Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 2111: Night Race

The strength of a race is related to the lives of many people.

The spirit race with the feedback of the spirit tree, ordinary people don't want to provoke them. After all, the strength of the spirit race is good. Once it provokes the public enemy of the whole people, it will be finished.

But now there is actually a dark night clan popping out. This is something Jiang Ning has never thought of, and the strength of this dark night clan seems to be very big, which directly prevents the spirit clan from fighting back. Power, even while fleeing, still worry about whether the Dark Night Race will pursue it.

At night, it is their nightmare. Because the dark night tribe likes to sneak up in the night, this is the name. Not only that, their strength in the dark night will also be improved. Going to a very high level is a level that others cannot understand.

"Our Spirit Race, how many people are still left?" As soon as Liu Mei came over, Li Hua immediately started to rain. She had no idea that so many things happened during the period of her absence. She couldn't bear it at all. If she knew something like this would happen in the morning, she wouldn't go to the ruins with Jiang Ning.

"There should be another third! But for the others, we don't know where they have gone!" The leader said with a tragic smile and shook his head.

He has never thought of such a thing. He has always had his own idea, that is, he wants to take everything on his own body, but he has never been able to do such a thing, and There is still the Dark Night Clan coming out now, so he can't breathe.

"Actually, you can't blame yourself. If you stay, you will also be hunted down. They may even regard you as the first target because you are beautiful and beautiful..." Smiled, the words were full of helplessness, after all, here, he already knew the power of the dark night race.

If Liu Mei stayed at that time, it would have done nothing at all. It can even be said that it is not necessarily because of the loss of his life. Although Liu Mei has become stronger, he is a member of the Dark Night Race. , Is the same strong, otherwise they would not fall to this point.

Jiang Ning had already thought of this problem. He had never thought that there would be such a powerful race in the Central Plains. For a long time, he thought that he and others were already strong enough, but now A dark night clan that popped out made them feel a little breathless.

If it weren't for the early emergence of the land of death, maybe the Central Plains would become what kind of situation, I don't know yet, after all, the power of the Dark Night Race cannot be resisted by some other races.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning immediately asked again: "Apart from this dark night race, are there other races coming out? For example, the Protoss and the Berserker!"

The eldest brother of the Spirit Race could not help showing a bitter smile upon hearing this, and said: "These two races, if compared with the Dark Night Race, they are just a scum. If these two races treat us spiritually, If the clan takes action, we won’t have any fear, because after you leave, we have once again received feedback, and the quality of the entire team has been improved!"

"If my guess is correct, the strength of that dark night race is much stronger than the combined strength of the berserker race and the **** race. This is my most conservative estimate!"

When this word fell, Jiang Ning was stunned. He had never thought that there would be such a powerful race hidden in the dark, although he always knew that this land of the Central Plains would not be as on the surface. It was like that, but when it came into his sight, it was still extremely shocking.

Yue'er and Fengying were also shocked at this moment. They also didn't expect that the hidden races here were so powerful.

And now these races come out directly, what are they for? This is something that everyone can't figure out clearly, because if they haven't shown up after hiding for a long time, it must be for something big, but if they let them think about it, they can't think of one. It was something that made them extremely depressed.

But in any case, their goal now is to deal with this dark night clan first, otherwise, the spirit clan will be chased down again, and then they will be destroyed directly.

If a race is annihilated, then nothing exists. It can even be said that in the future, even in the dust of history, it will not be possible to find this race.

Yue'er was already a little worried about her Moon Clan now. After all, such a big thing had happened to the Spirit Clan. If nothing happened to the Yue Clan, it would be good.

Jiang Ning also saw the worries on Yue'er's face, and then said: "If you can still walk now, then let's leave this place first, let's see Yue Clan, if there is anything else!"

"Yue Clan? Needless to say, they are already on the run now. They were also hunted down by another hidden race. As for the purpose of hunting down the Moon Clan, we don't know! Now the whole Although it looks extremely calm in the Central Plains, the words secretly are extremely shocking, because all races have such things happening!"

When everyone heard the words, their complexions sank. They never thought that something like this would happen. For a long time, they didn't think the Central Plains would be so dangerous, but now it seems that Central Plains The place is much more dangerous than other places.

During the period when Jiang Ning was absent, so many things have happened in the Central Plains. All of these things are something that everyone in the field can't think of. It can even be said that there is no way at all. Knowing that something like this will happen here.

"Is it going to change?" Jiang Ning could not help showing a bitter smile when he thought of this. He knew that the transformation of the Central Plains might be just a gust of wind, but he didn't expect that so many forces would be involved.

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