"Hey! Really worried! This race, unexpectedly can't be found!" Yue'er couldn't help but sigh at this time. After all, this matter is extremely depressing for her. If she doesn't find it through this period of time. People of the Berserkers, perhaps her Moon Clan has already formed an elite team.

"It's okay! It's the same when I go back to the Yue Clan now!" Jiang Ning couldn't help laughing at this time. He knew exactly what Yue'er was worried about. After all, she had been away from the Yue Clan for so long, and there was no one among the Yue Clan. It will be extremely sad if someone has a strong strength if they encounter sanctions from other races.

Even when the time comes, it may not necessarily be annihilated, because Jiang Ning understands the habits of the people of the Yue clan, and will not pay attention to anyone at all. If he does something wrong, he just goes straight. When it came up, there was no talk at all. Although they were not very strong, they were extremely bloody.

This is why a woman in Yue'er can follow Qi Jiangning through the rivers and lakes. If she is replaced by another woman, she may not be able to do so, and there may not be such an attachment here! In everything before, every time the strength advances, it may be even more unlikely that such a thing will happen.

After getting Jiang Ning’s affirmation, Yue'er suddenly laughed. After all, she still has a place in Jiang Ning’s heart. It is not that Jiang Ning only has her own mission, but completely ignores them. A man who succeeds must be casual.

And all this can only be regarded as a small section, this is self-evident! Sometimes, a woman only needs a little comfort, then they can be happy all day, and now Yue'er is like this, she is blooming with her own smile again, how beautiful it is .

Just like a butterfly dancing gracefully, Liu Mei, Feng Ying and others laughed at this moment. After all, they are women, and they all understand the key to this very well. For other things, they might not have such a heart and soul, but as a woman, whether they can get the favor of a person depends on this situation.

"What are you laughing at?" Yue'er, who had regained her confidence again, couldn't help but glanced at Liu Mei and Feng Ying. After all, she hasn't gotten Jiang Ning's attention for a long time. She has always been a follower. , Suddenly it is getting attention, and it is a joy in my heart.

"We didn't laugh anything! You laughed first!" Liu Mei couldn't help saying to Yue'er at this time, but the expression on her face had already betrayed her original intention.

Several people, like children who want to get home quickly, talk and laugh along the way, and in the Central Plains, they are not afraid of anyone. After all, ordinary people will I recognized them as a group of four, and Jiang Ning also helped a lot of races, let alone any race to attack them.

Even people of some races, after seeing Jiang Ning and others, they strongly asked Jiang Ning and others to go in and play in their race. After all, like the strength of Jiang Ning and others, they can sit in their race. As soon as they sat, it was their blessing. If Jiang Ning accidentally gave something, or pointed it, it would be even more perfect.

But along the way, Jiang Ning refused these invitations. After all, he only wanted to return to the Moon Clan quickly. After all, if he returned to the Moon Clan, it would take some time to form this elite team. , It is impossible to form it all at once, which is self-evident.

It can even be said that when they will come out, that is not necessarily true, because in this, whether it is Liu Mei or Yue'er, they will pursue perfection. If they are against other races, they will be sloppy! But for the Last Moon Clan, that is sloppy, and we must carefully select and do this thing well, so that their Yue Clan will have no worries in the future.

Before long, the journey of a few people soon came to Wunan Mountain.

Returning to Wunan Mountain again, Jiang Ning's mood was a bit ups and downs. After all, his strength was only average when he came to Wunan Mountain for the first time. If he encountered a little danger during the journey, he would be Life-threatening.

That time, they just found Fengxincao, but when they came back, they saw that the Yue Clan had already undergone a major change. After that, they walked all the way towards Wunan Mountain. Jiang Ning, his own strength is still in a very sluggish state, facing some powerful people, it needs to use traps.

That is to say, his fate is good. Otherwise, he will be destroyed at that time. This is nothing to say. After all, at that time, each of the four of them had the strength It's extremely depressing to be so weak.

Later, their strength has increased. In this, they can also fight a lot of people. Since that situation occurred, Jiang Ning has already thought about it and must improve his strength. Because only when one's own strength rises, one can control one's own destiny, otherwise, the whole life will fall under the control of others.

For him, this is extremely unacceptable. It can even be said that, as long as there are no other things happening, his system can help him improve his strength, because here, Jiang Ning's system is also continuously providing him with strength, and even if he is in danger, then the system's capabilities can also be used by Jiang Ning.

With this system, Jiang Ning can naturally go through this stage safely. After all, the system's ability is powerful, so powerful that ordinary people can't fight it. So far, Jiang Ning has not thought about this one. What kind of thing the system is, I only know that this system is bound to my body.

When you are in danger, you will release some energy for yourself to use. If then, it will be helpful to him, which is extremely good.

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