At that time, perhaps the people of these violent races had already been killed, and Jiang Ning was still relatively accurate about this.

At this point, Fengying herself has no idea what she is doing. After all, at this time, she has already entered a state. If she can’t transform, then she will continue to fight, even That being said, even if these people were killed at the end, she would still not get out of this state.

Faced with this state, Jiang Ning is also a little worried. If he can't be transformed in the end, then he will be found, or Yue'er will be found, but Yue'er's current strength is still not It was not Fengying's opponent. After all, Yue'er had transformed several times in the past, but her transformation has not been completed so quickly now.

And if you find him, maybe it’s okay, but if his strength is a little bit uncontrollable, then it will cause damage to Fengying. This is something he doesn’t want to see, and although he doesn’t want to. Attack Feng Ying, but if she can't give her any critical state, then it won't prompt her to transform.

At this moment, Feng Ying has reached an extremely powerful state. The few people in the field are not her opponents at all. After these people fully understand, they are already fighting and retreating. After all, They are also here alone who don’t want to die, and this place is still a small distance from their city. If they can go back and return to their city, then it will be a good thing. .

There was no accident. Those who wanted to leave were unable to leave at this time, because Feng Ying had completely suppressed them at this time. It can even be said that at this time, if they If there is a chance to leave, Feng Ying will definitely chase up, there is nothing to say.

On the other side, Yue'er is also in a rapid battle. She has entered a state now. There are only two enemies in front of her. The rest of the people have been ignored. Although it is said to have entered a state, With the strength of Yue'er at present, if she wants to transform herself, it will take a while, after all, she has already reached a very powerful state.

If you want to continue to transform, then you need to find someone like Jiang Ning, and only someone like Jiang Ning can transform yourself.

"It should be almost the same. After Fengying's transformation this time, perhaps his strength is much stronger than Yue'er!" Jiang Ning murmured from the side. After all, they are a small team. If Fengying can be transformed, Then, the improvement of the strength of the entire team is great, and in this, if you encounter other people in the future, you can also fight it. After all, Fengying's improvement of strength at this time is for any future. Everything is guaranteed.

There is no accident. Feng Ying is in her strongest state now. Those violent people at first wanted Feng Ying to catch Feng Ying alive. After all, if she is such a beautiful girl, If caught alive, then they are willing to play with it, but at the moment, they have no idea.

Now their thinking is how they want to escape. After all, if they are in it, they also understand very well. If they are careless, there will be problems immediately. It is even undeniable that in this, the wind Ying's strength is too strong than them.

In the past, after the people of the Berserker race became violent, it can be said to be the number one in the world. As long as a few people are together, other people can't help them come. But at this time, they have already I was worried, worried that I would die in Fengying's hands.

During the battle, Fengying showed strong combat power, and then directly crippled one of them. The howling sound spread throughout the place, but it did not reach the Berserker city. After all, Jiang Ning, who was on the side, had already made any preparations. He closed this space with his own power and prevented any sound from here.

Otherwise, when a group of violent people come out, their plan will be blocked. What they need to do now is to do these things without knowing it, and in No one is allowed to know about it.

"It should be indistinguishable!" When Jiang Ning said this, he only saw Feng Ying defeating the other person again, but this one did not do any harm, after all, he was very witty to let Feng Ying It was defeated, after all, Feng Ying had entered a certain state.

"Next time, it shouldn't be long..." Jiang Ning constantly estimated from the side that after every word of his fell, one person in the field would be injured by Feng Ying, or even completely. It was defeated, because with Jiang Ning's strength, it was completely visible.

If you change to someone else, you might not have the ability to see through all of this. After all, a person without strength can't see the strength and weakness in it, and can't distinguish certain things.

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