Mo Qilin opened his mouth wide, and rushed towards Jiang Ning howling.

It has to be said that Mo Qilin's speed and strength have greatly improved after the transformation. Although the two sides are far apart at this moment, they have reached the front in just a breath.

Jiang Ning clenched his fists tightly. If he had faced the unicorn beast before, it might have been a bit difficult, but for him now, it was easy.

"Succumb to death!"

With a roar, Mo Qilin bit down at Jiang Ning who was in front of him, his sharp teeth gleaming with coldness, making people shudder.

But Jiang Ning never moved a bit, as if he regarded the behemoth in front of him as nothing, until Mo Qilin was close to the limit, he started to move.

Jiang Ning leaned back slightly and kicked his right leg upwards, instantly kicking Mo Qilin's jaw back.

Mo Qilin's teeth made a crisp sound, and all the gods present could hear clearly, so there is no need to think about how many sharp teeth were lost in this blow.

But Mo Qilin had to retreat abruptly under the pain, and with the four-colored auspicious clouds retreating far away, when he looked at Jiangning again, his eyes were full of fear.

"Oh, what's wrong, didn't you let me suffer?"

Jiang Ning said in a contemptuous tone, and walked forward slowly, as if taking a walk at will.

And that Mo Qilin subconsciously retreated, and could no longer underestimate Jiang Ning, and he secretly groaned in his heart. You know what he said is also the second-ranked **** king, who was stepped on the ground in front of everyone. The beating, now desperately transformed into its original form, was kicked again, both dignity and strength have been trampled down, even if he wins after this battle, he will definitely be laughed at by the gods.

Jiang Ning chuckled and said: "You have only increased some strength and speed after you become the original shape. On the contrary, your attack method has become a lot more monotonous. You can only bite people with sharp teeth. The speed and strength that I am proud of are even less worth mentioning in my eyes."

For Jiang Ning, Mo Qilin at this moment is not even more deterrent than in his predecessor form. The silver-clothed **** king's thought of being smart has actually made himself more disadvantaged.

But the gods and kings who have been watching are shocked. You must know that in their eyes, the second-ranked Qilin King is already an insurmountable mountain, but it seems that it is not a one-in-one under Jiangning's hands. .

They were proud of the strength and speed of the prototype, but at the moment, they were in the middle of Jiang Ning's hand, and there was no room for resistance.

Of course Jiang Ning will not give Mo Qilin a chance to breathe. Although he has the absolute upper hand at this moment, Jiang Ning knows that his situation is also not good at this moment. Facing the second-ranked Qilin God King, he is already so powerful. What realm should the top **** king and that high **** master be?

Jiang Ning stopped thinking about it, and said proudly: "Why don't you come? Oh, I remember, you can't talk now, then I will just attack it."

After all, Jiang Ning's figure flickered, he directly reached the top of Mo Qilin's head, and raised a fist about to hit it.

At this moment, Mo Qilin was even more terrified. He didn't even see Jiang Ning's figure, and he was reached above his head, and looking at the raised fist was even more helpless. After becoming a prototype, he lost his block. The ability can only take the damage of this blow.

Jiang Ning smashed his fist high, and directly collided with Mo Qilin's head, Mojiao, causing a huge storm, and the sound of the impact was earth-shattering, like thunder.

Mo Qilin took advantage of the trend and slammed back, seeming to want to escape Jiang Ning's attack, but just after he withdrew a few steps, he found his ink horns rattling.

Mo Qilin suddenly had a bad feeling, and after looking at Jiang Ning, he saw that he was holding half of his ink horn in his hand!

Basically all the attack methods of the Qilin clan originate from the horns on the top of the head, and this horn is even more important for the cultivation source of the Qilin, just like the dantian of a martial artist. If the horn is broken, it is like losing martial arts. No doubt mortals.

Mo Qilin suddenly felt ashamed. If you know that the unicorn of the unicorn family is so important, its own hardness is even more extraordinary. Even the hardest thing in the world may not be able to cause a little damage to it. After a trick under Jiang Ning's hand, he was broken.

With deep curiosity, Jiang Ning played with the half of the ink angle in his hand, but in the blink of an eye, he looked at Mo Qilin coldly again.

"This time it really killed you!"

Jiang Ning sneered, dropped the ink horn in his hand, ran straight towards Mo Qilin, and punched him again.

Originally, there was no way to withstand a blow with the ink horn. Now that Jiang Ning broke the ink horn, he couldn't stand the damage. It could be said that there was no way.

Mo Qilin's heart was as gray as death, and he looked in the direction of the Lord, his eyes filled with despair.

The divine lord sitting on the seat felt Mo Qilin's gaze and frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

"Hey, nothing, you still have some value in comparison..." The Lord sighed slightly, then the figure on the chair disappeared instantly, and the black on the side was not surprised, but it was still faint Staring at the screen.

On the other side, Jiang Ning had already smashed his last punch, with a howling sound that pierced the airflow, and moved towards the Mo Qilin who had given up resistance.

Just when everyone thought that the Qilin Divine King was bound to die, Jiang Ning's fist stopped in midair.

"Is he merciful?"

"No! Look at the top, that's the Lord!"

With the voice of a **** king, everyone looked at the sky above them, and a figure Hao Ran stood under the sun with his left hand slightly raised.

Jiang Ning felt uncomfortable at once, seeing that his fist was solidified, unable to move in the air.

On the other side, Mo Qilin was relieved and quickly retreated to the outside. ,, ..

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