After the boat sailed for a while, Kulikai suddenly said in silence: "Brothers, we will say goodbye soon. But there is one thing you must understand. No one in the past could prove the existence of the Golden Bell and Sky Island. Maybe some people will laugh at me for making up a perverse theory, but what's wrong with that? This is the romance of a man!" "Romance!" Luffy and Usopp said excitedly. Lin Hai said speechlessly: "Old man, you go to the seabed every day and get sick, what's the point of being romantic? You're almost dead, and you're still romantic?"

Kulike raised his eyebrows, "You bastard, we're almost parting, can't you say something nice?"

"Oh? That's fine." Lin Hai immediately changed his face and sang an ugly song, "I wish you good health, be a bridegroom every night. Have this day every year, have this day every year. You..."


Everyone near Lin Hai got goose bumps.

"Lin Hai, you're so disgusting!" Everyone shouted.

Lin Hai said, "You are just jealous of my talent. You can think of such a thing, damn..."

Sanji said while beating Lin Hai, "Why do I feel like I went to the forest, and when I came back, I found that the annoying Lin Hai is back again?"

Zoro nodded and said, "This guy, I thought he had changed, but he is so annoying again."

"Hahahaha..." Luffy still noticed the change of Lin Hai, but now he has turned back to his previous appearance. Luffy found that the previous Lin Hai was still fun, and laughed happily for a while.

"Hey!!" At this time, the gorilla reminded: "Get ready, we will reach the destination soon!"

At some point, the sky has become gloomy, as if it is going to rain heavily.

The gorilla on another ship waved his hand and said, "Okay brothers, next, you can only wish you good luck!"

"Okay!" Luffy waved his hand and said, "Thank you for your escort."

Hey, hey, I said to wish you good luck! Did you hear it clearly?

Suddenly, the Merry was sucked into a huge vortex.

"Wait a minute." Usopp said in horror: "I can't stand it, please forgive me, it's too scary! Come back quickly, bastard!!"

Chopper cried: "Come back quickly, bastard, I don't want to die!"

Looking at the big vortex not far away, Nami also said in horror: "Give my treasure back quickly, you liars, liars! Such a big vortex, I'm going to die..."

The sky became gloomy, and the huge vortex made a huge sound, like the end of the world.

What the hell!

A drop of cold sweat flowed down Lin Hai's forehead. This scene was really scary!

However, Lin Hai still said: "Luffy, this is several times bigger than the whirlpool when we first went out to sea, right? Damn, I'm going to chop it..."

Zoro exclaimed: "Hey, hey, don't mess around! Nami, Nami..."

Lin Hai said speechlessly: "I'm not chopping the sea current whirlpool, a big thing is coming up!"

"Big thing?"

"Come up?"

Soon, a fish several times bigger than the Merry jumped out of the whirlpool!

"Space field..."

"Space swap!"

Lin Hai used his ability to swap the position of the fish with the Merry, that is, Lin Hai put it near the center of the whirlpool, and then everyone watched the fish being swallowed by the huge water flow.

Seeing this, everyone on the boat swallowed their saliva.

Robin analyzed very calmly: "Will our fate be the same as that big fish, swallowed up in an instant?"

"Ah!!" Usopp said with wide eyes: "Luffy, let's go back? It's still time to turn around now. With such a big whirlpool, we will definitely be buried in the sea! Sky Island is simply a dream within a dream."

"Dream within a dream? That's true." Luffy said very calmly.

Nami cried and replied: "Yes, Luffy, I also think we are too reluctant this time."

Luffy said to himself: "Dream Island within a dream, if you miss such a big adventure, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

After speaking, Luffy turned his head with shining eyes and looked at everyone.

Looking at such an excited Luffy, Lin Hai was speechless. This guy didn't seem to be afraid!

At this time, Zoro on the side said: "I say you, this is not the time to be afraid, right? Look, the ship is going to be swallowed by the whirlpool!"

Lin Hai

He asked hurriedly, "Nami, what should we do?"

Before he finished speaking, the ship had already fallen into the whirlpool. When Lin Hai was about to use his ability, he suddenly became unusually calm in front of him.

"The whirlpool disappeared? Why?" Sanji asked first.

Luffy also asked, "What happened?"

Usopp: "Such a big whirlpool eye, it actually disappeared? What happened?"

"Nami!" According to the information from the observation Haki, the sea water below the sea level is very unstable!

"No!" Nami suddenly said, "The underwater explosion started, so the whirlpool eye disappeared temporarily!"

"No, it can't be!" Usopp looked at the bottom of the ship in horror.

Lin Hai hurriedly said, "It's really as you think, grab the hull or hide in the cabin, don't be thrown out!"

"Woo!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Hmm?" Lin Hai asked in confusion: "Nami, what are you doing? You want to die in my arms?"

Nami said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? You must protect me. You still owe me 1.2 million berries."

Sanji was immediately filled with tears and said: "Nami, why don't you hide in my arms! I can also owe you 1.2 million berries, no, 100 million, 1 billion..."

Zoro rolled his eyes and said: "Don't talk too much, the ship is about to fly!"

I saw that the Merry was directly washed up in the center of the upwash current...

An upwash current instantly sprayed into the sky, carrying the Merry with it. The Merry rose vertically along the water column. For a while, everyone couldn't adapt to this vertical sense of direction and could only hold the boat's pole tightly.

"Oh, this is so fun."

"Oh my god, how does this work?"

"Great, we can definitely get into the sky this way."

Lin Hai said speechlessly: "Don't be too happy too soon, quickly pull down the sail!"


Soon everyone found out something was wrong, the boat started to float up from the water column! If the sail was not pulled down, the whole boat would be thrown out with the help of the wind from the upwelling current!

Usopp exclaimed: "What should we do? All we can do now is hold on tight!"

Just as he finished speaking, objects kept falling from the water, including sea kings and disintegrated ships...

"Ah!!" Chopper exclaimed: "There are so many things falling from above, they are all victims of the current from bottom to top!"

"It's over, it's over." Usopp cried: "We are really finished this time, falling into the sea from such a high place, we are absolutely dead."

Lin Hai said speechlessly: "Is it that scary? I've said that my spatial ability can save your lives, provided that you don't get thrown out, hahaha. Nami, how to use the wind from bottom to top, I can only let you command, I don't understand!"

Wind from bottom to top?

After a little reminder, Nami quickly understood, and she immediately said: "Raise the sail immediately, hurry up!"

Seeing that everyone was still confused, Nami explained: "This is the sea, not an ordinary water column, but a rushing sea current.

Moreover, the wind blowing from below is the updraft generated by the seabed geothermal and steam explosion.

Since the target is the wind and the sea, I have a way to sail. Don't forget, who is the navigator of this ship?"

Looking at Nami's confident look, everyone can't help but feel relieved and proud!

"It's Miss Nami!!" Sanji said loudly with red hearts in his eyes.

Lin Hai said depressedly: "Nami, don't be so arrogant there, okay? I was the first one to ask everyone to lower the sails, and I told you these principles, hey hey hey, why don't you pay attention to me, in fact, I am also very powerful!"

Lin Hai's words were ignored by everyone.

"Brothers, do what Nami said!"

"Okay, the starboard side is facing the wind now, turn left immediately, and try to make the ship follow the current..."


Soon, the ship began to float on the outer edge of the water column and went straight into the sky! !


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