When the Qingfeng came out, they looked at everything now, and they were also extremely confused. He really didn't understand what happened. Why did it suddenly change? It doesn't seem to be of any use, if it weren't because these situations seem too complicated, or they wouldn't come here at all.

"You can tell what you want to say, although you don't understand what happened at this time. And your existence is originally a special problem. Do you think you should explain it to me?"

Jiang Ning didn't say much, and the situation now looks like this, if there is anything bad to say. Maybe it would make his own existence more obscure, so this was a blow to him, but Jiang Ning didn't say much, he moved directly to the front, wanting to deal with everything as quickly as possible.

However, Lord, when they watched his movements, they still didn't understand why these things happened? Isn't it because some of you don't understand? In other words, the current situation seems to be a threat to them. I have to say that Jiang Ning's current actions don't even know what they should do.

"Come on, Lord, it seems that we should not be of any use right now, especially when you look at the people here, you should understand that something more inappropriate may happen here waiting for you, and Li Ming can actually start from that Going out of the place, it seems that the person still has some abilities, but I don’t know if he will continue to die."

Qing Feng didn't hesitate to say what he said. What you can hear is that at the moment he discovered Li Ming, maybe his mood was not beautiful. It's just because of some things that I haven't said much, but now listening to Li Ming's unshakable words, no matter who it is, I feel more or less unhappy now.

"There is no big problem either. Although I don’t understand what happened, but what I want is not what I am doing now. Although I didn’t understand what happened at the beginning, it was especially embarrassing to my situation. Extremely, but thinking that at this time, Li Ming's defeated general actually started to stare at me. Why am I so uncomfortable?"

The words without a trace of the breeze drew ridicule from several people, although they didn't understand what had happened. But now that Qingfeng has said these things, it means that their situation can basically be understood clearly. As for how to deal with it, their bosses have no idea yet, and it is even more difficult for them to say something.

"Jiang Ning, did you find something? Why didn't you say a word while looking at you? What do you think has happened to you?"

Although they don't understand how to deal with it, they really don't seem to be particularly friendly now. In addition, what they want to say is a troublesome start. But when did Jiang Ning start to deal with the current things so seriously? Shouldn't the clean things be handled early?

"It's still not very sure, but I just think the things here don't look very good. If something happens. We shouldn't have a chance to deal with it. I think if it is you, it should be understandable, at least in Li Ming's. I have smelled this before."

When Jiang Ning spoke, he ignored what happened later, and at this time, it seemed that the Lord and Qingfeng could not help him all the time, so Jiang Ning did not dwell on them too much.

But he didn't expect that when he said his plan, that person would be confused for a moment.

"Jiang Ning, what you said was smelling a familiar breath on Li Ming. Where did you smell it? Why have you never heard you say it?"

The Lord now has to say that he has fallen into Jiang Ning's trap. Don't look at Jiang Ning saying nothing, but he knows everything he thinks. And what is happening now may know better than they themselves.

Qingfeng heard what he said, and at this moment, he really didn’t know what to say. Besides, at that time, they were prepared to take those actions when they wanted him to die, but looking at the current situation, there should be nothing. It's easy to say, so for a while, he really didn't understand what to say more.

Thinking of everything he had done at the beginning, Jiang Ning was very embarrassed by their actions. He also thought that after Li Ming left with the two people, he would definitely die before he knew it. Fortunately, he still wanted to make his death easier at that time, but every time he thought that his life characteristics would be so powerful, there was nothing to do.

I don’t understand what happened. Jiang Ning calmly looked at the Lord, hoping that they could give him an explanation. At least at this time, he should deal with it properly. Otherwise, if something happens, it’s not his own situation. The situation of other people will be even more confused.

"Okay, any of you will come and talk about it?"

Looking at the current situation, he really didn't understand what to say. There was no problem at all, but now it seems that a bigger problem should have occurred.

"No one knows where he will come out. I have to say that the person following you has a little bit of ability. No one has ever come out of that place. He is a relatively special person. If you think it is our intention to release If he leaves, I don’t think I have anything to say."

Jiang Ning glanced at the master calmly. It was definitely not the reason for him. If he performed everything to the little servant, then his acting skills were really too strong, and no one could discover it. Especially at this time, their experience has no meaning at all.

"So they want to seek revenge from me? But they don't have any idea of ​​seeking revenge from you? Where did yours take him. Didn't even make him want revenge?"

Although I don't understand what was said, this is the truth. Li Ming's situation seems to be more complicated, but the two people who attacked him didn't even have any thoughts of revenge.

"Be careful!"

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