If he had received the news earlier, perhaps such a thing would not have happened, after all, if he had appeared in the Central Plains, perhaps there would have been no such dark night race.

The Dark Night Clan, that is, the Earth Witch Clan, have been here since they knew that there was no great power in the Central Plains, or that there was no half-step great power to appear, they have already appeared here. According to them, this A place belonged to their territory, but they were brutally killed.

The resentment in their hearts, after a hundred years, still cannot fade away, so in this period of time, they attacked directly, not for others, just because they wanted revenge!

If you are alive, you are a hypocrite if you do not avenge your grievances, and the witches are not such people. They are extremely vicious, and they are also extremely powerful. Even if they can't beat them, they will still be against them. There is no doubt about it.

"What should I do if I think about it?" At this time, the young leader of the Bale came over and sat down beside Jiang Ning.

A round of bright moon shining in the sky, but the two people in the field are not in the mood to admire the moon. Their current mood is completely plundered by the Dark Night Race. If they can’t find any opportunities, then There will be big problems.

Jiang Ning shook his head with a look of helplessness, and said: "What can we think of now, the enemy is in the dark, and we are in the light! If they don't take action, we simply cannot know where they are. Where, even the land of the Central Plains is so big, if they use guerrilla warfare, we will have no way! At that time, the civilians will be injured!"

When the words fell, the two became silent immediately.

They are all cultivators. As cultivators, it is natural to preserve the general trend of the world and not to allow any civilians to be injured. This is the most fundamental point. Otherwise, since ancient times, the battle of cultivators would not It involves civilians, because everyone understands that innocent people should not be subjected to such crimes.

But sometimes, these things will happen, as long as the enemy's grievance is strong enough, then they will do everything.

"I think we should do something!" When the leader of the Bale said this, he couldn't help showing a resolute expression on his face.

The Dark Night Race had already received news early in the morning, but because of their lack of strength before, they chose to hide it, and then improve their strength.

Although they are among them, they also want to come out and do something, but their strength does not support them to do these things. They can only forbear and develop themselves hard, even if something happens outside, They will not go out.

But since Jiang Ning came over, they have already obtained a complete set of exercises, and under this premise, their overall strength will also directly soar, as if they were riding on a rocket.

Now the dark night tribe has appeared again, and it still appears around their Bale tribe, presumably the dark night tribe people also want to do something to them, they can't sit and wait for death again, if they are closed again, maybe all All of them are captured, they don’t know yet.

"I also think you should go out and do something! The strength of a race is that it becomes stronger in battle. If there is no battle, the race will not develop at all. There is no doubt about this!" Jiang Ning laughed I laughed, and directly said what I was thinking in my heart.

Indeed, what Jiang Ning said is also good. After all, no matter what happens here, there will always be people in the front who will carry it. However, if all the people from the Central Plains appear, they have already become the dark night. After the clan’s captives, even if their Bale clan has grown to be very powerful, it is still powerless.

Therefore, they must go out!

After discussing it, Jiang Ning and others wanted to take advantage of the time of tomorrow and night to go directly to the most active place of the Dark Night Race to find this race. Only by finding this race, might they be able to stop them. It is very good to do these things!

"I think it's time to do this too!"

After the discussion, Jiang Ning stopped paying attention to this Bale person, and went directly into his temporary room to rest.

Although the cultivator did not need to rest or eat, Jiang Ning, who was a human for two lifetimes, felt too sleepy, and he had no choice but to rest.

It’s okay if you can’t find anyone from the Night Race. The key is that they must have this heart. If they don’t even have this heart, then it goes without saying that they will be swallowed up by the Night Race. , Jiang Ning is quite clear about this.

Everyone eats and rests at this time, and the three women are no exception.

However, the Bale people did not rest, because they were investigating the surrounding situation overnight, and even if something happened, they could find out for the first time, after all, they were different from Jiang Ning and the others.

Jiang Ning and others are just a small team, and the strength of Jiang Ning and others is still so strong, even if there is a real danger, they can still handle it, but for the Bale people, once there is danger, it will come over. If so, then there is really no way.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult for the Bale to multiply. Because of their physique, one less person is really one less person. There is nothing to say about this.

Although Jiang Ning said that he was going to rest, in the middle of the night, Jiang Ning also came out to a square of the Bale tribe alone, sitting alone without saying anything.

"What are you thinking about?" At this moment, Liu Mei's voice rang behind Jiang Ning.

Liu Mei, also in the same situation as Jiang Ning, couldn't sleep. Although she wanted to sleep, she couldn't sleep. This made her more depressed.

"I didn’t think about anything, I was just a little worried about the Central Plains! After all, now the Dark Night Race and the other three races have already come out to do evil, if they unite, then we will have nothing to do. !" Jiang Ning couldn't help showing worry when he said this. This was indeed what he worried about.

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