Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 228: The Conspiracy of the Two Overlords

When Thanos and Darkseid received the news of the failure of the mission, they were not too angry, and directly issued the retreat order. In fact, they had already prepared for this failure, and they lost the opportunity at the beginning. Thinking that Aiwen was able to get the cosmic spirit ball out in advance, he failed to prepare in advance, and when he sent people to grab it for a long time, it was obviously short of manpower. Thanos was better, at least all the five-star obsidian generals were here, Daxai On Germany's side, he didn't even have time to transfer Steppenwolf, his most powerful subordinate, and missed the opportunity in vain. The reason why he sent people to participate in the competition for the cosmic spirit ball was nothing more than. Earning more is just holding a chance.

Thanos took a serious look at Ai Wen and said: "You won this time, but it doesn't mean you will win every time. One day we will let you taste the taste of failure. Your luck is good. We didn't expect you to win! To be able to find someone who can carry the energy of the power gem, even though it is just some diffused thin energy, disrupted our plan, I hope your luck will always be so good."

Ai Wen replied with a smile on his face: "My luck has always been good. This time, the two of you have given in. Thank you for your move. I should go."

"Wait!" Aiwen had just stood up when Thanos suddenly stopped Aiwen, "I just received the news from my subordinates that my two daughters, Nebula and Gomora, were captured by your people. I want Redeem them, tell me, what price do I have to pay?"

"Gamorra and Nebula? If it's them, I want to say that it doesn't cost anything. In fact, you should understand very well that they have always hated you, and they might stab you in the back at any time. It is impossible for your strength to hurt you, but I am also very happy to cause you some trouble, not only will I not hurt them, but I will also give some small gifts to make them stronger, you have to be careful."

After Ivan finished speaking, he stood up directly, strode out, and soon came to the place where the Chang'e spacecraft was stored, and directly started flying towards the coordinates sent by the Space Walker.

Until Ivan's spaceship disappeared into the universe, Thanos and Darkseid still sat motionless in their positions.

It is rare for Thanos to show a trace of loss, and he feels helpless in his heart. He is very clear about his hatred for Nebula and Gomora. Nebula is nothing. He really has feelings for Gomorrah. Fall out with my own daughter.

It took a while for Thanos to adjust his mood again, stop thinking about these bad things, and said to Daxai: "You have also seen that if this continues, the gap between us and him will become wider and wider. The longer the time drags on, the worse it will be for us, let's implement the backup plan!"

Darkseid still hesitated, "So what if I agree, it's almost impossible to convince those old guys, do you have any leverage to let them make a move?"

"Not yet, but they are all old monsters who have lived for countless years,

The most powerful people in the universe have their own dignity, and they probably don’t want to be crushed by a rising star like Ivan Shaw by 100 million, and I can assure you that after I use up the infinite gems, the infinite gems will belong to you , You can divide it any way you want. "

Darkseid thought about it for a while, gritted his teeth and agreed, "Okay, I agree, I will be in charge of contacting those old monsters, but I hope you remember what you said today. come out."

"Don't worry, I think you also know my goal. Infinity gems are just a tool to achieve my wish, not an end. After use, it will belong to you. At the same time, you don't have to worry about my repentance. As far as I know, some old monsters in the universe are holding it. There should be treasures that can lower the power of infinite gems, even the three mother boxes of your Apocalypse can do it, once I repent, I will be besieged by all of you, even if I collect all six infinite gems, I have no chance of winning."

Darkseid gave Thanos a hard look, knowing that the other party had been secretly investigating information about himself and Apocalypse, but he didn't expect to know so clearly about the mother box.

"You know it very well, well, just follow what you said, and leave it to me to contact those old monsters, but don't be idle, the earth still has space gems and time gems, first try to find a way to see Can you get it, now Aiwen Xiao already has the Power Gem and the Reality Gem in his hands, but the Mind Gem in your hand is somewhat insufficient."

"I've thought about this a long time ago, and I've already begun to arrange it. Because of the obstruction of Asgard headed by Odin, it is difficult to attack the earth, but now there is a very suitable leader, and he will take the initiative to ask us to borrow troops. , this is not a problem of our invasion." Thanos said and stretched out his hand, and the image in front of the two showed a handsome and evil figure, it was the long-lost second prince of Asgard, Loki.

"You want to attack the earth for the vanguard and snatch the infinite gems, but this little guy will not surrender to others so easily. His ambition is not small. Is he really willing to be your pawn and work hard for you?"

"It's not a matter of whether he is willing or not. Don't forget that the Soul Gem is in my hands. Even if he is good at illusion and has strong mental power, he can't resist the control of my Soul Gem. If it is really necessary to directly take this Just discard the pawns."

Thanos and Daksai discussed for a while, and finally reached an agreement. After that, the two left separately, and the universe regained its tranquility. On the other side, Aiwen had returned to the Space Walker, and when he came to the spaceship, he was approaching. A group of mutants who seemed a little busy walking, saw members of the mercenary regiment from time to time carrying sentry robots to the repair workshop. Although there were not many casualties in today's battle, the sentry robots were used as cannon fodder. But the damage is not small and needs to be repaired.

Ivan didn't bother to deal with these trivial matters, so he came directly to the conference room. As soon as he walked in the door, he saw Xiao, Tian Qi, Bo Jin, and Star Eagle, the four giants of the shadow mercenary group, were talking with the future members of the Galaxy Guards. The cosmic spirit ball was held by Xingying, and they seemed to be talking and laughing, and they seemed to get along well.

Seeing Aiwen's return, everyone went up to greet him. After everyone said hello, Aiwen said: "Nice to meet you, Star Lord, Rocket, Groot, Nebula, Drax, and Gomora .”

Gamora said first: "Don't talk nonsense, you know what we want, and now we have given it to you and sent it back, and the universe spirit ball is also intact, you got what you want, shouldn't you also think about what we want?" Give us what you want."

"Of course, I always keep my word. Since I promised you, I will definitely do it, but you also know that the method of body strengthening is very rigorous, and no mistakes can be tolerated. Moreover, you have just experienced a big battle, and now you are very tired. , in order to ensure that there will be no accidents during the strengthening, it is best to take a break, recharge your batteries, and wait until tomorrow morning to carry out the strengthening in the best condition. Of course, if you insist on starting now, it’s okay, but I don’t guarantee 100% success! Don’t blame me if it fails.”

"In this case, we can wait and don't worry too much." Xingjue hurriedly stood up to smooth things over, no matter if Aiwen said this to scare them on purpose or it was true, he couldn't offend Aiwen at this time.

After thinking about it, Gomora and the others felt that what Aiwen said made sense, so they agreed, and they didn't insist on strengthening it today. They wanted to take a rest and make further calculations.

"That's right! You have been like this for many years, and you are not in a hurry. After a hard day, you should be hungry, right? I have someone prepare a sumptuous meal, and we will celebrate it."

Aiwen finally breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, there is another reason why Aiwen refused to strengthen them immediately: Aiwen needs to study the power gem first.

As for everyone's strengthening plan, others have nothing to do with it, except that Xingjue's strengthening is a bit special. To stimulate the power of the gods in his body, the energy consumed is absolutely beyond imagination, so Wen intends to use the power gem to help him strengthen .

Aiwen is very clear about the characteristics of the power gem. The threshold for using the power gem is the lowest, as long as it is an individual, it can be used. Is the most dangerous, but also the most applicable.

Aiwen has already had a solution to this. He was exploded because of too much energy, so the speed at which the power gems poured into the body would be reduced.

To solve this problem, we must first find a material that can carry the energy of the power gem, confine the gem, and then open an energy channel that can be adjusted, and adjust it as needed.

As for the issue of materials, Aiwen focused his attention on the bones of the Tianshen group. At the beginning, the bones of the Aiwenli Tianshen group made an energy converter, which has been used to convert energy, absorb and strengthen the body, but over time With the passage of time, even the pure energy unique to the God group is less and less effective in strengthening Aiwen, so Aiwen needs to find a more powerful energy to replace it. The power gem is Aiwen's new goal.

In fact, the instrument used to extract the energy of gemstones was known a few days ago. The bones of the Tenshen Group were carved into a sphere, and the sphere was covered with dense holes the size of needle eyes. The energy transmission channel made of gold, the more holes are opened, the faster the energy transmission speed, the specific needs can be adjusted according to the situation, the power gem has just been obtained, Aiwen needs to spend some time to test, check each channel What is the rate of energy transfer, so it will take some time.

Aiwen asked the four of Xiao to deal with the mercenary group. The Xingjue and others he brought came to the restaurant. Thousands of mutant owners were eating and drinking. When it comes to food, Aiwen has never been stingy. It is definitely the best if the Corps is not short of money. Almost all kinds of precious food in the universe can be seen here, but because there are too many people, it seems a bit crowded.

But of course Xingjue and the others had special treatment, and they soon came to a place dedicated to entertaining guests. There were all kinds of food on the table next to them, and they could choose what they wanted.

Perhaps in order to show his identity as an earthling, all the food on the earth, Aiwen said a few words, and let everyone choose their favorite food to eat.

At the beginning, Gomora, Rocket and others were a little hesitant to eat because they didn’t know much about the food on Earth, but they saw that Star-Lord was the first to do it, cutting a piece of steak with a knife in one hand and a fork in the other and feeding it into their mouths. After eating it with a small face, he finally couldn't help but eat it, but he didn't expect that he would be conquered by the food from the earth immediately after eating it like this, and he started to eat it regardless of his image.

Drax the Destroyer's favorite is pig's trotters. He gnaws on one in one hand. Rocket Raccoon jumps up and down, grabbing a chicken and stuffing it into his mouth from time to time. Gomora can't help but choose it when he sees Star-Lord's enjoyment. Steak, but she ate it much more elegantly, and poured herself a glass of red wine, taking a sip from time to time. Of course, the strangest one among them was Groot. All he chose were fruits, apples, peaches, pears, Small tomatoes, and the way he ate them was very strange. He didn't even chew them when he put them in his mouth, and the fruit rolled directly into his stomach.

The only one who didn't do anything was Xingyun, she just looked at it with a helpless face. It's not that she didn't want to eat, but because she was transformed into a robot, she couldn't taste the taste of food at all, and the more she enjoyed watching others eat , the sadder she was, the deeper her hatred for Thanos.


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