Even though they were upset in their hearts and felt shame, they closed their mouths at this time.

Seeing how this group of people dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, the **** tiger general didn't care about their feelings at all, and he laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, what about you trash? Not convinced?"

"Want to kill me? Haha, your king is dead!"

The ridicule of the **** tiger general, like a sharp needle, pierced into their hearts fiercely.

For a time, the creatures of the gods and cattle race didn't know what to say!

However, the same thing is that everyone lowered their heads deeply and clenched their fists tightly.

Obviously, they are suppressing the anger in the heart.

It didn't take long for the older sacred cow creature to walk out slowly holding a cloth bag!

Shenhu's eyes suddenly brightened, and his body rushed to the older Shenniu clan creature like lightning.

Pushing it away fiercely, then he caught the cloth bag and hurriedly opened it for inspection.

The sacred cow clan creatures were directly pushed back several steps, and one of them could not stand firmly and fell to the ground.


"Elder! Are you okay?"

Seeing that the older sacred ox creature fell down, all the sacred ox creatures couldn't help but shouted with concern.

The elder of the Shenniu clan waved his hand, slowly got up from the ground, and said, "I'm fine..."

Elder, this is equivalent to a powerful pronoun in the Human Race, but in the Protoss, it is just taking care of logistics.

However, relatively speaking, the status is still much higher than that of ordinary Protoss.

Moreover, if the elder position is done well, it will be respected by ordinary protoss creatures!

Obviously, this elder of the sacred bull clan is one of them! 1

Soon, the **** tiger general had counted the number of soul crystals.

But seeing him nodded in satisfaction, he smiled and said, "It seems that you are not going to fool me. That's good. In that case, I won't trouble you!"

After speaking, the **** tiger general will turn around and leave.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly rang from the sky.

Echoing in the Shenniu tribe.

"Soul Crystal? This seat is also very interested..."

Shenhu's face changed slightly, and he began to perceive the enemy's location.

However, no matter how he probed, he couldn't find the enemy.

Can't find the trace of the enemy, what does this mean?

It means that the strength of the enemy is much stronger than you!

In almost an instant, the face of the **** tiger general turned pale.

However, he still bit his head and said: "Who is your excellency? I am the **** tiger general of the **** tiger clan, and I hope that your true body will appear, maybe there is some connection with my **** tiger clan..."

Shenhu will stay in his words for a moment, and it is clear that he wants to use the power of the godhu to suppress the opponent!

Just when Shenhu dropped his voice.

A figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

The man had a handsome face, dressed in white, and exuded a monstrous aura.

The momentum actually goes straight to the triple robbery?

Shenhu's face paled slightly, but there was not much fear in his heart.

After all, the strongest strength of his own God King is to reach the Ninth Layer of the Tribulation!

The triple cultivation base, although it is very scary, but it depends on who it is compared with!

"I don't know your surname?"

He breathed a sigh of relief, and the spirit of the **** tiger general seemed to have returned a lot.

"Just call this seat Ning Zun."

This man in white is naturally Jiang Ning.

When he came to the Protoss this time, he would naturally not reveal his true identity.

Anyway, that Ye Mo was also a human body, so Jiang Ning didn't worry that he would be recognized as a human race.

"Ning Zun? I don't know what Ning Zun is doing here?"

Hearing Jiang Ning claiming to be Ning Zun, the **** tiger general's eyelids twitched fiercely.

Obviously, he was a little dissatisfied with Jiang Ning's arrogance.

The trivial triumph, dare to claim to be respectful?

However, although he thought so in his heart, he didn't reveal the slightest on the surface.

After all, at this time, he was under Jiang Ning's hand.

Even though Jiang Ning only had the triple robbery, it was enough to crush him.

As for the other creatures of the Shenniu tribe, they all looked at Jiang Ning's figure and couldn't help but talk in a low voice.

The general content of the discussion is.

Who is this Ning Zun?

Why never heard of it on weekdays?

However, Jiang Ning didn't care about the words of these gods, but saw his body falling on the ground, and then smiled slightly and said: "This seat wants your soul crystal!"

Just now, Jiang Ning had listened to the exchanges of these gods.

Divine Soul Crystal, can make these Protoss scramble.

It is probably a treasure of cultivation.

Even, most likely, this is one of the methods used by the Protoss to temper the flesh.

However, Jiang Ning was still not sure before getting the Soul Crystal.

Therefore, it is still necessary to take down the hundred souls first, and then talk about other things.

"The soul crystal? You actually snatched the soul crystal from my **** tiger clan? Are you not afraid that the **** tiger king will blame it?" The voice of the **** tiger general suddenly increased several decibels because of anger.

He didn't expect that someone would dare to rob his treasure!

You know, the rank of the God Tiger Clan in the Protoss Clan is 328!

Among the three thousand gods, it is also among the best, and is considered one of the unoffendable forces!

"God Tiger King? What is that! If he has any dissatisfaction, just let him come to this seat!" Jiang Ning said casually, he didn't care if the God Tiger King would trouble him.

Anyway, by the time I had already left here.

Even if the **** tiger king has any means of tracking.

The big deal will be to kill him directly!

In the Yuan Ying period, Jiang Ning was not afraid of the Shenniu King.

What's more, it is now the repair base of the tribulation period!

"You're looking for death!" Shenhu will be angry, then turned around, and said to the Shenniu clan creatures: "You helped Benjiang kill him, and you will tell the **** king when you are going back to protect your Shenniu clan for a hundred years! "

As soon as these words came out, all the gods and cattle clan creatures were all ready to move.

The soul crystals accumulated over a hundred years are probably enough for the Shenniu tribe to have several masters! ,, ..

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