Thinking of everything he saw in a virtual place, even he had to feel confused. Don't those so-called virtual spaces exist at all? The present move is just showing something dispensable? Jiang Ning really didn't understand at the moment.

"So now there is something that is understandable. Besides, I can feel the breath of the mysterious person that night in the **** body. Could this **** be the mysterious person without breath? But it can't explain it? "

Jiang Ning suddenly came up with a method, although it seems that there is no trustworthy feeling, but it is because the current situation has nothing to deal with. Even what happened can be understood on your own basis.

"What do you think Jiang Ning is talking about? Why does the current situation look so tense? Could something have happened? But according to the current situation, the current things simply do not exist. There is no ability to do so. Explanation."

Of course, Li Ming is always observing Jiang Ning's every move, especially here, there is no sense, but the things that are said seem to be something that has happened, such a situation is already an incredible situation for them.

When Dahan heard what Li Ming said, they could no longer care about what happened now. After all, there were things that could not be done just because of one sentence or two of their own. It seemed even more exciting at this time.

"So what should I do now? I see that although there is no change in the current behavior, your experience should be regarded as a very exciting adventure. And you think that the Wu Clan may undergo faster changes, and you see Jiang Ning's eyes."

That's right, Jiang Ning's eyes now look completely red, and there is an idea of ​​wanting to die with them, but no matter what it is, no one can refuse Jiang Ning at this time.

"In addition, you can look at it. Although Jiang Ning seems to enjoy everything now, he is thinking of gradually observing everything now, as if he wants to deal with the current things, and then strive for the lead of this kind of Wu clan. right."

Li Ming can basically get everything he wants by watching their actions, and he has no reason to stop the current situation. In addition, it is not easy to deal with the current situation for himself.

He looked at the three daughters and Dahan as if they were still immersed in the virtual space just now. He had no reason to stop everything now, and he was also more complicated about his own existence, and he didn't know what to do.

He tried his best to make his current situation look better, and although his situation didn't feel very good, he also had something to deal with with his own situation, just to enjoy the war.

Looking at the group of snakes below, Li Ming had an idea that he wanted to deal with all the time, that is, to fix his current things as soon as possible at this time. As the saying goes, fight snakes and fight seven inches. Since there is no way to deal with it, just kill them all. Isn't it right? It was just a little test of the Wu Clan to them.

In addition, Jiang Ning now has some considerations, which is to cut his chain with a sword at this time. If he still has some gratitude, he can handle the current things without wasting his strength. However, the snake is a kind of cold thing, and it turns a blind eye to others. This scheme has no chance to drive.

But it seems that nothing can be dealt with as quickly as possible. What should be done, or better deal with it on the current basis. Jiang Ning slowly took out his sword. He wanted to deal with the current situation as soon as possible, but Jiang Ning was surprised to develop. The blood seemed to have no effect on the sound of the sword, and there was a look of yearning. What is going on?

Thinking of everything now, Jiang Ning felt a special surprise. He didn't expect that these things would happen at this time. Isn't this a solution to their current situation? And my mood seems to have changed because of this situation.

"In that case, at this time, I think it is a more suitable place. In addition, it is basically possible to determine what happened with every move now. After all, the existence of blood and recklessness may be related to the existence of the Wu people. it's the same."

Although I don’t know what happened, but at this time, it seems that it is because of the existence of blood that makes their breath undisturbed, and it is also because the blood makes everyone mistakenly believe that the Wu Clan is. A powerful place.

But every move now, he had to think about it carefully. At this moment, it seemed that there was no ability to deal with it, especially now. Their actions were meant to be done as quickly as possible.

"It seems that the Wu Clan is also illusory. If it's not because of their situation, they don’t seem to have the ability to deal with the current difficulties, but at least they have blood and those virtual spaces that don’t know what they are. Be protected."

Jiang Ning felt that they didn't care about the movement of the sword in his hand. It can be said that those people didn't care about his movement at all, but what kind of action was taken to make this blood reckless move? Jiang Ning did not intend to act rashly when he was not ready yet.

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