Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 2033: Celebrate

So, this green wolf leader, that can't be let go!

The leader of the Blue Wolf who is already blind, his combat effectiveness has even plummeted. After all, with no vision at all, although he has a sense of smell, it is different from vision. So in the course of the fight with Jiangning, he was directly Jiang Ning killed Lei Ting, and the blood kept flowing on the ground.

After completing this kill, things in the field have already been announced. After all, some other monsters have disappeared, and if they are nearby, there are no monsters that are peeping again.

"It's that simple, killed the leader of the Blue Wolf?" Liu Mei walked over and asked in disbelief.

She had been watching it just now, and she didn't expect Jiang Ning's strength to be so powerful, and she directly killed this green wolf leader.

She also tried it, but if she wanted to kill the leader of this blue wolf, there would be no chance at all, and it was also impossible, but the impossible happened to Jiang Ning. It has become so easy.

For example, if a child climbs a mountain slope, sometimes it feels very difficult, no matter how to climb it by himself, but if an adult comes over, it will directly go up into that mountain slope.

Therefore, Liu Mei now only feels his own strength, only the strength of a child, while Jiang Ning's words are the strength of an adult, this is beyond doubt.

Jiang Ning smiled, patted the dust on his hands, and said, "How long do you want? How complicated do you want it?"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help turning his head, looking at Yue'er and Fengying on the side, and said: "You don't have to think too much, Liu Mei's strength has progressed. That is a good thing. We should celebrate her! And I can tell you, If it is the upgraded spirit tree that Liumei has cultivated, it will be extremely feasible!"

"By then, there may be a once-a-year feedback to improve their strength. Even after receiving feedback, their strength can be improved by a qualitative leap. This is what you need to know now. , So your task is to cooperate with Liu Mei to do things. As long as she unlocks this source, everything else is no longer a problem."

After Feng Ying and Yue'er heard this, smiles appeared on their faces.

In fact, in their opinion, Liu Mei is already strong, but if they still can’t become strong, there will be a little bump in their hearts, but in this case, as long as Liu Mei has successfully upgraded the spiritual tree If it is done well, it will be able to raise their strength to a very high level.

The two girls now understand this, so they don’t have any worries. After all, Liu Mei has a deep research on spirit trees. This research is something that Jiang Ning and they don’t understand. .

As long as Liu Mei is given a little bit of time, it may be possible to get it right. Then the strength of all their members will increase, and it will be better to explore in this place.

After this incident, they also realized the dangers in it. They simply encountered a small opportunity, which turned out to be so dangerous. If they encounter those opportunities that are against the sky, then How dangerous it would be, they didn't dare to guess at this point.

After all, there are things that can only be understood if you have experienced them. If you have not experienced them, you will never know how dangerous certain things are.

"Now let's take a rest on the spot, wait for my strength to fully recover, and then we will move forward again!" Jiang Ning groaned, and then said.

In order to help Liu Mei untie the strange poison on his body, he had already overdrawn his strength. Although he had just recovered a bit, it was nothing more than that. He could only get him to remove the monsters. It's just to be cleaned up. If you encounter the second wave again, it's still a bit difficult.

Moreover, in this place, every step is dangerous. If he does not recover his strength, once he encounters a danger, he will not be able to resist it. He understands this very well, so what At that time, it is all about keeping one's strength in a peak state. Only in the peak state, will there be a chance to directly get out of danger when encountering danger.

There was no accident. At this time, the three girls were also protecting Jiang Ning's law. After all, they also understood Jiang Ning's strength. It would take a while to get back to the peak state, so they were treated as such. A protector, as long as Jiang Ning's strength is perfect, when he encounters danger, then Jiang Ning can stand in front of him.

After experiencing the previous events, the three women understand that at this time, they are just a foil, and they cannot resist one party by themselves. When encountering things, they still need Jiang Ning to take action. After all, their strength seems to be incapable of getting on the stage.

But fortunately, whatever Jiang Ning encounters, it can be handled by himself.

While protecting the law, Liu Mei also took out the upgraded spirit tree he had just obtained. As soon as it was taken out, the aura was immediately overflowing in the field, exuding a very strong aura, which made people feel very comfortable, and in this, the human cells also followed and became active.

When Feng Ying and Yue'er noticed this situation, they both couldn't help but look at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

When they were in the Spirit Clan, they also felt the feedback from the Spirit Tree for ten years, but they were not as strong as they are now. It can be seen that if the feedback is really given, it will be so powerful. This is Jiang Ning. Unknown.

During this period, they did not bother Liu Mei, and gave Liu Mei a free time to study the spirit tree. As long as the research is thorough, they will be given a chance to improve.

As for Jiang Ning, he is constantly recovering at this time. Although it is said that he has not really recovered to his peak state, he is slowly recovering. Moreover, Jiang Ning's strength seems to be there too. There is no doubt that progress is coming.

In fact, Jiang Ning also understands his current state, which can be said to be a little better than before.

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