Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 2158: Guard against

"That's right! It's the race that uses the power of cursing. If you are controlled, then you will be dominated by people of this race. By then, you may even connect with your own people. They were all killed!" Jiang Ning directly said the worst result.

After all, for these things, everyone will be afraid, especially the situation of cannibalism, which is even more sad. Since ancient times, no one wants to face these things. , Even some people who are vying for power do not want to face it.

People of the Xibo race were all shocked after hearing this.

After all, they are a closed race, and they don't know anything about the outside world. At this moment, they are also the first time they heard such a thing, and they felt very scary.

After all, it has always been self-sufficient. If these problems occur, they will be frightened.

Xibo was also stunned.

"I know a little bit about this witch clan, but no matter what, I won't let this happen. Since you have already said this, then I will be with you! As for the race People, there are no masters, and this place is not accessible to everyone. There should be no danger in the wasteland!" After thinking about it for a while, Xibo immediately decided.

People of the Xibo race were all stunned when their boss said this.

However, at this time, they all showed a strong desire to go out with Xibo. However, these people's eyes were cast coldly by Xibo, and then they did not dare to look at Xibo again.

When Jiang Ning saw this scene, his face couldn't help but smile. Although the strength of this Xibo is not very strong, it is much stronger than the three women. Once it is targeted by the people of the witch clan, it is still It would be extremely dangerous, after all, in this, the Earth Witch clan lacked masters.

Moreover, if the guess is good, they are already looking for a master now. Once they find a master who is useful to them, then they will not have any hesitation and will directly control it.

However, Jiang Ning didn’t know that the reason Xibo agreed so readily was because the predecessors of Xibo had done harm to the witches of the Earth. After all, a hundred years ago, that involved all the masters. , Xibo’s predecessors are no exception, they also need to go forward to support.

At that time, after his predecessors went to support him, he did not come back again, and completely died on the battlefield. Not only that, but also his own people who were framed by the people of the witch clan. When he got up, he hid and escaped, otherwise there wouldn't be such a Xibo race now.

So, now that he heard about the Wu Clan, he didn't hesitate, and directly stated that he would follow Jiang Ning.

This is regarded as a revenge, and it is also a safety preparation for the people of your own race. If you don’t participate in it, then there may really be the same situation as Jiang Ning said. By then, it will be completely He got it done.

"So now, let's go?" Jiang Ning asked Xibo for advice.

Xibo looked at the clan members in the field, and then said to Jiang Ning: "Can you give me one night? I want to party with the clan members one more time...because I am not sure if I will come back next time. ."

Jiang Ning couldn't help feeling depressed when he heard this. This has not been out, it is already a matter of calculation, and it is still the kind of unlucky thing.

But he also understood that this was indeed real, after all, facing the Wu Clan in this place, no one would have the determination.

"Yeah! Yes! Let's have a carnival together!" Jiang Ning nodded and allowed it down.

After hearing the words, the three women laughed immediately.

For them, although it is very important to find their own people, but they have not found it all the time. A heart is always tight. That is hard work. Sometimes, they need to relax. It is also a very good choice.

There were no surprises. Everyone was ready at this time. Everyone at this time was serving Jiang Ning as a guest. Although he was not familiar with Jiang Ning before, after talking for a while, They are already very familiar with each other. Not only that, but also a lot of people, all surrounded by Jiang Ning, listening to Jiang Ning talking about things outside.

As for the girls, they were surrounded by the three women, listening to the stories outside.

At this time, the three girls are constantly irrigating the little girls with outside knowledge, and at the same time they are also showing their own skills, teaching them to cultivate hard, and strive to protect themselves.

On this carnival night, the entire Xibo race was extremely happy, and Jiang Ning and others were also in the same situation.

In the tight life for so long, finally got a time to rest. Everyone relaxes their tight nerves.

This place is extremely remote, and everyone does not need to protect themselves for their own safety.

After a night of partying, it was necessary to return to a normal life. At first light, Jiang Ning and the third daughter were already up.

At the same time, Xibo joined Jiang Ning and others without the attention of the clan.

"Let's go! Perhaps as you said, whether you can come back after you go out this time is still a matter! Take a look!" Jiang Ning's words are a bit sad, but this is an indisputable fact, because no one There will be confidence that he will be able to come back alive after facing the witch family this time.

If there is such confidence, then it can be said that this individual's ability is very powerful.

But in fact, it was not. A hundred years ago, there were many people who were extremely powerful. For example, some powerful people were everywhere at that time, but they also had no way to survive.

It can be seen how powerful the strength of this Earth Witch clan is. It can even be said that the strength of the Earth Witch clan has already surpassed many races.

Even the previous Protoss cannot compare with the people of the Earth Witch Clan, because the people of the Earth Witch Clan can control a lot of masters, and the Protoss can only bring people back to life.

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