As for Lin Huang, he didn't know at all, how far the sacred cow would kill him at this time.

I don't even know that the martial arts he throws out indiscriminately did not cause any substantial harm to Shen Niu.

It's just because he is having fun playing right now!

Because he found that when he threw out his third martial arts school, the eyes of all the cultivators around her looked at her changed.

Worship eyes!

Suddenly, Lin Huang was as if he had been hit with chicken blood, and he had hit the present like a desperate fight.

"Take me one more...Huh?"

Lin Huang was about to hit another Fumo Fist, but suddenly he noticed something was wrong.

I felt it for a while, and my complexion suddenly changed, and I lost my internal strength!

"What's the matter?" At the same time, Chuan Ying, who was sitting quietly behind him and adjusting his breath, also opened his eyes and couldn't help asking.

Just now he saw that Lin Huang was on a fierce offensive, and the Yuanying Protoss who was fighting was unable to move forward at all.

This is the time to take care of your body.

But suddenly I heard no sound in my ear, wondering if Lin Huang was killed.

Then he opened his eyes and took a look.

Who knows that this look happened to meet Lin Huang's awkward expression.

"I...I ran out of anger..." Lin Huang said squabblingly, only feeling the darkness in front of him, and the feeling that the sky was falling.

It's over, it's dead this time!


Chuan Ying couldn't help rolling his eyes and scolded Lin Huang as an idiot in his heart.

If you don’t know anything about saving your true energy, if you squander it like that, I’m afraid that even a monk Yuan Ying won’t last long!

"Huh?" At the same time, the sacred cow above the sky also noticed something wrong.

"Haha, has the true energy run out?" When he looked down, he immediately noticed Lin Huang's abnormality at this time.

He immediately let out a big laugh, and then rushed towards Lin Huang like lightning.

Lin Huang uttered a shit, and almost turned around to run away.

"Go to hell!" How could Shen Niu allow Lin Huang to escape like this?

Later, when the sacred cow was about to chase swiftly, he violently waved his right arm and was about to smash it out.

In the next moment, the sacred cow appeared in front of Lin Huang, and at the same time, he threw a punch.

Lin Huang's face turned pale with fright, but fortunately, the combat experience is still there.

The body's instinct made him wave his right fist in response.

"Boom!" "Crack!"

The loud noise sounded almost at the same time as the sound of bone cracks, and then Lin Huang's body was smashed backwards like a cannonball, and the entire right arm was also strangely bent.

The scene is very cautious!

One punch smashed Lin Huang into a half-waste, and Shen Niu General only felt great in his heart at this time.

It seems that since living for thousands of years, there has never been an instant that made him so sour!

After all, the anger that was suppressed by the **** Lin Huang before was too much.

He has never tried that kind of taste in his entire life, so the resentment towards Lin Huang in his heart has naturally reached a peak!

And when this resentment was vented with a punch, the refreshing point naturally followed!

"Haha, go to hell!" How could the sacred cow who was in such a happy mood let Lin Huang go?

But seeing him let out a big laugh, he wanted to chase after him.

However, Chuanying did not allow it.

No matter what Lin Huang said just now, he protected him for a while.

How could he verify that he really watched Lin Huang being killed by the God Bull?

Therefore, Lin Huang's right palm slammed on the ground.

Then the body leaped into the air by the reaction force, and fell firmly on the ground in the next moment.

At almost the same moment, his right foot slammed to the ground.

The body was ejected violently as if it had been spring loaded.

At the same time, he shook his right fist and smashed it to the side of the **** cow.

The sacred cow will naturally notice the attack of Chuanying.

But there was no panic.

If that Chuanying held a sharp weapon, or used martial arts.

He might be a little jealous.

After all, human martial arts cannot be underestimated.

However, Chuan Ying actually tried to shake him with a physical body at this time, he naturally wouldn't be afraid.

Even to say, dodge does not need to dodge.

He didn't pay attention to himself at all.

How can Chuanying fail to see this?

For a moment, he just felt that he was going to explode?

underestimate me? it is good! Then I will make you look good!

The furious Chuan Ying roared fiercely: "Go to hell!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chuanying's body appeared beside the sacred cow general, and at the same time he slammed his fist into his lower abdomen.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, Chuanying's fist was still tightly attached to the body of the **** cow general.

But the expression of the sacred cow general did not change at all.

"Hey, kid, do you want to fight our protoss with a physical body? You are too naive, right?" The sacred cow smiled strangely and looked at Chuan Ying with a dull face.

Chuan Ying was really panicked at this time.

With his full blow, the bullhead monster did not even dodge.

He directly resisted it, and even said that he had not suffered any harm yet!

how can that be? how can that be?

These five words are almost constantly played back in Chuanying's mind.

However, the sacred cow will not give him time to think about this issue.

With a fierce wave of his right hand, he immediately pulled Chuanying out more than ten meters, and cursed: "I will kill that guy soon, and then I will clean up you!"

Afterwards, he saw the sacred cow violently rushing towards Lin Huang.

Obviously, he didn't need to hesitate at all and chose to hunt down Lin Huang.

Then he knew what position Lin Huang occupies in his heart.

However, this status is the status of the person who most wants to kill.

Perhaps many people think this position is very honorable.

At the very least, making a Protoss general so jealous, isn't it also a symbol of strength?

However, if Lin Huang knew this, he would surely howl and say, this symbolizes that I don't want it, and whoever loves it will take it!

However, at this time, Lin Huang had no time to say this.

Because he has no time at all.

Seeing that the sacred cow will kill itself.

All Lin Huang could do was to take a deep breath, and then: "Help!"

A voice resounding throughout the audience came from Lin Huang's mouth.

At the same moment, all the Human Race monks looked towards this, and secretly cursed at this time as shameless. ,, ..

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