After the Meili set sail in a hurry, Nami re-examined the matter and felt that Lin Hai was lying just now! So, Nami walked to Lin Hai and asked, "Lin Hai, did Luffy and his brother really go to drink secretly? Then why do you and Zoro smell so much of alcohol!"

Lin Hai, who was sitting on the deck, had to look up and explain, "We were having dinner, and then we were chased by Colonel Smoker from Rogue Town. Do you understand now?"

"Hmph, that's more like it." Nami looked at Zoro and the others who were sleeping on the side, and couldn't help asking, "You should move them inside to sleep."

Seeing Lin Hai standing there motionless, Nami turned to Sanji and Chopper helplessly and said, "What are you still doing? Move them all into the room!"

Sanji nodded with his eyes full of hearts and said, "Kaiyi, Nami-san, I'm happy to help!"

At this time, Usopp said, "Nami, I'll help you install your weapon and you can use it!"

Usopp ran to do his own thing.

Weiwei came forward and asked, "Lin Hai, you seem to have drunk a lot, is it okay? Do you want to sleep inside for a while?"

Lin Hai smiled and said, "Thank you, I'm here to enjoy the sea breeze."

Lin Hai raised his eyebrows and glanced at Nami, which meant, look at how gentle she is.


The answer to Lin Hai was Nami's violent blow!

Blowing the sea breeze, Lin Hai leaned against the pole and fell asleep in a daze, until Nami pushed him.

Lin Hai said in a daze, "Nami? What's wrong?"

Nami said unhappily, "They are all up, you should also get up and have dinner together, um..."

Lin Hai was not kissing casually, because everyone was in the kitchen.

For a moment, Nami felt that throbbing feeling again...

After a while, Nami noticed something and quickly pushed Lin Hai away, her face red and her eyes rolled, saying: "Go wash up quickly, it stinks!"

Looking at Nami's back as she left, Lin Hai couldn't help but slap his right hand, and couldn't help it for a moment, so Nami was embarrassed and left!

On the dining table

Ace was helping Sanji serve the dishes, being a good helper in cooking. Seeing this, Sanji said, "Ace, you are a guest, go sit over there, we don't need your help here!"

Ace smiled and said, "You're welcome. My brother loves to make trouble. I really trouble everyone!"

Everyone scratched their heads and said, "What's the matter, hehe..."

Zoro excitedly said, "Is Ace really Luffy's brother?"

Nami replied, "Impossible, such a common-sense person can't be Luffy's brother!"

Sanji sighed, "The sea is really full of wonders!"

Usopp nodded and said, "Today is really an eye-opener!"

Chopper said with tears in his eyes, " What a deep brotherly love, so touching..."

Weiwei said awkwardly: "I'm talking to you..."

"Hahaha..." Luffy said happily: "Ace, my partners are all very interesting, right?"

At this time, Lin Hai came in from outside and said with a smile: "What are you talking about? Yo, Luffy, Ace, is your head still hurting? Really, if you can't drink, don't drink, and you want me and Zoro to carry you back..."

Ace and Luffy immediately said unhappy: "What did you say!"

Lin Hai provocatively said: "I said that your drinking capacity is at the same level as Smoker, in one word, dish!"

"Smoker?" Everyone shouted.

Sanji exclaimed: "Isn't Smoker the smoking man in Rogue Town? He chased us here?"

Nami said speechlessly: "It seems that we are being targeted by a troublesome person!"

Usopp wondered: "Why does he keep chasing us? From Rogue Town to here..."

Everyone looked at each other and was really speechless.

At this time, Luffy laughed and said, "Yeah, it was that Smoker. We were having dinner and drinking together today, but we all got drunk, hahaha..."

Zoro retorted, "You, Ace and Smoker got drunk, not us!"

Vivi asked in confusion, "Isn't Smoker chasing you? Why is he having dinner with you!"

Chopper and Usopp asked at the same time, "What's going on!"

Luffy laughed and said, "Lin Hai wanted to treat him to dinner, but the smoking man got drunk while drinking!"

Nami turned to look at Lin Hai, "You treated the navy to dinner?"

Lin Hai rolled his eyes and said, "He wanted to catch us at that time, so I treated him to a meal and got him drunk, so we could escape, right?"

Luffy exclaimed, "I see, Lin Hai, you have a really good brain."

After that, Luffy turned to look at Nami and said, "Nami, give me some money, and next time if the navy is chasing me, I will treat him to a meal..."

"Duang..." Before he could finish his words, Luffy was beaten directly.

Lin Hai waved his hand and said, "Why are you talking about this? We are pirates, we have no fixed place to live. Why are we worried about this and that? Let's eat..."


After a while, Lin Hai couldn't help asking, "Ace, I heard you are chasing someone?"

Ace nodded and said, "Yes, his name is Marshall D. Teach. He killed his companions and ran away. I came here to find him and put an end to this matter."

"Killed his companions?"

"This person is really bad!"

"This person is too brave, isn't he? As a crew member on Whitebeard's ship, he dared to kill his companions."

Lin Hai felt it necessary to remind him, so he guided him, "I have heard of this person. He used to fight with Shanks, one of the current Four Emperors. The scar at the corner of Shanks' eye was left by Teach. Ace, you..."

Luffy wanted to ask what the Four Emperors were and wanted to ask about Shanks' situation, but was stopped by Lin Hai.

Ace raised his hand to stop Lin Hai from speaking, interrupting, "I know what you want to say. You want to say that I might fall into his hands, right?

Lin Hai, you know what? That guy has been taken care of by my father for more than 20 years, and now he is actually bringing shame to my father.

And he is a crew member on my ship. As the captain, shouldn't I go and find out about this matter myself?

If I submit to power because I am afraid of it, then am I still a man?"

If that's the case, then I have lived in vain in this life! ”

He is a real man indeed. No wonder Ace has such a special charm! So many people like him!

Yes, if someone insults your parents, will you hide and become a coward just because the other person is so powerful?

Seeing this, Lin Hai couldn't say anything else. If he advised Ace not to settle accounts with Teach, although it was good advice, it might not even be friends!

So, Lin Hai took out a bottle of Erguotou from the system and poured a small bowl for everyone.

Lin Hai raised the bowl and said, "I toast you a bowl, but I remind you, Teach dared to do that, which means he has his own confidence. I think he is a conspirator, you should go back and discuss it with Whitebeard first... Hey, don't get excited, I'm just suggesting, it's up to you whether you listen or not!"

Everyone looked at Ace with admiration.

Ace raised the bowl, drank it all, and then laughed, "Don't worry, if something happens to me, you can save me then, right? ”

Lin Hai smiled and said, “Then let’s make it a deal!”

Luffy also drank it all and smiled, “I don’t believe that guy named Teach can be Ace’s opponent, Ace is very strong…”

“Don’t say these unhappy things, welcome Ace to be your guest, cheers…”


“Hey, Lin Hai, why is there only one bottle of wine? Do you have any more? Take them out quickly! Don’t be so stingy…”

At this time, Ace didn’t know how much trouble he had caused!

Just because of Ace’s joke at this time, in the future war on the top, Whitebeard, the man known as the strongest man in the world, was chased by debtors and asked for 250 Baileys!

Is this a moral decline or a distortion of human nature? Lin Hai was so crazy that he asked Whitebeard for money in front of 100,000 naval elites and the people of the world! !

Therefore, Lin Hai became a god!


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