In fact, when they came over, someone knew what was going on here. The reason why they didn't say anything and wanted to observe what this person was thinking. Although at this time, I don’t know why. But the same is true for them.

"How long do you want to hide? Are you not going to go out? Can't you tell that you are still such a timid person? If you don't know you, what do you want to do now?"

Although the master didn't think that Jiang Ning had found two people at this time, he still had certain ideas to deal with them when it came to their experiences. But when the Lord looked at where Qingfeng was and wanted to talk about it, he found that Qingfeng was telling the two people not to say anything.

"Although you don’t understand what happened to you at this time, Jiang Ning, if you came here rashly, are you not afraid of what I will do to you? I didn’t expect you to act here one day, but will your actions look like Is it too different?"

I don't understand what to say, as if it was because of these things, but when I think of my previous situation, even if something special happens now, Jiang Ning will not act easily, but why is this voice so like Li Ming? It stands to reason that he has left now, right?

It seems that at this time, there are certain people who are not sure what happened, but even if these things happen at this time, there is no meaning to them. From their perspective, everything now is a joke, but now What was even more surprised was the Lord.

"Lord, who is this person? Why does it look like such an unreliable person? Do you want to verify it at this time? Did he come out of your place? Shouldn't it? Why does it feel so oozing? What about people? And my body is recovering so quickly?"

As a doctor, he clearly knows what those things will be for him, especially at this time, it seems that someone is violating everything that he shouldn't exist. But after I figured it out, I realized that there was nothing bad about it, just like it was originally.

"Looking at the basis of this matter, I still need to remind you that the person's every move just now. But not only didn't have the strength to solve it, but what can be said seems to be like their original situation. There is nothing in his body that is intact. Thing, are you sure that person is him?"

The Lord was also surprised at this. Don't say that Li Ming is not a good martial artist, even if there is someone better than him, and there is no physical defect, there is no certainty where he can come out. But now he has not only come out, but there seems to be no change in those voices.

Don't say that Jiang Ning himself didn't believe the Lord, they would let him go. Even if the Lord himself, he couldn't believe that the man came out. He wanted to die, but he remembered it in his heart.

"Li Ming, I knew it would be you, so what do I want to do now? I still advise you. If there are no accidents, it is best to leave as soon as possible. I don't have any leisure time waiting for you here, and if I want to Say what to say now."

Jiang Ning, who had no idea at all, would not know what happened to this person now. He just wanted to follow his own situation to deal with it. If something happens, it is not something Li Ming can handle. . Besides, his existence has no effect now.

"Although I don't understand what you are doing, there is one sentence that can tell you that at least here you have nothing to deal with with your own ability. If you want to deal with it as soon as possible, then you should think clearly as soon as possible. After all, you yourself Not a good thing."

Jiang Ning was originally very irritable, but when I remembered that Li Ming, the person who framed him, was talking coldly now, and Jiang Ning still didn't know where he was. This situation made him very speechless. At the same time, he didn't have any patience, just wanted to deal with it as soon as possible.

If you want to understand the current situation, you can deal with it more quickly, but there is no ability to do what happens. In the same way, I don't understand what happened. Even if my attitude has changed at this time, no one may understand it.

So at this moment, I don’t understand what happened. Even if their attitude seems more serious, no one can prove what happened.

What is going on with Li Ming? The people in the back can't answer everything now, like the reasons that didn't exist before, and even these things will make them particularly uncomfortable? Thinking of everything I have experienced, there is some unspeakable feeling.

"Although I don't understand what Li Ming wants to do, I should have some clarifying ideas at this time. It seems that in the current situation, Jiang Ning should be even more disgusted with the appearance of this person. You should be able to understand. Look at Jiang Ning's current attitude?"

Although I don't understand what happened, it looks like the current situation. It seems that because of these dispensable things, they feel particularly uncomfortable. Jiang Ning stopped moving without any movement, as if nothing happened now. There are just some things that I don’t understand at all.

"That said, it seems that after hearing that voice, he did not move at all, and the current situation is not the usual. I think if there is any accident, it may not be our action this time. Jiang Ning Although it seems to be very easy to talk, it shouldn't be merciful when it comes out."

As if there is no explanation for everything at present, it is more likely that their situation has changed. So even if something happens, it seems to them that there is no way to deal with it by themselves at this time. Jiang Ning seemed to care nothing about the people behind, but he couldn't tell the weirdness under his feet.

"Li Ming, since they gave you a way to survive? You shouldn’t come here without any thoughts at this time. You should know how we treat you. And the current situation is enough to let you know that it’s not a simple matter for you. It can be prevented, especially in this situation here."

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