Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 1800: go away

Liu Furong couldn’t help getting angry when she saw that she couldn’t get to Jiangning any more. However, she also had no choice but to continue fighting. She had to use her own battle to completely overwhelm Jiangning. That is the kingly way. Otherwise, it will be impossible to win the battle.

However, just when she was about to release her own attack, Jiang Ning's breath suddenly became stronger, and she was directly elevated to the same level as hers. Not only that, but Jiang Ning's violent breath was also suppressed. Come, it made her a little hard to breathe.

Needless to say, everyone around them shuddered. They had never seen such a powerful person before. Although this person is not a member of his own clan, The strength is also extremely strong, they are all thinking about what kind of state the scene will be if Liu Furong loses.

Not only that, some people secretly escaped after thinking of this consequence, because they knew very well that the hatred between Jiangning and the Berserkers was coming. If Liu Furong lost the game, then it would be Those who have been annihilated will not run away at this time. When will they wait?

"Flee! If Liu Furong loses, then he will be completely killed!" After I don't know who screamed, everyone was moved and everyone walked away. He ran away quickly, and even some people kept scaring others at this time.

Although it was said that there was a powerful ancestor and powerful Liu Furong among them, after seeing the situation in the field, they did not have any words in their hearts, because at this time, everyone was thinking Will there be any danger if I wait for a while? All people already regard their lives as a very important situation.

Originally, many people were unwilling to say that the Berserkers wanted to unify the Central Plains. Although they said this, it didn’t mean anything, but it also represented their will. Now, but Gao Zu and Liu Furong both wanted to achieve this. It was already against the will of many races, so at this time, this problem will arise.

After Gao Zu saw this scene, his expression became cold. He was extremely depressed about the departure of his tribe. He had never thought of this, and he had never even known what would happen in his tribe. With such a stranger coming, his complexion became extremely pale, but at this time, he also had nothing to do.

"If anyone dares to leave, I will definitely kill him!" At this time, Gao Zu had no other way. He directly said to people of his own race. In his eyes, people of some races are just his. It's just a step by step pawn. When this **** is of no importance, he will never pay attention to it.

"You can try, but I tell you, don’t try to escape, because Liu Furong can completely win the battle. Don’t give me the chance to seize it. If I seize it, then you All will be punished!" After Gao Zu said this, his face was already extremely green.

From leading the Berserkers to now, he has encountered this for the first time. Obviously he has no words to say, because his strength has already restricted his own character. If he is like If Jiang Ning is the same, then it will be extremely easy to do other things, but he is not like Jiang Ning, so at this time, he also has no way to do it.

It can even be said that if he is compared with Jiang Ning, it is still half of the comparison. After all, Jiang Ning still has no accidents at this time and can stop many people.

"Gao Zu, you can't even watch your own people. What qualifications do you have to rule the Central Plains?" Jiang Ning smiled on his face when he saw Gao Zu's situation at this time, although he had expected it early in the morning. This incident, but now that he saw it, he was still extremely happy. After all, this incident represented the end of the Berserker Race.

If each race cannot advance and retreat together, then this race is already finished. There is nothing to say. It can even be said that as long as it is a race that is not united, things will happen in the end. Yes, this is not the same as their small team, because there are a lot of miscellaneous fish in the race.

Especially for races like the Berserkers, there is no saying at all. After all people have violated the will of the great ancestors, there will be no sayings. The big deal will be hidden in the future, so they too There will be no fear.

"You are looking for death!" Gao Zu did not speak, but Liu Furong had already spoken, and then only saw her attack directly attack Jiang Ning, and every attack was forcibly attacked Jiang Ning. , Even let the world have changed color.

After Jiang Ning saw these attacks, the coldness on his face was already revealed. He didn't expect to be so vicious. Ordinary people, even if they showed their strength, would not With such a strong strength, after all, if the opponent's strength is too strong, then it is equivalent to rebounding to oneself.

But he didn’t have any fear, because at this time, he absolutely wouldn’t be afraid of anyone. Not only his own strength, but it’s useless to have a God-Slaying Pot on him, even if it is. If you lose to others in the end, you can use this one.

When the time comes, I can run away, maybe I can kill another person, because in his eyes, although Liu Furong's strength is tough, there is no stability, so I have to fight her. Come, obviously is a relatively easy thing to come.

As for Gao Zu’s words, it’s even easier. There will definitely be no sayings, so you can fight him, because in this respect, Jiang Ning will definitely have his own advantage. This is definitely not. There will be any problems.

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