However, no matter what it is, it is certain that this will completely dissolve the confidence of the remaining human race.

It can be predicted that if Jiangning returns, it will be a great help to the morale of the human race.

Of course, Jiang Ning didn't know that Human Race still had incense at this time.

Otherwise, he will definitely rush back to rescue.

After all, if in this world, all the same kind were dead, only oneself would be left alone.

What does that mean?

Whether it is for the sake of righteousness or for yourself.

Jiang Ning will definitely help Human Race.

Temporary gathering place for the Protoss.

Three thousand gods and kings gathered together.

The voice was a bit noisy, but the center of the topic was still about Daming Kingdom.

Without exception, everyone felt a little impatient.

There is no alternative.

After all, I thought that occupying the world was just playing.

A task that will be completed soon.

But I didn't expect it to be delayed to this point.

During this period of time, it would be better for them to use them for cultivation, and perhaps they could improve their own strength.

What's more, a month has been wasted here.

Perhaps this is just the beginning.

"Huh! Wasting time on these ants is really a drop in price!"

A divine king snorted heavily and said disdainfully.

"Well, this is an order from the Lord after all, so let's bear it again. Perhaps, soon human beings will fall for it."

Another **** king couldn't help but discouraged.

In fact, he didn't want to kill all the remaining human beings directly, and then he could return to the gods quickly.

However, no one does not know the majesty of the god.


At this moment, a long voice sounded.

Then I saw a protoss creature rushing in in a hurry, shouting: "It's not good! It's not good!"

"What the **** is it? Speak slowly."

A **** king frowned and said coldly.

The creatures of the gods swallowed and calmed down. Then they said slowly: "Recently, a man who claimed to be Ningzun appeared in the gods, leading the tribes of the gods to plunder. Now there are three thousand gods. More than a thousand have been killed by him!"

I thought that the three thousand **** kings would be furious.

Who knows, the kings of the gods are just a little ugly.

But there is no other performance.

Looting? Although they did feel a little unhappy about Jiang Ning's doing this.

However, the one who claims to be Ning Zun will not grab too much.

After all, that means standing on the opposite side of the Three Thousand God Kings.

It is simply impossible.

As long as you grow your brain, you can know.

Therefore, although the Three Thousand God Kings were angry in their hearts, they were not yet irrational.

It was just some spirit crystals, and they were taken away when they were taken.

As for the others, after they return, they will naturally find Ning Zun to get back.

After all, no matter how you say it, they are all **** kings, where are their identities.

Since Jiang Ning dared to provoke them, they naturally had to retaliate.

Otherwise, it may be criticized.

"If that's the case, then it's fine, you can go down first." A **** king frowned and said.

As soon as he said this, the face of the Protoss suddenly became a little embarrassed, and his eyes were full of entanglement.

Obviously, his heart is struggling, whether he wants to tell the truth here.

The main reason why he hesitated so much was that if he didn't say it, after waiting for the three thousand **** kings to know the truth of the matter, they would definitely be angry, and it would not be impossible to kill him.

But if you say it here, it is very likely that you will be affected by the anger of the three thousand gods, and you will be killed immediately.

After a brief period of entanglement, this protoss found that it seemed that no matter how he chose, he seemed to be unable to escape the end!

For a while, the sad reminder of wireless in my heart turned out to be.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and the Protoss secretly said in his heart: "Finally, just bet this time, bet that the three thousand snake and cow kings will not be embarrassed by yourself!"

Anyway, there is also a trace of horizontal and vertical. This protoss creature gritted his teeth and said to the three thousand **** kings: "No... not like this, that guy named Ningzun will take away all the thousands of protoss savings for thousands of years. Wherever you go, no grass will grow!"

If it is said before, the complaint of this protoss creature, the three thousand gods did not have a flower in his heart.

So now, the three thousand **** kings are really going to run away.

"What? You say it again!"

A **** king lost his mind and roared out loud.

He couldn't believe it. There were still people who dared to take the world's bad luck and grab the things in their hands.

Moreover, listening to this protoss 1 creature said that Jiang Ning looted all the soul crystals.

This can cause pain to everyone present.

"Now that guy is still snatching the soul crystal?" A **** king said with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

"Yes." The protoss creature nodded hurriedly, like a chicken pecking at rice.

He was really scared, once he provoked these gods and kings, he killed himself directly.

I'm afraid there will be nowhere to cry by then.

As for the Lord? Will this trivial matter make his elderly caress?

Yes, a life is really just a trivial matter in the eyes of the Lord.

In this world, if you want to live, one thing you must do is to put yourself right.

If you can't even position yourself in any position, I'm afraid you won't live long at all.

When the three thousand gods heard this, they all fell silent.

The whole scene suddenly fell into a dead silence.

The atmosphere is very strange.

The breathing of the protoss creature became heavier.

Obviously, he was also worried about the reaction of these gods.

Of course, what he worries about is not whether the **** kings will be angry at the news.

Rather, he was worried that he would be torn to pieces by the king of anger.

"Well, that's the case... everyone, I'll leave the king first!"

A **** king said so, but his face was pale, and then he saw his body rise into the sky. ,, ..

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