Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 2161: Sneak attack

Jiang Ning said that when he settled down in Jiwang Mountain, there was no one to stand for him. For these meaningless things, they still especially want to explore how powerful the Wu Clan is? There is a way that there is no comparison if there is no harm, maybe after exploring, I accidentally left!

"Jiang Ning, since this is the case, let's settle down here. Seeing that you should have a certain understanding of this place, you still need to help us solve any problems. After all, we are unfamiliar in life!"

Li Ming looked at Jiang Ning shamelessly. There shouldn't be anyone besides Li Ming who could say this. Many people are very taboo about Jiang Ning's strength. In some words, there is nothing to hide, and there is no meaning of heart-to-heart!

Simply at this time, when they came over, they still prepared things to live in. Otherwise, everything is the most embarrassing beginning. There is no need to wait for the people of the Wu Clan to come and strike, Jiang Ning should surrender themselves!

After preparing his place to live, Jiang Ning didn't say much to them, and walked directly into his tent. In order to be able to face the confrontation tomorrow with better strength, the most important thing for him now is to rest.

"What's the matter? It seems that from the first step in entering the tent, my heart is not very comfortable, did something happen?"

Seems weird? Why is it like this? Is there something forgotten? Jiang Ning has been restless, but there is no solution!


Suddenly, there was a black shadow passing by, but when Jiang Ning chased it, no one was there anymore. The three women who came out after hearing this and Li Ming were also unknown! Why is all the people out in the blink of an eye?

"Jiangning, did you find something?"

For the most powerful person in it, he really doesn't know who to ask? Now that the person he brought has begun to become unstable, he still doesn't know what to say! After all, these people are willing to follow them to deal with the Wu Clan!

"Nothing, it's just that I seemed to see a shadow just now, but when I came out there was no trace. You said it was not sent by the Wu Clan to detect the information?"

At this time, Jiang Ning didn't dare to say anything lightly. People passed in front of him again and again, but he didn't have the ability to find out if his ability had regressed? He couldn't help but doubt it!

"What are you talking about? The people of the Wu Clan have already begun to take action? What should we do now? Should the all-round counterattack still sit and wait?"

The people gathered from all over the world were shocked when they heard that the Wu people had begun to take action! Not everything is under their arrangement? But what is it now? Has the other party started to act? And there is no trace of chasing!

Jiang Ning didn't know what to say about this. Why did such a serious idea explode into a little thing? Could it be because they didn't have any intention to attack?

"I don't know what happened to this, but the only thing I need to do is to prepare myself as soon as possible, in order to prevent them from coming over at night! In addition, some insignificant people may come to detect the news. Existence doesn’t care much, and even if there is nothing more, they won’t be lifted up, so you can still stay here!"

"Jiang Ning, would you be too unrelenting in what you said? Even so, you don't have to say it so directly, right? The Wu Clan has experienced such a long time, there shouldn't be too many people! But now We have so many people? Will there be no chance of victory?"

Li Ming was particularly uncomfortable, not because of how unpleasant Jiang Ning's words were, or because he did not dare to admit everything now, so it was difficult to admit it!

"No matter what, we can’t act easily right now. We may be noticed by them the moment we came here, so it’s better for us to plan early. Moreover, we’ve come to this point. If we don’t handle it well , Maybe we are lying there! Besides, if you regret it, you can leave here by yourself!"

Jiang Ning looks more serious, and there is no feeling in what he says, but the fact is that, and they cannot tolerate their refutation. If the Wu Clan is really allowed to run rampant here, more people will lose their lives. Li Ming looked at the people who followed him, and couldn't help but wonder, is there no point in everything he did?

Jiang Ning looked at these people and didn't know what to say. Since they had nothing to decide, then what happened next had nothing to do with him!

"Well, since there is nothing to pay attention to now, you can leave now. In addition, you should pay more attention to what is happening in the place where you live. After all, I still need to be responsible for you here!"

After Jiang Ning said these words, he left and walked towards the place where he lived, leaving these people in an embarrassing situation looking at him! It's really not a simple question!

"What should I do now? Will something happen? Now it seems that I am really worried!"

Facing the threat of the territories, they really didn’t know how to deal with such a difficult problem. There was no big problem, but because of the appearance of a figure, he really didn’t know how to deal with the current problem better. !

"It doesn’t matter, whether it’s them or not, but now what we can do has been done. The only requirement now is to get enough rest as soon as possible, and to face tomorrow’s day or tonight’s. It’s more important to take a good rest. You can also pay more attention to your own things!"

Yue'er looked at Jiang Ning’s movements and these people who didn’t know what to say, and didn’t know what to say. After much deliberation or to say more realistic questions, they also need to do these seemingly impossible things, and then talk about failure. It is their lives that stay here, so it's better to give it a go!

But according to the current situation, these people really don't know the so-called, and obviously nothing has happened yet, but they are almost scared to death!

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