Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 113 Big Watermelon?

Taijutsu is the fundamental embodiment of a ninja's own basic quality.

Punching and kicking are physical arts, so physical strength is very important.

Naruto's body skills may not be special, but his abundant physical strength is definitely far superior to others.

Of course, this also has something to do with his physique.

It is precisely because of the solid foundation that the learning of ninjutsu can be made by leaps and bounds.

Based on physical skills, it can take the upper hand in attacks.

The taijutsu battle between Naruto and Xiao Li is for that slight advantage.

Before drinking, Naruto could have an absolute advantage, but after drunk, Li's body skills are completely different. That's why even Teacher Akai was shocked and trembling!

Unlimited combos!

Straight fist strikes, if Xiao Li is in a normal state, Naruto would not bother to dodge such a move, but now he has to move.

Although it is a straight punch, it has many changes. There are ripples and vibrations on the fist, and the wind is loud. If you underestimate it, if you are hit by a drunken fist that is open and hanging, you will usher in a series of combos. It will not look good!

Xiao Li's fist already has the power to break through Naruto's defense, and the change of drunken fist has made Naruto passive.

"Konoha Great Whirlwind!" Naruto who was close to him was caught off guard by an all-round roundabout kick, and was finally kicked!

The powerful force in the middle of his chest made his blood boil and he almost fainted.

"It's dangerous! I was almost injured!" Naruto stroked his chest to relax his body.

"Konoha Gale!" Turning the lower kick, the speed is unbelievably fast. This speed surge seems to have opened the eight doors of armor. Naruto's legs tripped when it was too late. The power of this Konoha Gale is far greater than the Konoha kicked in the previous section Whirlwind, but it can also be very dangerous, and only when the Bamen Dunjia is opened and supported by sufficient speed, can it be used with confidence. This caught Naruto off guard and fell into Xiaoli's rhythm.

"Konoha lifts the wind!" Kicking Naruto into the air. After the next kick, there was a round kick in the air, and the legs and legs were hit hard, and Naruto was beaten into a sandbag.

bang bang! ! Boom boom boom!

Just hearing the dull sound hitting the body made Tiantian panic.

It's just a sparring, isn't this...too ruthless? ? ! Want to beat someone to death?

However, it's not over yet.

After kicking at high speed, before Naruto could react, the white bandage wrapped him tightly like a mummy, and then spun with the "mummy" at high speed and hit the ground.


The dust was flying, stirring up circles of smoke and dust, making it impossible to look directly at Tian Tian. Only Neji's white eyes could see the real situation clearly.

Xiao Li's opening mode has been released, and he is half-squatting and gasping for breath. In the case of opening and closing, he uses various tricks to attack repeatedly, and finally opens the first door "open the door". He is exhausted and causes old injuries , his leg hurts again...can't move!

"Are you enjoying the fight?" A light voice sounded, echoing in Xiao Li's ears, "Sweet!" He replied subconsciously, "Really? Then come and have fun, sir!" An evil voice said, with anger in his voice.

Xiao Li was stunned.

"Not good!" Ning Ci said suddenly, and he saw the situation clearly through the white of his eyes.

Did he escape the catastrophe by using a substitute technique? Under such an attack, he could also transfer instantly. If it wasn't for his supercilious eyes, he probably wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Now, Xiao Li is in danger.

Do you want to make a move at this time? Ning Ci was struggling. As masters, they also have their own pride? after all…

Neji was thinking about it, but Naruto didn't think about it.

This little plum is completely merciless! In the state of opening and hanging, almost all the abilities that exploded were used on Naruto, that is called cruel, and it is really unkind!

Isn't this beating him to death~ If you change someone, it will explode early!

Therefore, Naruto at this moment is also in a haze in his heart, and he wants to vent his anger!

"Shadow Dance Leaf!" The lower part kicked up, kicking Xiao Li's chin hard, making him feel as painful as if his jaw was about to split open.

Fly into the air, then what?

Shadow Dance Leaf can usually be said to be a preparatory action for Biaolianhua. Will Naruto use "Biaolianhua" next?


Do not!

Through the memory of the body and the analysis of the brain, Naruto can indeed successfully use the Biaolianhua, but this trick is not easy to control!

Naruto was really worried that he would bury Xiao Lizi in the soil without any measure, and use this place as his cemetery and cemetery.

This killing is really difficult to control! As a beginner, Naruto is difficult to grasp.


Based on the principle of friendly exchange, common progress, and prosperity, Naruto maximized his speed, and made a series of aerial combos without landing. By the time Xiao Lizi landed, he was already covered.

"I, I (lost)!" Xiao Lizi said vaguely and couldn't articulate.

"Naruto! You're too ruthless!" After checking Xiao Li's injury every day, he scolded Naruto.

"Is it cruel? I don't think so! Is there?" Naruto tilted his head, looking like he didn't want to be beaten.

Tian Tian, ​​who has always been very standard and controllable, is also gnashing his teeth!

Because... the current Xiao Li is simply, simply horrible!

Like a pig's head, even a pig's head, just like a big pig's head. The originally slender figure is now even more plump than Choji-san, and the green tights can't fit her tight! plump...

Now the overall image, from a distance, has no neck, only a head, well, the hairstyle of this head is still watermelon skin, it is really a big watermelon now!

That's right, Xiao Li's attack was indeed merciless, but after all, you're fine now! But Xiao Li was tortured by you like this... The girl's sympathy is overflowing, sympathize with the weak! So suddenly the wind turned upside down, and all the evil was directed at Naruto.

The current Naruto is Piccolo, the evil villain, who must be wiped out by light and justice in the end...

"Xiao Li, we will avenge you." Tiantian vowed to become a partner of the 'big watermelon'.

"Naruto, you are very strong! No, careful!" Xiao Lizi originally wanted to tell Tiantian that she was no match for Naruto, but the child was stared at by the girl, and abruptly changed what he was about to say. .

Really pitiful and upright classmate Xiao Li.

"Tiantian! You cooperate from the side! Let's go together!" Ning Ci, who had been silent all this time, said suddenly.

"But I..." Tiantian wanted to say something but was cut off by Neji, "Now it's teamwork!"

"Okay!" Tiantian said reluctantly. In fact, she wanted to challenge Naruto to a one-on-one ninja hidden weapon round, but Neji's judgment must be obeyed!

Because Ning Ci, who has always been a bold person with high skills, actually took the initiative to propose two-person teamwork, so it can be seen how much pressure he is under.

"Come on! Next, I won't be polite!" Naruto said coldly. (To be continued.)

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