I saw a strangely shaped grass standing right in the center of the Kirin cave, but there are hundreds of herbs in the Kirin beast’s cave, but this grass is the only one. It's peculiar.

Because first a small grass grows on a huge rock, it is impossible to imagine how it took root and survived. The second point is that the grass is surrounded by a bare patch of other herbs. It seems to be deliberately avoiding the general, but anything close to the grass has already withered early.

"What the **** is this?" Jiang Ning walked over curiously, and tried to uproot the grass.

But outside at this moment, the huge unicorn beast was contending with the hands of the many people in the crazy knife gate. It was said that the strength of the unicorn beast was powerful, but under the crazy knife gate formation, it gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The leading man held a steel knife in his hand, looked at the scarred unicorn beast in front of him with a stern look, and shouted with a wild smile, "Go harder, this unicorn beast will be ours soon."

The eyes of the unicorn beast showed a strong intent to fight. For him, the eyes of the humans in front of him were full of greed, and they all looked at him with abusive eyes, which was the most unacceptable.

The unicorn beast roared again, and a flame was emitted from the unicorn above his head, spraying towards the disciples of the Crazy Blade Sect who were forming a formation below to help the leader.

Because the disciples of the Crazy Blade Gate were still in the center of the formation, they did not have enough response to the sudden attack of the unicorn. They immediately looked shocked, but they could only wait for the attack to come in the formation.

"Sword Dance Gale!"

A wave of fierce sword energy swept away, breaking the flame of the unicorn into a ball, and barely resisted this attack.

"Damn beast, dare to use such a method, it seems that I still have to use my best to end the battle as soon as possible!"

But when the leader of the mad swordsman said this sentence, he did not think that he would be able to fight with the unicorn beast under the protection of the formation, which is really embarrassing.

"Well, then I will use this last trick, the secret of the mad knife gate, the three musts of the mad knife: cut!"

The leader of this crazy knife gate raised the steel knife in his hand high, and with a fierce aura, he swung down at the unicorn beast. There was no extra action, only the sword was raised to the swing of two steps, but However, the key point of the sword technique is implemented, that is to cut!

The difference between the sword technique and the sword technique is that the sword can have many variability, whether it is piercing, picking, cutting, and cutting, there are extremely complicated changes, but the sword technique is completely different. The only thing he has is that. To crush with endless power, to smash the things blocking in front of oneself, there is only one cut!

The unicorn beast, like a big enemy, solemnly looked at the sudden attack in front of him, and could only send his hardest unicorn to resist an attack. Obviously there was no other way, as I said before. Similarly, although the unicorn of the unicorn is the hardest, it is also the most deadly place of the unicorn. The unicorn beast of this aura actually used this trick, which means that he is desperate.

Only heard the loud noise of "Xiaodang", even Jiangning, who was still hiding in the cave, was shocked. Although Qilin had already tried his best, it just barely managed to block this attack. .

Looking at the unicorn who was in desperate situation in front of him, the leader of the crazy knife gate laughed, as if the unicorn in front of him had already become his own.

"I will ask you again, do you choose to surrender us or die?"

Qilin's eyes showed unwillingness, but it was obvious that at this moment he was already the oil well lamp withered, and he did not have the ability to do any resistance. Seeing the crowd of Crazy Blades approaching in front of him, there was a flash of light in his eyes.


"Hmph, do you still want to escape at this point?" The leader of the Crazy Blade Gate chuckled and said, "The surrounding area has already been sealed, right?"

"Yes, the second elder, within a hundred miles, we have been completely sealed off by our formation method. Even if it's a fly, don't even want to escape. The fire unicorn has already used the secret technique of the unicorn family. , Entered Concentration at the cost of sacrificing one's own realm, but it is impossible to escape. As long as we search more, we can find its trace."

"Okay, if the order is passed on, all the disciples of the mad knife sect will start searching, we must get this fire unicorn!"

At the same time, Jiang Ning was facing this difficult choice. He sat in the cave of the unicorn beast, looking at the grass in front of him.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this one should be the legendary thousand-year-old ginseng, and it is actually a ginseng that grows in the rock. It can be said to be a rare sight in thousands of years."

Jiang Ning looked at the thousand-year-old ginseng in front of him with some confusion, and said to himself: "If I remember correctly, in the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, according to statistics, this ginseng has gradually changed because of environmental changes It's so thin that it can't exist. Why do I see it here? Isn't this really the world I was in? Did I really go through it?"

Jiang Ning gave a wry smile, but even if he really understood his situation at this moment, there was no way at all. The only thing that could be done was to restore his strength first.

"Although this thousand-year-old ginseng has no healing effect, it can fundamentally eliminate any bottleneck period. In other words, after I recover from the injury, I need this thousand-year ginseng to improve myself to It's a fit period."

Jiang Ning planned happily, but didn't even notice a fiery red bead appeared behind him. ,, ..

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