When Ai Wen was fighting with the group of sea warriors, Doomsday soon came to a mysterious place under the sea, as if he had caught a strange membrane, there was no drop of water in this space, an invisible knot The boundary keeps the sea water out.

Inside the enchantment is a beautiful city. Doomsday came to a large hall, where there was a tall figure waiting for him. The man wore a horn helmet on his head, and his skin was as rough as a rock. , and grabbed a giant ax in his hand, it was none other than the Steppenwolf that Superman and the others had been chasing.

Steppenwolf raised one arm, and there was a strange device on the wrist that emitted a strange signal. It was calling for Doomsday, until Doomsday came to Steppenwolf and stopped. The motionless Doomsday, with a satisfied smile on his face, stretched out his hand to press on Doomsday, the device on his wrist lit up, Doomsday slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep. Steppenwolf used the device on his wrist to The device issued an order, and a spaceship flew over, shooting out a tractor beam to accommodate Doomsday.

After Steppenwolf finished all this, two figures walked out of your hall, one of them was a burly man with a fierce face and said: "Steppenwolf, the Day of Doom has been brought back, and the enemy you mentioned should also be lured to us." Are you in the trap? Can our plan start?"

Steppenwolf frowned and said: "Hai Sha, the situation has changed. It is not Superman who is attracted here, but Superman's father. The enemy is different from our previous plan. He is much stronger than Superman. Our plan may work." It doesn’t work, so I suggest giving it up for now.”

"No, the plan cannot be stopped. Even if he is Superman's father, no matter how strong he is, so what? In the sea, we have an innate advantage. No matter how powerful Superman's father is on land, he can only grow old in the sea." Honestly, I am the lord of the ocean, the ruler of Atlantis, and I will defeat him with my own hands."

Before Haisha said anything, another figure had already spoken first. If you look carefully, the man is a tough guy with short thick black hair, tough facial lines, star-like eyes, and a high nose bridge. It's just that when he speaks, he has a feeling of being aloof and looking down on all living beings, matching his pair of hungry eyes. Wolf-like eyes, people dare not look directly at. The next second revealed ferocious fangs.

"Your Majesty Aum. I'm not joking. This man's name is Ivan Shaw. He is the strongest man on Earth, and his strength is also among the best in the universe. You are not opponents. You must not act on your will."

The handsome guy named Aum is the ruler of the continent of Atlantis.

There is a natural sense of superiority, and I feel a little angry when Steppenwolf said that he is not as strong as a human being, "How strong is the strength? This is the ocean, and I have Neptune's trident in my hand. In the sea, I can strengthen my strength and weaken my opponent. , capable of defeating any enemy."

Haisha next to him also said: "That's right, as long as there is a sea god's soldier, His Majesty Aum is invincible, well, except for Namor, Steppenwolf, you are not deliberately looking for an excuse to end the relationship between us." Let's cooperate! Don't forget that the mother box you want is still in our hands. If you don't help us solve Namor, the mother box is absolutely impossible to teach you, and Steppenwolf, how can you say is also a famous new protoss Why are you so cowardly?"

"That's right, it's too embarrassing for your new protoss. If Darkseid finds out about your performance, I don't know if he will be pissed off."

Originally, Aum was overconfident, as if Aiwen was in his pocket, but now he was so touted by Haisha, he almost forgot what his surname was, and his complacent look seemed to have defeated Aiwen.

Steppenwolf looked at the two guys in front of him who could be called partners or teammates, and couldn't help feeling a little headache. He regretted it, did he lose his mind? How did you find such two pig teammates? Is Aiwen something he can provoke? Dakseid had to back away when he saw it, the three of them combined were not enough for the opponent to beat with one hand.

At first, Steppenwolf found out that one of the mother boxes was in Atlantis, and planned to snatch it, but later, after inquiring some news about Atlantis from the counterfeit star population, he changed his mind.

After years of development, the Atlanteans who originally lived on the bottom of the sea split into two branches, led by Aum and Namor respectively. Endlessly, the reason for this situation is said to be the family conflict between a certain generation of Neptune and the Queen of the Sea. At that time, the queen of the sea was so strong that she beat the king of the sea to the ground. The king of the sea left Atlantis with a group of subordinates who were loyal to him, and rebuilt a new underwater city, also known as Atlantis. , The two forces began a struggle that lasted for thousands of years.

Steppenwolf also knew that his strength was greatly reduced in the sea, and he might not be able to defeat them. With the idea of ​​giving it a try, he asked the copycats to contact them to see if they could win over the Atlanteans, but he did not expect to succeed. Mu and Hesha didn't care about the hatred between the new protoss and the old protoss at all, and were willing to cooperate with him, as long as they helped him get rid of Namor.

However, after observing this period of time, Steppenwolf found that both Haisha and Orm had their own calculations. Haisha himself was the general under Namor, but he was too ambitious and wanted to overthrow Namor, so He will cooperate with Aum, but he will not only be satisfied with the power of Namor, but also eyeing the power of Aum's rule. If he is allowed to solve Namor, he will definitely attack Aum and completely rule the entire ocean.

As for Aum also has his own plans, he is also using Haisha, and he is a little smarter, but he has not shown it. It is worth mentioning that Aum also has people who are disobedient. He seized the right to rule Atlantis in his hands, but there is news that the Queen of the Sea was killed by Orm, and Mera, the most trusted female general of the Queen of the Sea, has been investigating this matter, making his position a little unstable. It happened that Meera held a lot of power, which made him dare not kill easily. This time, he intentionally found a reason for Meera to guard the mother box, and planned to find an opportunity for Steppenwolf to snatch the mother box, and then shift the responsibility to Meera to punish her.

Steppenwolf looked at the two scheming comrades in front of him, feeling tired for a while, and really wanted to shout out - the pig teammates can't afford to be hurt!

Although I look down on Hai Sha and Aum, but now I still need to rely on their strength to maintain respect on the surface, but secretly I have made up my mind, I must find a way to get the mother box as soon as possible, and escape immediately if there is an accident. He would definitely not confront Ai Wen head-on, because that would be courting death.

"Well, since His Majesty Aum is so confident, I wish you success. Unfortunately, I can't show my strength in the water and can't help you. I can only cheer for you from behind."

"Put it on me, and watch me chop off his head." Orm summoned his Neptune's trident out of nowhere, and waved it in a very ostentatious manner.

Haisha stared straight at the trident, his eyes became hot for a while, and a strong greed rose in his heart, and he almost couldn't help snatching it.

"Hold it, you must hold it back, it will be mine sooner or later, and I will definitely take it back, and Namor's Neptune Trident, they will all belong to me in the future, and when two tridents are fused, they can become Poseidon Trident, as long as I control its power, I will be the real sea god, everything in the sea will submit to me, then the land, and even the entire planet, and the entire universe.” Haisha fell into the dream he wove for a moment among.

"Wait, I have a good idea. I can let Namor fight Ivan Xiao first. It is best to let them both lose. Then we take the opportunity to clean them up together. Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?"

Steppenwolf is also quick-witted, and came up with such an idea. In fact, he has no confidence in Orm and Haisha, but the purpose is just to delay time. Aiwen's strength is so strong that even Darkseid is not sure, let alone It's these two idiots, even if Aiwen's strength in the water is discounted, they can't deal with it. Steppenwolf just wants to take the opportunity to execute his plan.

"This method is not bad, Haisha, I leave this matter to you, find a way to attract Namor, let him conflict with that man named Ivan Xiao, and we will take advantage of the fisherman in the back."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Haisha took action without saying a word, with a hint of excitement on his face, not because he was so loyal to Aum, but because he thought it was really possible this time, Namor Get rid of it and start the first step of your own great plan.

The battle between Aiwen and a group of Atlantean fighters continued. Under the suction of the vortex created by the enemy, Aiwen's body shook and he was a little unstable.

But who is Aiwen, how can he be stumped by such a small trick, but I am also very interested in the magic of these fighters to control the sea water. If this is the case, then use magic to compete with them.

I saw Ai Wen's body shortened, tied into a horse stance, stopped the shaking of the body, then closed his hands together, and slowly opened them. Driven by an invisible force, the water around him also rotated at a high speed, but , it spins in the exact opposite direction of the water flow in the vortex above you.

The two vortexes produced a huge suction force at the same time, arguing with each other and canceling each other out. Those sea tribes saw that Aiwen actually wanted to use the same magic as their sea tribe to compete with them, and a burst of anger suddenly arose in their hearts, and they competed with them in water magic , is this looking down on them? Must teach him a lesson.

Those Sea Clan people increased their magic power output almost at the same time, the vortex above them became bigger, and the suction power also increased accordingly. But when Aiwen saw this situation, not only was he not afraid, but a look of excitement appeared on his face. He increased the output of magic power, and the vortex suddenly increased several times, competing with the enemy's vortex. You come and fight get up,

In the beginning, more than a dozen sea warriors could barely compete with Aiwen's vortex, but as time went by, the consumption was too great, and they began to lose some of their magic power. On the contrary, Aiwen was always in good spirits. He stared at the sea warriors casting magic and conducting research with interest. It seemed that the loss of magic power had no effect on him at all.

There is no way, Aiwen's magic power is too thick, and he can absorb external energy for transformation anytime and anywhere. As long as he does not meet opponents like Darkseid and Thanos, and let the energy consumption speed reach the limit, basically Aiwen Always in a state of full energy, Ivan didn't even have one percent of his strength to deal with the small characters of the sea warriors.

The vortex created by Aiwen continued to grow slowly and steadily, and became bigger and bigger. On the contrary, the vortex created by more than a dozen sea warriors began to become a little unstable, with a feeling of shaky, and finally one of the warriors' magic power When it was exhausted and fell down, like a chain reaction, the other fighters couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed one after another. The vortex created by Ivan swallowed the opponent's vortex, and then exploded suddenly, those sea warriors were overwhelmed by this force After being knocked into the air, it was because their magic power was exhausted that they suffered some backlash, and even spit blood from their wounds and flew out backwards, lying powerlessly on the bottom of the sea.

Aiwen came to a weak Sea Clan warrior, lifted him up and asked, "Tell me, who are you guys? Why did you sneak attack me?"

Thinking that this sea warrior was very stubborn, he ignored Aiwen's question and turned his head to show that he was not cooperative.

"Is there nothing I can do if you don't tell me? I thought you were a man and wanted to save some face for you, but you don't eat or drink a toast. If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude, I will directly Find what I want from your mind, of course, this process may hurt your brain a little bit, if you become an idiot or leave some sequelae, don't blame me."

Of course, Aiwen was lying to him. With Aiwen's current ability, he could see how a person's brain could cause harm. It was just that he was really upset with those people who attacked him, so he deliberately frightened him.

Sure enough, the Sea Clan warrior showed horror on his face, and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it in the end.

Ai Wen intentionally showed a sinister smile, slowly stretched out two fingers, and pointed at the forehead of the sea warrior, but stopped halfway, and couldn't help but look up in another direction, and the sound of the sound coming from afar There was a sound of turbulent torrents.


At this time, there was also a shout from the other side, and several figures rushed towards this side quickly. The first one was tall, about 190 cm tall, holding a trident in his hand, majestic and majestic, with a special kind of king momentum.

Aiwen had no choice but to temporarily stop his movements, and casually threw the sea warrior aside, quietly waiting for the man to come to him, and carefully sizing him up.

At the same time, the visitors were also looking at Aiwen, curious about Aiwen, who is obviously a human on land, but can be safe and sound on the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, a disgusting voice sounded, "Your Majesty Namo, it is he who injured our Sea Clan warrior for no reason, you must avenge us!"

"Hisha, shut up! I will deal with this matter naturally." Namor glared at Haisha dissatisfiedly. He was very dissatisfied with his general who always wanted to overthrow his rule. The forces in control had already killed him.

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