Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 107 Send Bad Bugs!

"Akamaru, the orc clone!"

"Woof!" Akamaru dog barked, changed into a tooth, and landed on all fours, tensing up, ready to launch an assault at any time.

Four-legged technique!

Orc clone!

Stacked on top of each other, brewing a big move.

Everything is ready and ready to launch the strongest blow.

Although the dog Akamaru felt the terrifying aura emanating from Naruto just now and felt fear in his heart, he had to obey his master's orders! This allows it to overcome fear.

At this time, Zhi Nao, who had been calm and unable to see any expression, finally moved.

He stretched out his hand and waved it in the air, as if he was swaying something...


Is it a parasite? This bug is very threatening. Naruto also needs to be treated with caution. doesn't seem right?

Naruto was suddenly shocked and concentrated. He suddenly found that there were many small black flying insects around him, which could be seen everywhere in the air, like tiny particles, quickly gathering around him like a black sandstorm...

"When?" The speed at which the bugs gathered was astonishingly fast, which Naruto did not expect.

Not parasites!

Even though he might be facing danger, Naruto still made a calm judgment.

For the oily girls who are good at playing with bugs, it couldn't be easier to spread the bugs out silently.

Since Naruto appeared in this dense forest and fought with Kiba, Shino began to secretly arrange his ultimate move.

Such a forest environment is a natural barrier to the hiding of bugs. In nature, bugs will exist everywhere. Once it is used by special means, its power cannot be ignored.

Dealing with bugs is a rather troublesome and annoying family.

Relying on the innate understanding of the habits of insects from the Younv clan, Zhi Nai uses special means to drive these insects to interfere and attack Naruto. This scene is shocking to outsiders.

It's unimaginable!

There are tens of thousands of bugs on these inconspicuous bushes and forest trees that are often passed by but hardly attract people's attention.

Through Shino's special call, the overwhelming army of bugs almost submerged Naruto, and the large black area looked terrifying.

Ordinary insects that come from nature are not cultivated by special means, they are only temporarily controlled and used, and they do not have strong aggressiveness and destructive capabilities. Naruto is surprised that Shino can be used in this way, but the nature of harassment is still in the end. some more.

Even so, the trouble he created for Naruto is not small.

There were gusts of punches and whistles, but it was useless. The swarms of insects came one after another, and the gaps opened were immediately filled. This is an attack method that physical skills cannot defend against, and it is very tricky.

The forest environment gives Zhi Nai the upper hand and has a natural advantage.

The wind moves!

An invisible whirlwind was generated, coming out from Naruto's body, and the intensified gust of wind blew away all the gathered bugs and rushed them away. The characteristics of the wind are like tornadoes and clouds, and the dense insect barrier is broken.

brush! Brush!

There were several bloodstains on Shino's face dripping with blood. The wind not only scattered the swarm of insects, but also scratched Shino's body with invisible wind blades. The range and distance are also very far. Does the wind attribute chakra attack remotely?

Very rare! Bugs might like it?

Even though his body was scratched, Zhi Nao remained calm and composed as always, without getting angry. Really a very rational, scary person.

Such a person can always use his fighting skills in the best way and in the best state.

In front of Shino, there is a layer of flying insects floating in the air, perfectly defending him behind,

Even Naruto's wind blade was blocked by this black insect barrier and could no longer hurt him.

Worm wall!

"Tooth!" Zhi Nai sneered coldly, the cold voice did not contain the emotional color of ordinary people.

"Drink! I have teeth!" Iba, who had been waiting for an opportunity, yelled loudly, and quickly rotated with Akamaru, who was carrying the orc avatar on his back, forming two violent tornadoes, spinning and hitting Naruto.

But it was his turn, and he couldn't wait.

This is a big move that Ya has been brewing for a long time, and with the cooperation of Shino, it is finally released. While Naruto disperses the sea of ​​insects, Ya is enduring the pain in his body, exhausting the amount of chakra in his body, and letting Naruto nice.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The two tornadoes attacked Naruto non-stop. The solid ground left potholes one after another. The high-speed rotating impact and the form-changing alternative physical technique changed the form of the attack, but the essence remained the same. of.

The attack power is indeed much stronger than the previous ordinary physical skills, after all, you are fighting with a dog. But once it is breached, wouldn't it be more serious internal injuries.

Even if it spins at a high speed, it can be avoided at Naruto's speed, so it's really useless. Naruto didn't even want to hit Kiba's pride again.

Naruto can even head-to-head, directly breaking his 'tooth through the teeth'.

"Huh?" Another bug? Another group of black bugs floated over again.

"Secret technique. Insect jade!" Shino's calm voice sounded, the secret technique of the Younv clan, these insects seem to be different, there is a chakra reaction on the insects, not ordinary insects that are not aggressive.


Naruto did notice that these bugs were thrown out of Shino's body, and then he flung them over while Naruto was dodging. The timing was good, and he was possessed by tiny bugs. Difficult to evict.

Naruto's face changed slightly, and the wind barrier around his body was almost eaten away by the parasites. If that was the case, it would be terrible.

Sure enough, the lethality of secret techniques should not be underestimated, nor should one be careless.

Naruto, even Naruto, must be treated with seriousness and caution with such weird methods that emerge one after another.

During the Chunin preliminaries exam, Shino's opponent, like the Otonin guy named Sak, was invaded by parasites unknowingly, and the final end was very miserable.

Just like being poisoned, it will silently disintegrate one's own defenses, especially if it is inside, one can imagine how terrifying it will be.

Insects that eat chakra, it's really annoying to think about it.

"Send the bad bug. Hurricane!" Big move! I really want to defeat Naruto in one fell swoop!

The insect tornado rises, and the insect storm formed by countless parasites wraps Naruto, and then floats into the air. In this whirlwind, there are constantly parasites trying to hit and devour his body.

Parasites are special insects, domesticated by special methods, with amazing attack and destructive power, especially the characteristic of being able to devour them, they are quite powerful and terrifying insects.

Naruto sensed that his own defenses were weakening...

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