Feng Ying also frowned and looked at Jiang Ning. When her strength hadn't changed before, she was extremely weak and didn't want to know these things, but the subsequent transformation already gave her the strength of her whole person. She has improved, and she has a little interest in high-level people.

But he never thought that someone would be stronger than Jiang Ning's strength. This is something they never thought of. After all, whether it is the high priest of the Protoss or the high ancestor of the violent race, it is impossible to do it. Jiang Ning came here, but he didn't expect a master to suddenly appear now.

When Jiang Ning was asked about this, his face also showed a dignified look, and his mind recalled the situation of the previous battle. The battle at that time can be said to be really worrying. If this one If Liu Furong is familiar with his abilities, then Jiang Ning is really in difficulty. Maybe he can leave, that is still one thing. After all, Liu Furong at the time can only be regarded as half of his strength, the other half, or Can't adapt.

Moreover, she mainly did not join forces with Gao Zu. If she joined forces with Gao Zu, then there will be a big problem. After all, Gao Zu's strength can be said to be extremely powerful.

"It's okay. Although this person's strength is tough, she can't treat me well within half a year. After all, her strength still needs to be familiarized!" Jiang Ning said this, his mouth couldn't help but sneered. He did suffer a loss once, but next time, such things won't happen.

After all, the next time Liu Furong’s own strength has been completely improved, then Jiang Ning’s strength will also be raised to a very high level. After all, with the help of the system, everything can be completed, even In this way, even if Jiang Ning does nothing, he can quickly increase his strength. There is absolutely nothing to say about this.

"It's okay. Next time we will deal with this person with you, even if something happens, at least we will be there!" Liu Mei has already decided at this time. If Jiang Ning goes out alone to meet the enemy next time , Then she also has to follow the past, after all, since this incident happened, she has faintly felt that there will be a **** storm coming.

Maybe this **** thing is a test for them, but for the entire Central Plains, it is even more a huge test. After all, at this moment, as long as nothing else happens, then this one The people of the Berserkers will be carrying out their plans, after all, their people are already strong.

There are two masters at the same time. These two masters can definitely surprise people. Not only that, these three spirit trees are also in their hands, if they can quickly cultivate these three spirits. As for the tree, everything goes without saying, they can definitely improve their strength quickly, and even the entire clan can quickly improve their strength.

There is nothing to say about this, and it can even be said that by then, in the land of the Central Plains and the land of the East China Sea, perhaps no race will be the opponent of this violent race. This is self-evident. of.

"Well, it's easy! Next time I will take you out!" Jiang Ning laughed at this moment. After all, he understands the strength of the three women, and it is the same as Liu Mei said, even if anything happens to him, then With these women, maybe doing other things at that time will be much better.

"By the way, what should we do now, the people of the Berserkers cannot be killed. What about the others? The Gods, that is already hidden, and we look at the protoss, it seems that they don’t want to be with the Berserkers. The fight is up!" Yue'er couldn't help asking at this time.

Although she hates the people of the Protoss extremely, this Protoss has already been hidden, and she has nothing to do. After all, if a race wants to hide, it is extremely easy, and even possible. That said, at that time, it will be impossible for some other people to find it.

"Let's take a look first, but I know that the Berserkers won't do anything for the time being. After all, that person's strength has not been fully improved. If you want them to do it, it will take a little bit of time!" Jiang Ning said This, the face could not help but a cold color appeared.

Don’t say anything, just talk about this violent race. He can stop them every minute. After all, when Liu Furong’s strength is still not adapted, then they will not make any moves. In the previous moment, the people of the Berserker race had already slackened and didn't listen to the words of the great ancestor at all.

After all, they are also afraid of being annihilated, so at this time, they still need to unite their military spirit. As long as this is the case, there will be more opportunities to happen, and then there will be other odds of winning.

If there is nothing to say, they really dare not use their strength to guide some other races to submit to them, because they can't do it at all without strength.

It was at this time that an elder of the Stone Clan rushed over, and when he came to Jiang Ning's side, he immediately said in horror: "No, there are people from the Donghai Clan who have come over, and they have already killed them. Many of our people are already dead!"

When this sentence fell, Jiang Ning and the others were shocked. They had never thought that they had just dealt with this violent clan. There was a Donghai clan. This Donghai clan, if Jiangning guessed If it’s not bad, then it should be surrendered to this violent race. After all, there are two masters of the violent race, and when they came to the East China Sea, they might have taken control of this East China Sea. .

This is self-evident, because if they want to unify the East China Sea, then this East China Sea tribe needs the support of the Berserker tribe.

At that time, if the East China Sea has unified the East China Sea, it will follow the Berserkers out of the Central Plains and take control of the Central Plains. By then, both races can control one side. By then, it will be completely There can be other situations.

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