The truth is, the truth is that ... When Aokiji handed Garp the bounty order for Lin Hai, Garp gave all his senbei to Admiral Sengoku...

Because Garp was full!

I remember that Garp and Aokiji laughed for several hours while looking at the bounty order for Lin Hai!

If Lin Hai knew that Aokiji was responsible for this, he would definitely practice his skills and then go to the Navy Headquarters to find Aokiji to learn what swordsmanship is!

At this time, on the Golden Merry.

Lin Hai couldn't eat, and the beauty didn't smell good anymore. He was still hiding on the deck, drawing inexplicable circles, cursing that the mouse colonel had as much hair as his beard...

And Sanji on the side was interesting!

Luffy laughed and said, "Sanji, don't be unhappy. It's already pretty good to have a bounty of 8 million berries for the first time."

Sanji pointed to the photo of his bounty and asked, "Is this me? Why did my photo become like this? I'm sure all the beauties in the world will laugh at me!"

Luffy took the bounty order from Sanji and looked at it, then replied, "This is your photo, it's exactly the same."

"Hahaha..." Zoro echoed, "Yes, exactly the same, hahaha..."

Sanji retorted, "How are they exactly the same? This damn navy!! By the way, where is Lin Hai?"

Luffy replied, "He's over there."

Sanji looked in the direction Luffy pointed and asked in confusion, "What happened to Lin Hai?"

Usopp covered his mouth and handed Lin Hai's bounty order to Sanji. After Sanji saw it, he felt balanced immediately!

"Hahaha..." Sanji realized that there were such weird things in the world.

250 berries?

Sanji rolled on the deck, holding his stomach.

Lin Hai resisted the urge to kill these guys and continued his circle...

After a long time, Luffy, who had lost the novelty, couldn't hold back and started to clamor to play with him again...

Luffy ran to Lin Hai and said excitedly: "Lin Hai, let's play hide-and-seek?"

Lin Hai doubted his ears a little, "What did you just say?"

Luffy laughed and said: "Hide-and-seek!"

Usopp on the side shouted: "Count me in."

Lin Hai quickly refused: "What's so fun about this? How can you play in broad daylight? Go play with Zoro, Sanji and the others. I need to work on my abilities!"

Zoro on the side exclaimed when he heard about playing hide-and-seek: "How old are you? That's something for children, right?"

Usopp laughed sinisterly: "I think you are afraid of losing?"

"What did you say!!" One of Zoro's biggest weaknesses is his competitive nature, which is also his advantage.

Provoked by Usopp, Zoro really started to play with them.

Lin Hai, who was sitting on the side of the deck, ignored them and studied his space ability. Otherwise, if he got another space slash and fainted for three days, wouldn't that be embarrassing?

Now the problem is that Lin Hai's own physical strength has reached the level of CP9's boss Lucci, and it is not so easy to improve now!

So what should be improved now is the domineering and fruit ability.

Fruit ability...

Lin Hai ate the superhuman space fruit, how should it be developed?

Like Doflamingo, affect the surrounding things, assimilate things, and use them for my own benefit?

This obviously doesn't work. Doflamingo's is the line, and Lin Hai's is the space!

Like Katakuri who ate the sticky rice fruit, develop the superhuman system into the natural system?

This is a development direction, integrating oneself into the space, but Lin Hai is not at this level at present, that should be the awakening state.

Damn, no clue!

The most difficult things in the world must be preceded by the easy ones, so let's start with the most basic ones...

At present, Lin Hai can create a space field, in which he can freely control people and objects inside.

This ability

Strength is about weirdness and thinking ability.

Because in the space field, even if the opponent has observation Haki, without knowing it, Lin Hai will make a space exchange and a knife will pass, and the opponent may be hit directly!

So this requires a person's speed and thinking ability, and at the same time, this application can also be used to avoid the opponent's attack!

Space exchange is also a development direction.

Then the other is the cutting ability in the space field.

Although Lin Hai's cutting ability is greatly enhanced in the space field, it is not invincible.

For example, if Kaido and Big Mom are cut by Lin Hai now, he Lin Hai can't cut it, just like when Luffy, Luo and Kidd challenged Kaido, Luo had clearly stated his cutting ability and couldn't cut the two Four Emperors.

Similarly, he Lin Hai doesn't think he is better than Luo at that time!

In this case, then practice swordsmanship and space transformation in the space field first...

Especially when avoiding Arlong's water strike last time, because of insufficient thinking ability, he was hit twice.

If you make this kind of mistake in a duel with a master, all the subsequent actions will be disrupted, and you will fall into the opponent's rhythm, and the result will be a beating.

If the opponent's attack is very high, then that's it! Just like the laser of Admiral Kizaru and the fist of Admiral Akainu!

Thinking of this, Lin Hai was a little uneasy!

Seeing Luffy and others playing on the side, Lin Hai interrupted and said, "Stop playing, Luffy, let's practice?"

Luffy is a person who pursues new things. When he heard that Lin Hai wanted to practice with him, he immediately became interested, and others also wanted to see Lin Hai's ability.

Everyone made way for a position, and the central part was left for Lin Hai and Luffy.

Lin Hai said: "Luffy, use your machine gun moves to hit me, but be careful not to damage the boat."

Luffy rubbed his fingers and smiled: "You have to be careful, guess, the machine gun is shooting randomly."

Lin Hai looked at Luffy with a playful look, and dodged Luffy's fists one by one with a calm mind..."

Sanji on the side couldn't help muttering: "Is this what Lin Hai said about observation Haki?"

Zoro remained silent, but his expression became particularly serious.

Usopp opened his mouth, "Si Gaoyi..."

Nami looked at Luffy and Lin Hai, "I really don't know what kind of monsters they are! ! "


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