Everyone, when they reach a certain level of savings, as long as they quickly gather their own strength, then they can reach a very strong point, even here, as long as there is a situation, then They can all be handled quickly. This is something that everyone understands.

People of the spirit race are almost like this. In normal times, although they don't have much strength, they are all in the process of cultivating. And they just give feedback from the ten years of having a spirit tree one day, and then directly It is to break through one's own realm. Everyone understands this point.

Almost all the people in the spirit race understand this, so they don’t mind the temporary weakness, because the temporary weakness is not enough to bring them down, just like the last poisoning incident. If there is no Jiangning, They will also use the spirit tree for ten years to give feedback, and then they will directly uncover the poisoning. At that time, their strength will also be improved.

It’s just that the ten-year feedback from the spirit tree used at the time, although it can improve strength, it does not improve as fast as in the current situation. After all, there is this toxin factor, so they are here. After delaying, they finally saw the light one time later, and they directly made their own strength break through. This point was understood by others.

"Then your current spirit tree is still useful?" Jiang Ning is most concerned about this question, because sometimes, if the spirit tree is still there, if it is still useful, then it will be able to resurrect a race, this one. Although there is no such exaggeration as the people of the Protoss, the truth is the same. After all, the spirit tree can make a race stronger, and then it can withstand the attacks of other races.

At that time, perhaps it was another reason for the resurrection, so Jiang Ning was still more concerned about this thing. After all, this kind of heavenly material and earth treasure, if it can be recycled, then it is extremely huge for a race. of.

Liu Mei smiled, without any worry on his face, and said directly: "This is nothing, our spirit tree is a treasure of heaven and earth, even if there is no saying this time, the next time If it is, it can still be used, but after ten years, maybe even longer, after all, aura is a little scarce now!"

"That's okay. After all, this kind of thing is unavoidable. If it is possible, it will be a huge good thing for your race!" Jiang Ning couldn't help but smile on his face. , Because he also wanted to cultivate under the spirit tree, of course, if he could, it would destroy the spirit tree.

This is only his idea, and it cannot become a reality. He can never leave the entire Spirit Race in a state of decline because of his own selfishness. Everyone will do this, not to mention Jiang Ning thought from the beginning. The spirit race can protect themselves.

There was no surprise. After talking for a while, everyone continued to move forward, because they didn’t know where the spirit race would reappear now. If it had already disturbed some other races, then It will be completely depressed, after all, no one here understands the selfishness of the Protoss better than Jiang Ning.

This kind of race, if they don’t give him a major blow, they would not understand how powerful Jiang Ning and others are, and they would also not let it go, just like the berserkers, they would not give him a blow. If this great ancestor said, then he wouldn't let it go.

But given this blow, he also won't stop, after all, there is a great ancestor supporting him, and they can do anything.

But fortunately, Jiang Ning had already defeated this great ancestor on the previous occasion. Although he was not defeated head-on, he was also given a warning, so he didn't dare to do too much. After all, Jiang Ning was always there. It is self-evident that their race may be wiped out.

"This time, if I meet the high priest of the Protoss, I must be able to stop him from coming!" Liu Mei said as he walked. She was really scared of this high priest, but this was only the previous one. Things, now, she won't have any fear at all.

You know your own strength, and you know who you can fight and who you can’t fight.

Therefore, no matter who you are, after determining your own strength, then there will be a great change. This time Liu Mei also has a lot of self-confidence, and he is directly trying to beat the gods. High priest, this also surprised Jiang Ning.

However, as they were moving forward, passing by a village, Jiang Ning and the others encountered a round-up. They only saw a dozen villagers who walked out shirtlessly with a stick.

Everyone has a very fierce expression on their faces, like if they don’t get together, then it will be a situation where they will fight, and the strength of these people is also good. Speaking of their strength, it might be exactly the same strength as the previous Spirit Race people. Among the mortals, they are extremely good strength.

"What do you want to do? Invade our village?" At this moment, a middle-aged man in front of him said coldly.

"Nothing, just passing by!" Jiang Ning didn't know why these people resented passers-by, but he knew that there must be some tricks in it, otherwise, these people would never be like this. And now it seems that these people are just ordinary people. Perhaps they blocked Jiang Ning and others for a certain purpose.

If you talk about other people, maybe they won’t stop Jiang Ning and others at all. After all, the Protoss, the Berserkers, and other races, they all know Jiang Ning’s strength very well, even if it is Feng Ying and Liu Mei and others are also powerful, and they dare not stop at all, but now the people in these villages dare to stop Jiang Ning and others from coming. This is something Jiang Ning and others are extremely depressed. Coming.

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