Yellow flash!

Megatron Ninja World!

But God is jealous of talents and dies young.

He protected the village, guarded the children, and even sacrificed himself to fulfill his wife's wish.

He is Hokage, but he is also the husband of a woman.

He is a very charming character in Hokage.

He is also Naruto's never-before-seen father!

It has to be said that regardless of character, appearance, strength or personality charm, the four generations of Minato are top-notch.

Such a tall, rich and handsome man was picked by Jiu Xinnai's red-haired chili strategy at the beginning, but it broke the heart of countless secretly promised girls!

Even Tsunade couldn't help admiring Minato who was a generation younger than her.

Of course, there is also jealousy and complex emotions.

Jealousy, not for Minato, but for Jiraiya, the old pervert.

Some ninjas with some qualifications, who doesn't know who the master of the Fourth Hokage is...

That's one of the legendary "Three Ninjas", the immortal himself.

Four generations of masters, this title is probably more resounding than the title of 'Three Ninja', like thunder.

This wretched pervert who is not serious all day long and likes to spy on beautiful girls in the shower, is actually lucky to receive such an outstanding and awesome apprentice... Tsunade is furious! Is there anything super unfair? ?

What surprises Tsunade the most is that Minato has not been affected by Jiraiya's lustful nature and bad hobbies, and is still so upright and sticks to his heart.

It's not easy! It is worth a thumbs up!

As far as Naruto is concerned, he looks a lot like his father, as for the others... especially his character, he is exactly the same as Zirai, and even better than him.

The future super pervert!

The complex emotions in Tsunade's heart are more due to the nostalgia for her two closest relatives.

The rope tree and Kato broke.

One is her brother and the other is her lover.

Both of them yearned for Hokage, but unfortunately they both died...their opponent died tragically.

Dramatically, today, many years later, Tsunade took over this position, which made her laugh at herself.

If it weren't for the responsibility of being Hokage, would the fourth generation still pass away?

If they hadn't left Konoha back then, they could have helped to contain the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, would the fourth generation still perish?

This is the biggest regret in Jiraiya's heart.

Failed to protect his disciple...

Tsunade is also very aware of Jiraiya's character, although lustful, but very reliable, very emotional. Therefore, I also know why he seldom talked about Watergate on his own initiative.

But today, Zilai is also uncharacteristically, and seems to let go of the past.

"Minato..." At the beginning, it was said that the cause of Minato's death was to seal the Nine-Tails, and also used forbidden techniques, but the third generation and the lecherous sage who knew the full strength of Minato knew that there were many strange things.

There is no doubt that Nine Tails is powerful, but facing Minato who has mastered countless sealing techniques, is there a chance to break free from the seal and escape to harm the village?

What's more, the Anbu personally arranged by the third generation, including his wife, died without resistance...

Judging from the signs of death, it was not Kyuubi's work, so it was suspicious. Who else has such strength? It seemed that there was a big conspiracy covering Konoha.

Jiraiya also knew that before Minato died, some information was conveyed to him through the psychic beast.

"As for the secret..." What did Jiraiya say?

Three generations pondered, there was something wrong with what Jiraiya said!

"Huh? The crystal ball... why can't I see anything?" Tsunade said, "Old man, what's going on?"

"En? Let me see!" The third generation used both hands on the crystal ball that could no longer see the screen, and once again used the A-level ninjutsu "Telescope Jutsu" to input Naruto's Chakra nature, but Naruto's figure could not Appear on the crystal ball again.

"Blocked? Naruto's current chakra attributes seem to be particularly chaotic." A trace of doubt flashed in Sandai's cloudy eyes.

"No way? Naruto did it on purpose? Impossible?!" Jiraiya said,

Could it be that this kid sensed that someone was spying on him and tried to block it?

The little guy is doing more and more!

And he seems to be heading in an unknown direction...


In the depths of the dense forest, Zhi Nai squatted there in a state of embarrassment, the flames were so powerful that his bugs were scorched, and even himself was seriously injured.

The body is extremely weak now.


His clothes were scorched black, his face was also black, and he was choked by the smoke.


But it's not life-threatening, Naruto is very measured in this kind of contest.

His hands-on measure is judged by the opponent's situation.

If you are ruthless, I will be ruthless too!

You show mercy and I show mercy!


As for the tooth, Naruto didn't make a move at all, but dragged it down with absolute speed. Ya's big move was through the teeth for a long time, but he didn't hit Naruto. The chakra was exhausted, and it caused internal injuries. He was as tired as a dog. He was kicked by Naruto and lay on the ground. Gou Akamaru is also apathetic.

What about the last Hinata?

She didn't participate in the whole battle, but stood shyly under a big tree, worried the whole time, and witnessed the whole battle process.

For Naruto to have such a powerful strength, she was shocked but also happy for him, but also very disappointed, feeling that the distance between them seemed to be getting farther and farther. She obviously wanted to say something, but she always couldn't get up the courage...

Zhi Nao is relatively able to see through people's minds. He vaguely found that Hinata was interested in Naruto and seemed to like her. Coupled with her timid and weak character, he didn't want to make her difficult by not letting her participate in the battle.

Although Zhi Nai seems indifferent, he is considerate and knows how to consider others.

"Little Hinata, goodbye!" Naruto greeted Hinata with a smile, and stretched his muscles and bones, which has already played a warm-up role, quite happily.

The process of fighting is the process of accumulating experience. Naruto knows that he lacks experience, so fighting with different types of ninjas is also an invisible improvement for him.

Still, it's over.

"Naruto-kun~" Hinata secretly looked at him cautiously, afraid that Naruto would be angry, after all, her partner, Kiba and Shino had attacked him before, worried that Naruto would also be disgusted with her.

"Keep working hard! Remember to become stronger!" Naruto felt that he still needed to encourage Hinata. It may not be realistic to completely change her character, but she must be stronger and grow up!

"En!" Hinata nodded firmly, feeling the encouragement from Naruto, which is more effective than any panacea.

She hopes that one day, she will no longer be shy or afraid, become a truly outstanding female ninja, and then stand in front of express her heart.


Naruto, who left, ushered in a new wave of opponents after a short rest. (To be continued.)

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