Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 6 The deal is concluded

Beiruhu looked at the shocked Orochimaru, not to mention how proud he was in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm. He had a rare opportunity to show off, so how could he let it go.

"Don't make a fuss, that's just a clone of me, my backup body."

The body in the glass warehouse was clearly the same as Bei Liuhu, but it was a little younger, looking less than twenty years old. There were tubes inserted into the body and an oxygen mask on the face.

"Clone? What is that? I am sure he is alive, but he is not suitable for soul fluctuations. How did you do it?"

"The so-called clone is a body cultivated with my cells. It is just a shell. It has no soul and no consciousness of its own. If my current body has an accident, suffers incurable damage, or is older and cares about aging. After death, I can transfer my soul into that body, and as long as I want, I can continue to replace it with new bodies, and theoretically I can gain eternal life."

"Wait, soul transfer? Do you also know the art of reincarnation? Then how do you solve the problem of rejection between the soul and the body? And occupying other people's bodies will inevitably be counterattacked by the other party, so how do you... Oh , by the way, your so-called clone has no soul at all, which solves a big problem."

"What I don't know about you is not the art of reincarnation, but it doesn't matter. I have some research on the soul. I can make the soul leave the original body and enter a new body. Because there is no clone consciousness, there is no need to fight for control of the body, and There won't be any rejection, because that body is exactly the same as mine except that it is younger. Even if I hadn't deliberately made him unable to have self-awareness, it would be another me. If I cultivate it well, he could even have me. Of all the abilities, none surpass my power."

Orochimaru already understood what was going on. Looking at the clone in front of him, he suddenly had an idea in his mind. If it could succeed, then the harvest this time would definitely be beyond imagination.

"Can you tell me in detail what happened to this clone?"

"No problem. The so-called clones are based on cells, borrowed from the cell nucleus and cultivated from a woman's egg cell. There are two types. One is a body without a soul and consciousness, just like the one you see. , and the other is to cultivate it to a certain level, let it gradually come into contact with the external environment, and then slowly develop self-awareness. This kind of clone can be called a biochemical human."

"That is to say, as long as you have someone's cells, you can clone that person, right? Can you also inherit the strength of the original body?" Orochimaru's face became more and more excited, and the thoughts in his mind became clearer and clearer.

"That's not true.

A clone is just a copy and is different from the original person. It cannot grow into the original person. How can I put it, it is like a tree that is cut down and then sprouts again based on the original and grows into another person. Generally speaking, a tree cannot surpass the original tree, or even reach the height of the original tree. "

"But what if we cultivate it carefully so that the new tree buds can grow vigorously?"

"It seems that you have understood the key. However, no matter how well you cultivate it, there will still be a big difference between the basic bodies. If you use the cells of a powerful warrior to cultivate two clones, their qualifications will be different. Excellent, they stand on the same starting line, and then put them in different environments. One of them is on the verge of life and death all year round, forcing him to constantly stimulate his potential and gain powerful power. Perhaps he can transcend his original body and become more powerful. The samurai, while the other pampers him and gives him the most peaceful life. He doesn't need to do anything. No matter how good his qualifications are, he will eventually become a useless person."

"That is to say, it is uncertain what will happen to the clones in the future, but if the clones are cultivated with the cells of the powerful bloodliners, they have better qualifications, right? If I give you the cells of the first generation Hokage, you can cultivate them Make a clone?"

"No problem, this is very simple."

"That's good, I hope you can help me clone a first generation."

"I'm sorry, this won't work!" Bei Liuhu refused without even thinking.

"Why?" Orochimaru looked eager. If there were no first-generation clones, all his previous ideas would be overturned. "Is there anything different about the cells of the first-generation Hokage? If you have any difficulties, please tell me. I will try my best to help you solve it.”

"Listen first." Beiruhu stopped Orochimaru who was about to pounce on him at any time, and then said: "I didn't say that cloning is impossible, but I can't agree to your conditions privately. Now I work for others. , to help you cultivate clones, you must get the approval of your superiors, so if you really want it, you have to negotiate with my boss."

"Like This!"

Orochimaru breathed a sigh of relief, it would be great if he could clone, but then he frowned. Orochimaru had the cells of the first generation Hokage in his hands. He cooperated with Danzo and implanted the first generation cells into many children, hoping to reproduce the power of Mu Dun. The blood stain limit, but unfortunately the result was not ideal, most of the children died, only one survived, that is Yamato, but even if Yamato obtained the wood escape ability, what his wood escape created was just lifeless and lifeless It is made of wood instead of real, living plants. It is completely different from the first Hokage's Wood Release. Now he finally has the opportunity to reproduce the real Wood Release, and Orochimaru is still very confident that he can get a suitable reincarnation for him. How could you let go of such a good opportunity?

Orochimaru racked his brains to think of how to convince Ivan to help him cultivate a first-generation Hokage clone, but he still had no clue and lacked a bargaining chip to convince the other party.

Do you really want to work for him in exchange for his help in cultivating clones? But in this case, wouldn’t it mean that we are controlled by others? no! no! But the first-generation clone is too important to me. I have to get it no matter what. What should I do?

That's all, let's take it one step at a time. Talk to the man in the black cat mask first and see what conditions he has before making any plans. Home

"I want to see your boss." Orochimaru took one last look at Beiruhu's clone in the glass warehouse, and then turned around and said.

"Of course, the boss has been waiting for you. Come with me. You don't have to worry too much. I think you will get what you want."

Soon Orochimaru and Beiruhu returned to the place where they first came. When they opened the door, Ivan still wore the black cat mask and sat in the original place.

Seeing Orochimaru hiding his strength, but still couldn't help but show a trace of eagerness, Ai Wen showed a smile on his face, and asked Orochimaru to sit down first, "Welcome back, how was the visit?"

Orochimaru took a deep breath and praised without hesitation: "It's really eye-opening. I never thought that someone could do this. Directly creating life is simply the ability of a god."

Ivan's praise of Orochimaru was very useful, "So what have you considered? Tell me your decision."

Orochimaru stared at Ivan for a while, then sighed and said: "I'm sorry, I still can't work for you, because I still have my own things to do, but I hope to make some deals with you, and I think you should too Make preparations for this."

"Indeed, I also thought that you are not so easy to conquer, so I made two preparations from the beginning. If you are willing to work for me, of course it would be best. If you are not willing, I will not force you. We can exchange for each other through trade. Something you need." Ivan admitted directly without any intention of denying it.

"What do you want?" Orochimaru stared at Ivan nervously, the critical moment came.

"I want the body tissue of the Heretic Golem. You can find a way to steal some of it for me. You often hold meetings on the fingers of the Heretic Golem. It shouldn't be difficult for you to take the opportunity to steal some of it."

"What!" Orochimaru almost jumped up from his seat. Of course he knew about the Heretic Golem. He also stood on one of the fingers during the party, but the question is how did he know? The Heretic Golem is one of the top secrets of the Akatsuki organization. Very few people in the outside world know about it. Now it is actually told by someone, and it can be accurately stated that everyone in the Akatsuki organization stood on the finger of the Heretic Golem during the meeting. In other words, the organization The information is completely controlled by people. Just thinking about Orochimaru makes his scalp tingle.

"It seems that you really know a lot about the internal situation of our organization, so do you also know about other things? For example..."

"Reincarnation Eye!" Ivan said the answer directly without waiting for Orochimaru's next words.

Orochimaru's eyes twitched slightly, and he secretly complained. Everyone knew that the rhythm was completely controlled by the other party, so it was still a little secret.

Orochimaru smiled helplessly, "Sure enough, there is nothing I can hide from you."

"Actually, I know more about the secrets of the Akatsuki organization than you think. Are you interested in hearing about it?"

Orochimaru sat upright again and said in a deep voice: "I would like to hear the details."

"Now the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Tendo Payne, is actually just a controlled corpse. You should also notice the black wooden sticks nailed to his body. It is a signal transmission device that is controlled remotely. Reincarnation The eyes only become like that after receiving the power of the pupils. The name of the real owner of the Samsara Eye is Nagato. You should have seen him when he was very young. He is Jiraiya's apprentice."

"What? Jiraiya's apprentice, how is this possible? And when have I seen him." Orochimaru felt that he was more surprised today than all the previous times combined.

"Nothing is impossible. The power of fate connects certain people together. There is cause and effect. Do you still remember Sanshouyu Hanzo? There was a war between the Fire Country and the Rain Country, which led to Countless civilians were displaced, and Nagato was also a victim in that war. You, Tsunade, and Jiraiya got the title of Sannin in that war. After the war, Jiraiya took in and taught three children, and Nagato was One of them, who would have thought that the Eye of Reincarnation would appear in an orphan."

"Who are you? Why do you know these things?" Orochimaru finally asked his biggest doubt.

"Again, you are not mine, so I won't tell you. Let me tell you, this is not the biggest secret of the Akatsuki organization. Nagato, who has the Samsara Eye, is the leader of the organization on the surface, but behind him there are A more powerful mastermind, a person with the Mangekyou Sharingan, is also the person who really created the Nine-Tails Rebellion and killed the Fourth Hokage."

At this time, even Orochimaru's temperament could not help but begin to change. Things turned out beyond his expectations. Even Orochimaru felt that he seemed to know too many things that he shouldn't know. Could it be that the other party had already made up his mind to let him Shut up completely?

"What are you going to do with me? Are you planning to silence me by telling me these secrets?"

"Why do you think of me so darkly? I am a very principled person and will not do anything to kill people and silence them. And didn't you find out? These secrets I mentioned are organized by your Xiao organization and have nothing to do with me. , I hope you will spread this news, so that the rebellious ninjas in your Akatsuki organization who are bent on subverting the ninja world will be burned out, so that I can watch the show in the dark, which is a good pastime."

What a bad character! Orochimaru couldn't help but sigh in his heart again, but this is good, at least he doesn't have to worry about his own safety, "What are your plans next, is there anything you want me to do?"

"Again, fair trade. Since you are not willing to work for me, I will not force it. Let's treat it as business. I know you want me to help you cultivate a clone of the first Hokage, and you need to pay The reward is the body tissue of the heretic demon, and just one sentence if you agree or disagree."

Orochimaru's eyes kept flickering, and it took him a while to make up his mind. He gritted his teeth and said: "I agree, but I don't know when the next gathering will be. Sometimes the Akatsuki organization has nothing to do all year round, and I can't guarantee when I will have the opportunity to get it. You get what you want, so I want to know the time limit for this transaction?"

"There is no specific time, you can just decide. By the way, I want to explain that in order to prevent the cultured clones from having such defects, I will imitate the growth and development process of the fetus in the mother's body during the cultivation process. The clone needs to go through ten months of growth and development to form a baby shape, and then you can use drugs to speed up his growth rate, which is roughly equivalent to one month of age. What age group do you need him to find?"

"Just be eighteen years old. I hope you can start cultivating clones immediately. It will take about two and a half years. During this time, I will get the body tissue of the Heretic Golem for you."

"Deal!" Aiwen made the decision directly.

Orochimaru finally breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his head, and there was a gurgling sound in his stomach. Orochimaru's neck squirmed, and a scroll came out of his mouth. After opening it, he took out a bottle of blood from the seal and handed it to Ivan.

"This is the blood of the first Hokage. I need the most perfect clone. He is eighteen years old and cannot have self-awareness."

"No problem, the time is up, just come and get it, Bei Liuhu, this cloning task will be left to you, go ahead!" Ivan immediately grabbed the bottle of blood and looked at it carefully, feeling the vitality in it. , after making sure there was no problem, he raised his hand and threw it to Bei Liuhu.

After the boss gave the order, of course Biliuhu, as an employee, had to obey the order and go about his work honestly. Son of a time-traveling villain

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