"You also came for this sword?" Jiang Ning's expression was a little weird, and he raised the Supreme Profound Sword in his hand and said.

Nonsense, is it not for this sword or can it be for you?

Ye Mo secretly complained in his heart, but on the surface he wouldn't say that, just silently watching how the Shenniu King would respond.

The **** cow king nodded and said, "How about? Hand over the Supreme Profound God Sword, and after my protoss retreat, you can be named the Lord of this world! How?"

I thought Jiang Ning would be pleased to agree directly.

But who knows, when he heard what he said, instead of showing any joy, Jiang Ning was lost in thought.

Seeing this scene, Shen Niu King couldn't help but sigh in his heart secretly, and he was indeed worthy of being the descendant of Venerable Tai Xuan.

However, he didn't feel anxious either, just standing in the void, quietly waiting for Jiang Ning's answer.

Jiang Ning was lost in thought.

It is naturally impossible for the gods to give them something that is so important to them.

Not to mention whether they would be credited after they got the Supreme Profound Sword, just because of this opportunity, Jiang Ning would definitely not bear to let go!

"My answer is still no," Jiang Ning said calmly.

Seeing this, Ye Mo couldn't help but smile secretly in his heart.

Now he could not wait for Jiangning to trample on the face of Shenniu King a few more times!

Who made this guy smile when he was scolded just now?

Moreover, such conditions have not been opened by themselves!

Therefore, the Shenniu King was rejected as a matter of course!

"Why it's impossible, but what's the problem with you? Just say it!" The Shenniu King still refused to give up.

After all, if you can not do it, it is best to try not to do it.

Otherwise, it would be bad if Jiang Ning was forced to a certain point and died together.

Of course, maybe this has no effect on him.

But the most important thing is that the Supreme Profound Sword will disappear! !

What's more, there are 10,000 gods behind him!

When Jiang Ning heard the words, he couldn't help but laughed softly, and said, "What can I do? How can the treasure that you value so much be Mortal? Naturally, I won't give it to you!"

"Hmph, chance, I also want you to take it!" The king of God Bull suddenly changed his face when he heard the words, and made a heavy snort. In his opinion, Jiang Ning simply didn't know what was good or bad!

As the saying goes, everyone is innocent and guilty.

If an adult holds a piece of gold in his hand, can it be the same as a child holding a piece of gold?

If I don't have enough strength, I want to take advantage of the opportunity. That is to die!

"Haha, if you want it, you can get it with your own abilities!!"

Jiang Ning laughed, without fear.

At the same time, the monks of the human race arrived here in twos and threes.

The first thing I saw was the scene of a confrontation between Jiangning and thousands of gods.

For a time, everyone couldn't help but breathe.

"Who is this person?"

"You don't even know him? He is Jiang Ning!!"

"What? He is Jiang Ning? How come he is so big? Is it possible that he cultivated in the womb?"

"Even if you cultivate in the womb, it won't be so fierce!"


The discussions of the human monks, like the buzzing of flies, kept in the ears of the **** bull king.

Plus, it was rejected by Jiang Ning before.

The anger in my heart immediately rose, and he said angrily: "Be quiet!"

As soon as this word came out, it was like thunder in the nine heavens.

He directly shook the heads of the cultivators "Om!", completely blank.

Who is this person? Why is it so powerful?

After a short blank, the same question arose in everyone's mind.

However, under the threat of life, no one of them dared to make any more noises.

Now anyone who has a brain knows it.

The Shenniu King wanted to squeeze them to death, it was no easier than squeezing the ants!

Therefore, one by one could not help but regret.

Why do you want to pretend to be righteous, come here to top it?

People can blow themselves to death in one breath!

While regretting, looking at Jiang Ning, who was confronting the **** cow king, he had a look of awe in his eyes.

Being able to face off against such a powerful person without letting go of the wind is simply a role model for human monks!

Of course, role models belong to role models.

They would never do that.

If anyone dares to do that, there is no doubt that he will be torn to pieces by the **** bull king in the first place!

"I will ask you one last time, do you pay or not, if you don't pay, don't blame me for grabbing it!"

The Shenniu King pointed his axe at Jiang Ning and said coldly.

Obviously, his patience has been exhausted.

If Jiang Ning refuses to agree, Shenniu King will only be able to kill!

However, how could Jiangning be changed by Shenniu King's attitude?

Jiang Ning smiled slightly and said, "You have the ability to get it?"

Still such a provocative tone! Still did not put the **** cow king in his eyes!

Good job! Really awesome!

The Terran monks couldn't help but secretly gave Jiang Ning a thumbs up in their hearts.

But on the surface, they didn't dare to move.

Obviously, he had been scared by the Shenniu King.

"Wow!" Shenniu Wang was so angry that he slammed the axe in both hands and rushed towards Jiangning in a volley.

The collision of the two giant axes sounds nothing to Jiangning.

But the human monks have suffered.

Holding their heads one by one, their faces were full of pain.

What's more, it fell directly from the air.

"Look at the move!" Jiang Ning shouted in a low voice, but instead of retreating, he stepped forward, and at the same time, he lifted the sword and stabbed the Shenniu King in the chest.

The Shenniu King obviously did not expect that Jiangning would have such courage, and he couldn't help but be a little stunned.

But afterwards, the Shenniu King had already reacted, and without thinking about it, he waved his right arm and slashed out with an axe.

It violently collided with Jiang Ning's Supreme Profound Sword.


With a crisp sound, everyone's eardrums were sore that they just felt like they were about to shatter!


A gust of wind sounded.

Jiang Ning was directly shocked and flew out dozens of meters. ,, ..

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