Although there are many protoss creatures who have just besieged themselves, they are all protoss of the golden core realm.

The creatures of the Protoss in the Yuan Ying realm did not squeeze in at all.

This is also why Jiang Ning was stuck at the peak of the Golden Core, but was unable to break through the state for a long time.

What he lacks is this Nascent Soul, no, someone has brought it to the door!

Suddenly, Jiang Ning didn't even think about it. He turned around in a circle, and suddenly a cold glow turned into a circle and spread from his body.

All the gods were forced to retreat several meters.

Jiang Ning also took advantage of this opportunity to fly forward and grab the panicked Yuan Ying and directly crush it.

God Slaughter Dafa works!

Directly refine the Nascent Soul scattered in the air!

In an instant, Jiang Ning only felt the golden core in his body swell.

"Are you going to break through..."

"Boom Kaka..." It was almost the same moment.

The top of Jiang Ning's head actually converged into a dark cloud at an extremely fast speed.

Countless thunder and lightning rolled above, exuding a cold light.

"Heaven... Heavenly Tribulation! It is a Heavenly Tribulation! He actually broke through the Nascent Soul!"

The first one to call out was Motian Patriarch!

The Motian ancestor's face was blue, and he pointed at Jiang Ning among the creatures of the Protoss, but he was speechless.

The other ancestors of Yuan Ying couldn't help swallowing.

A feeling of regret suddenly rose in my heart.

Perhaps, they really shouldn't have made a decision so early!

"Withdraw! Get out of here!"

At this time, Ye Mo, who had always been extremely plain, had an extremely embarrassed expression and roared loudly.

After that, he was the first to take the lead and left here at an incredible speed.

It didn't slow down until kilometers away.

It seemed that I didn't feel that insurance was enough, so I retreated another kilometer, and then stopped.

Sacred cow will see this, how can you not know what Ye Mo meant?

Wanting to gather the protoss creatures together, but obviously it is already impossible.

In an instant, the sacred cow was actually cold from head to toe.

He would rather die, and die with the gods, and refuse to hand over the Supreme Profound Sword...

However, perhaps this may be the best result...

Regarding whether Jiangning can survive this catastrophe, the sacred cow will really have no hope for him!

After all, with so many Protoss in the situation, no matter how to say, Heavenly Tribulation will reach the point of crossing Tribulation, right?

The catastrophe of crossing the robbery cannot be resisted by anyone present.

Even Ye Mo, absolutely dare not resist!

Gritting his teeth, the sacred cow flew the cow's head away.

The Motian ancestor and several other ancestors looked at each other, obviously thinking of this too.

But seeing the expression on Motian ancestor's face seemed to cry and smile: "Thinking that I will wait for the prestigious life, but in the end, I will not be as bold as a junior, ridiculous, ridiculous!"

"...Old devil, don't blame yourself, don't we also consider the future of the human race..."

Several other ancestors sighed.

"Let's leave here as soon as possible. Even if Jiang Ning is dead, aren't we still there? We only need to win a place from the Protoss..."

Speaking of this sentence, even the ancestor himself did not believe it.

However, in the end, several Yuan Ying ancestors finally flew in the direction of Ye Mo.

At this time, if someone takes a closer look, they will definitely find that the figures of these people seem to be humped a lot.


A large area of ​​dark clouds in the sky has gathered.

The atmosphere is depressing and scary.

The creatures of the gods all put away their attacks, looking incredible at the sky.

"Did you... have a breakthrough?" a soul of the Yuanying God Race asked incredulously.

In other words, deep down in his heart, he didn't want to believe it.

Because Jiangning’s breakthrough represents...

"Yes, this will drag your blessings, otherwise, I am afraid it will take a lot of time..." Jiang Ning sighed and raised his head to look at the sky, but there was no fear on his expression.

Heavenly Tribulation, for others, may really be something to avoid.

But for him, maybe it's not that scary!

"No! Run!"

Almost as soon as Jiang Ning's voice fell, several protoss cultivators rushed out like crazy.

"Hahaha, it's useless, all of you have been locked in by the tribulation, and you are all going to die!" Jiang Ning could not help but laugh wildly when seeing the panicked expressions of the gods creatures: "When it came just now, your nostrils were all upright. Why? How did it become like this one by one?"

"Hahaha, isn't it easy to take Human Race? Come on!"

Many protoss creatures were irritated and fearful, making their complexion flushed and their bodies trembling violently.

"Die all to me!" Jiang Ning fell with wild laughter.

That day Jie seemed to have received some signal.

"Rumble..." "Rumble..."...

With loud noises, countless lightning fell from the sky.

Everyone except Jiang Ning showed a desperate look.

"This... such a powerful power! I'm afraid it's caught up with the Tribulation Period Heavenly Tribulation, right?" Motian ancestor couldn't help swallowing and exclaimed.

"No, the nine layers of Cross Tribulation are far inferior!" Ye Mo directly denied the words of the Motian ancestor, and the words were full of heaviness.

"What? How is this possible?"

The Motian ancestor was about to say this sentence, but when he saw the ground that had turned into a sea of ​​thunder in the distance, he swallowed it back abruptly.


"I don't want to die yet!!"

"My Lord God! Save us!"

The screams of the protoss creatures continued.

But more, there is still no chance to scream and it has turned into fly ash!

And Jiang Ning in the center, despite the special patronage of Heaven.

But there is still no life-threatening.

Whenever he was dying from being beaten by the robbery, a large number of the spirits of the creatures of the Protoss came over.

He even said that he had no intention of using the Supreme Profound Sword at all.

Jiang Ning would never use a magic weapon like the Supreme Profound Sword until it could completely destroy him.

Because Heavenly Tribulation does not simply want to kill you. ,, ..

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