"You should be the one who died!" Jiang Ning said blankly.

Then he blasted a punch at the chest of the pseudo-pill master.

"Touch!" With a muffled sound, the pseudo-Pill master directly exploded a blood hole in his chest, and his body fell straight down.

"Asshole!" The faces of the remaining two masters turned pale. They thought it was a fat man, but unexpectedly, it became a life-death errand!

At this moment, they can't wait to tear that lively guy on the ground to pieces!

What did you say at the beginning? Deal with a guy who is not good at martial arts.

But now? I'm afraid this guy's realm is at least in the Golden Core Realm.

How could they be able to deal with a few false pills?

In an instant, retreat rose in their hearts almost at the same time.

The two looked at each other, and then they rushed to both sides.

Jiang Ning sneered, how could he give these two a chance to escape.

Pointing at one person, he popped a finger, condensing almost one-third of his true energy.

The man let out a scream before he rushed far, and his body fell straight to the ground.

If you observe closely, you can find that there is still a blood hole on the person's forehead.

After solving one, the other can't run.

Jiang Ning's gaze swept away, and he quickly locked on the pseudo-pill master who was escaping quickly. At the same time, his body violently rushed over like lightning.

The pseudo-pill master just heard the screams from a distance, and there was another feeling of sadness in his heart, and it was a blessing.

It seems that the demon is in trouble with another person, and I should be able to escape now!

But then, the pseudo-pill master noticed the whistling sound coming from behind, and when he looked back, he was almost scared to death.

Are you kidding me?

But seeing that Jiang Ning was hurriedly killing him, his eyes kept flashing with cold light.

"Let me go! I won't step into the Daming Kingdom from now on for half a step!" The pseudo-Pill master's speed was not reduced, but he shouted loudly.

He still doesn't want to die! At the very least, I don't want to just die in this place so aggrieved!

Jiang Ning couldn't help but laughed: "What I think is beautiful! What did you do when you came to kill me early?"

What is there to say? Want to run after installing b?

The pseudo-pill master's face was pale, and he shouted loudly, "I was also fooled by that guy!! The person who said that I was going to kill didn't have much strength at all, this bitch, I must kill him!"

"Kill him is left to me. You just have to die with peace of mind." Jiang Ning said with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw its speed soaring.

The next moment, he appeared beside the pseudo-Pill master, and smashed it with a fierce punch.

"Bump!" A heavy collision sounded, and then the pseudo-pill master screamed fiercely, and his body slammed into the ground.

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Ning's mouth, and his body suddenly rushed down, appearing on the ground in the blink of an eye.

The right palm slammed at the falling pseudo-pill master, and a palm shot out fiercely, hitting the pseudo-pill master severely.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the body of the pseudo-pill master was directly blown into a cloud of blood.

At this moment, almost everyone was dumbfounded.

The four masters of false pill, all destroyed!

This kind of record, even if it is the peak power of the Golden Core Realm, it is difficult to achieve it, right?

Now it was made by Jiang Ning who raised his hand?

At almost the same moment, all the soldiers retracted their previous thoughts.

It's better not to become one of those people, because they die too fast, too clean, and it's better to become Jiangning.

Even Wang Xiang couldn't help being stunned for Jiang Ning's victory.

I thought these pseudo-Pill masters could hold on for a while, but who would have thought that Jiang Ning was so powerful that they would be wiped out in the blink of an eye?

The battle between Jiangning and the four great masters of Pills was a long story, but in fact, it was only a stick of incense from beginning to end.

A stick of incense can solve four masters of pseudo-Pills. Such combat power is rare in the world!

At this time, the soldier of the Ministry of War was almost crying.

You said you, if you really have a Golden Core Realm master, send it out quickly! I'm scared! !

Seeing Jiang Ning flying towards him, but he didn't even have the strength to escape.

The feeling of watching death approaching eagerly is really uncomfortable.

"If you have any last words, just say it." Jiang Ning quietly looked at Wang Xiang and said softly.

But my mind is a little complicated.

This old guy, who has always been looked down upon by himself, did not expect to have such courage.

Not only seized the opportunity, but also invited so many masters.

I am afraid that the whole country will not be able to find a few of these talents.

Unfortunately, it can't be used by me.

Jiang Ning couldn't help but sigh in his heart, just at this moment.

Wang Xiang's laughter came over.

Wang Xiang looked at Jiang Ning and laughed: "I said, Your Majesty! Don't you think that the old man only has such a trick?"

As soon as Wang Xiang said this, Jiang Ning's face suddenly became cold: "What do you mean?"

He could hear from Wang Xiang's words, it seemed that he still had some cards he hadn't shown.

Sure enough, Wang Xiang smiled and clapped his hands: "Come out."

As soon as the voice fell, four figures came out from among the many soldiers.

"I have long admired the name of the emperor of the Daming Kingdom, and I finally saw it today. Fortunately!

One of them couldn't help laughing loudly.

The cold light flashed in Jiang Ning's eyes, but he ignored the person's greeting. Instead, he looked at Wang Xiang: "Four masters of the Golden Core Realm, is this your trump card?"

The corner of Wang Xiang's mouth twitched and nodded: "If you can beat them, the old man will naturally catch with his hands and kill his neck! However, if you can't win, this Daming Jiangshan, I am afraid that he will change the master!"

Hearing Wang Xiang's words, Jiang Ning couldn't help but laughed: "No matter if I can't win, this Daming Jiangshan will change the master!"

He enjoys the supreme glory of the emperor, and he also enjoys the glory and wealth that ordinary people can hardly match in their lives.

He has commanded thousands of troops and conquered cities. ,, ..

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