Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 115 Darui's swordsmanship


The top ninja of the Land of Thunder, the personal guard of the fourth generation of Raikage, is also a candidate for the next Raikage. This time, the Hokage succession ceremony sent him here, which shows that Raikage attaches great importance to Konoha.

After all, the Land of Fire is the largest country, and the slightest disturbance will attract attention.

Especially after Orochimaru launched the war, Konoha's strength has not decreased but increased, and the movements of various countries have become even more intriguing.

With dark skin, white hair, and a casual appearance, he has many similarities with Kakashi.

One is cynical, the other is lazy, and each has one eye covered. They are really similar in character and appearance.

Of course, Kakashi-sensei is more handsome.

In terms of strength, it's really hard to say...

"Do you want to take part too? The guy from the outer village!" Naruto said coldly, how long has this guy been hiding here, and he didn't notice it, and he appeared here carelessly in a flash of thunder, a bold artist , so confident?

"En!" Darui said even more coldly.

Yo, so cool!

"Do you have the nerve to bully me as a young boy?" Naruto looked at him contemptuously, who knew that the latter didn't react...

The breeze blew through a leaf, and Darui said slowly, "I'm sorry! You are very strong! We mentioned you in the latest information from Yunyin Village!"

"Me? It's an honor!" Naruto was surprised, he still had his information? There is no mistake, he has just become a Chunin! Although I have fought against many top ninjas, they were all in extremely remote places with few people. The battles that were actually recorded were not worth commenting on!

"You're welcome!" Darui continued to speak without expression, "The main thing is, I want to measure with my own hands how capable Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is!"

"Huh? Is that so?" Naruto's cold light was fleeting in the depths of his eyes, and he suddenly smiled, "Is it just your shadow clone?"

"Huh, did you see it? Your eyesight is really good." Finally, a trace of surprise appeared in Darui's eyes.

"So-so, anyway, it's not as good as Baiyan or Sharingan. By the way, you seem to be the same, the owner of Landun, the blood successor boundary..."

"En, that's right!" Darui continued to chat with Naruto, although he was surprised that Naruto knew some information about him, but he didn't want to think too much, "If you can defeat my clone, then the deity will come!"

"If that's the case, don't be too quick, come here and die!" Naruto hooked his fingers, provoking Darui.

"Well, that's fine! I'm looking forward to it too." Darui stretched his muscles and didn't take Naruto's rude attitude to heart. Among other things, this mentality is definitely very good.

"I'm not polite!" Naruto was not humble at this time, and made a move first.

A few kunai were thrown out by Naruto, but it seemed... off.

Kunai flew close to Darui's side without hesitation. It was a lot of fun, and I was amused every day. Naruto was embarrassed by such a mistake.

Tiantian couldn't wait to see Naruto's absolutely ugly face at the moment, but she was surprised because there was still a smile on Naruto's face at this time...

Darui was also puzzled, this is the most basic ninja throwing, even ordinary ninja would not make such a mistake, right? ! Not even the students of the ninja school?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Instead of underestimating Darui, he was more cautious. This is an excellent ninja, as can be seen from his behavior.

This mental quality is definitely honed.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

call out! call out! call out!

The three kunai thrown by Naruto coincided with each other in the air, and they collided with each other, causing the kunai to turn back and aim at the back of Darui's head, neck, and back vest with precise angles.

Darui, who was prepared, moved sideways and nimbly dodged. This kid's moves are very insidious! If you don't be vigilant, you may really be playing Dafabet.

Darui thought to himself.

Naruto took advantage of this gap to step forward, cut in front of Darui, and continuously attacked with physical skills. The opportunity he created must be fully utilized!

Darui secretly screamed in his heart that it was not good, he had seen this kid's taijutsu just now, it was very violent, even though Yunyin Village respected swordsmanship and ninja taijutsu, but this taijutsu did not have an advantage in front of Naruto at all!

"Clang!" The saber was unsheathed.

Darui, who was retreating steadily, finally saw the opportunity and drew out his sword to force Naruto to retreat.

Tian Tian can see clearly from the sidelines that this dark-skinned guy from the Land of Thunder seems to be very strong. From him, she has a sense of oppression that only exists in front of elite Jōnin such as Teacher Akai, and this is a Doppelgänger.

After Darui forced Naruto back with a sword, he retracted his saber.

"Why don't you continue to use it? Your swordsmanship seems to be very powerful." Naruto said with great interest. In Naruto, there are the most descriptions of ninjutsu, and swordsmanship is rarely mentioned, and there are very few Ninjas can reach a high level. This Darui was able to disrupt Naruto's offensive with his sword just now with his impenetrable physical skills. His sword skills are superb.

So, Naruto is a lot like trying out Darui's sword skills. After all, he also has a peerless sword! But he didn't comprehend the matching swordsmanship, and the power he could exert was not particularly great.

Not too big? If Tiantian knew what Naruto was thinking at this moment, he would definitely point at him and yell at him. This power is not very powerful. It almost cut off the girl and split the solid ground in half. It is not very powerful! ? Isn't it powerful to split the whole Konoha in half?

"Not yet!" Darui shook his head, "Although it will feel boring, but I'm sorry, I can't use the sword as a last resort!!"

"Isn't it that my current strength is not enough?" Naruto understands the metaphor of Darui, which means that his strength is not enough, and Darui's swordsmanship is too strong, and he may be uncontrollably injured. he.

Although what he said may be big words, this guy is quite restrained and seems to have a good heart.

"That's right!" Darui said listlessly, how strong his true strength is, I am afraid that only Master Lei Ying knows in Yunyin Village.

"Since this is the case, then I have no choice but to force out your true strength step by step!"

"I hope you can!" Darui was noncommittal, "By the way, the little tricks just now are useless. You'd better show your real skills, otherwise it will be very boring. Sorry, I'm too honest."

"I give you the same words, I hope you can let me show my true strength!"

"Really? I'll go first this time!" Darui laughed for the first time.

"Water escape. Water formation wall!" This is a ninjutsu used as a defense, which can resist all attacks of the enemy, but it is used by Darui as an offensive ninjutsu.

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