Women are the most unsuspecting men, and the more beautiful they are, the more so.

At this time, Naruto was almost stunned. It can be said that when the various defense states were the lowest and worst, there was almost no defense. In such a situation, Uzuki Xiyan and Temari actually chose to attack at this time, and they reversed instantly. Attack, this is really terrible! Naruto's life!

First of all, when Naruto and Xiyan were exchanging wine in their mouths, his tongue was bitten by Uzuki Xiyan, and he almost didn't bite off his tongue. My boy, the tongue is the most sensitive and sensitive part , this woman has sharp teeth, but she's not polite at all. Her tongue has been numb right now, and her mouth is full of blood. She went from heaven to hell in an instant. This contrast...is not beautiful!

Unfortunately, this is only the beginning.

Temari also started to counterattack!

Taking advantage of the moment when Naruto was lost in Uzuki Xiyan's fragrant lips and Mitsu, she moved her hand, and she quickly grabbed something hard against her body with her backhand like a gust of wind. My dear mother!

This is terrible!

As soon as Naruto withdrew his tongue from Uzuki Xiyan, he was subjected to more serious torture and shock, which made him gasp, aunt, this attack is so cruel! What if he leaves some shadows? We are still green teenagers~~

Obviously, Uzuki Xiyan and Temari don't care if Naruto-san has any shadows, they are just taking revenge, revenge, let you bully our weak girls, this is the price.

Temari is very happy now, you resist, resist! If you can still resist like this, I will let you do whatever you want, then what...haha~

This laughter is full of all kinds of schadenfreude, there is still a little devil in Temari's heart, the queen's domineering laughter makes Uzuki Xiyan look sideways at her, is this woman crazy?

Uzuki Xiyan has already displayed her ability as Anbu at this moment, grabbing Naruto with both hands, and using all her skills, oh, now you can't seal seals, you can't use ninjutsu, let's see what else you can do !

Ha ha ha ha ha……

Naruto was restrained by Uzuki Xiyan and Temari's joint efforts, and he couldn't writhe anymore.

"You jump, you jump again, jump!" Temari sneered at Naruto, and put his hands on Naruto...he greeted him fiercely!

The more embarrassing thing is that Naruto is not wearing any clothes now, he is naked, and Uzuki Xiyan has a thin skin, so I am embarrassed to see that she has been ravaging Naruto's face, especially the mouth that violated him, which is emphasized by her 'Take care', fanning wildly with both hands, is this considered a large-scale waiter...

Temari and Uzuki Xiyan went crazy, laughing wildly, ecstatic, as if wanting to vent all the previous grievances and grievances, Xiyan was also releasing, all the grief and resentment accumulated when her fiancé died broke out, Naruto Poorly becoming a sad punching bag, scratching, biting, gnawing, eighteen martial arts, and inhumanely "torturing" Naruto...

The two maddened women didn't know how long it took to calm down, "Hey, should we think about how to get out?"

Temari said to Uzuki Xiyan.

"Do you have a solution?" After Xiyan regained her composure, her attitude towards Diju was also complicated. After all, she had cooperated just now, and it was such an awkward cooperation. This cannot be the same relationship as before.

"It stands to reason that Naruto has already been caught by the two of us. The dungeon ninjutsu in this room should also be lifted~ But..." Temari was very puzzled, the dungeon in this room was still so strong, and he repeated it with a fan. Fanning back and forth, poking back and forth with the sword repeatedly, but even the woolen yarn was of no use.

"Indeed! Why don't you ask Uzumaki Naruto... Hey, where is he?"

The particularly miserable classmate Naruto who was supposed to be lying there and tied up suddenly disappeared.

"Run away?" Temari was shocked.

"How did you do it! When?"

"No! This is not right!" Uzuki Xiyan said suddenly,

"It doesn't seem real?!"

"It's not true, what did you say..."

When this point was mentioned, Temari woke up with a start, and suddenly realized that this was indeed full of strange and inexplicable feelings.

It is like an imaginary dream, which embodies what they think in their hearts.

The two looked at each other, could it be... is this an illusion?

Suffered! Death or death, if it is an illusion, it means that all of this may be their fantasy, Naruto is still fine, nothing happened, then what are they doing?

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly said it terribly.

Illusion is the scariest thing, because it can make you do terrible things that you don't even know about without making a sound and without any awareness.

It's a kind of mental control!

If it is really an illusion, everything that is presented now is fake, so what are the real ones doing at this moment...

With what the 'beast' did, they suddenly wanted to cry...

"Solution! Solution! Solution! Solution!" They tried to use their own chakra to interfere in an attempt to regain consciousness, but in vain!

"Can't solve it? Isn't it an illusion?" Temari said, she has a basic understanding of illusion, but the ninjas of the illusion type have always been lacking, and they can't have a clearer understanding of illusion.

"No! Now I am even more sure that this is an illusion!" After all, Konoha is an excellent ninja, and when he finds out the clues, he will not get lost again.

"Can that be undone?" Temari said.

"Try it!" Uzuki Yuyan is more experienced in this regard. After all, she is a few years older, and she is Konoha's Anbe. Both experience and experience are much richer than Temari. Girlfriend, there might be a way.

But it's just possible, not sure it's really useful.

But now it is just a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Since that didn't work just now, let's... use Chakra to inject each other into each other's body and interfere with each other!"

Interfering with each other, is the negative positive?

Half-believing, Temari and Uzuki Yugao tried it out...

"It works!" Uzuki Xiyan said suddenly, she noticed that the illusion had been melted and disappeared, "Chakra is not enough, let's increase the output..."

With the increase of the amount of chakra, this space has begun to be unstable, it is about to collapse, it is bright and dark, there is a possibility of breaking through, there is drama!

However, Chakra is still needed.

When their chakra was about to be exhausted, the restriction of this illusion was finally broken, their eyes were hazy at first, and then regained their clarity...seeing the light again~

This is the real world.

However, suddenly there was a scream...

This time, it was the turn of the two beauties to be shocked and overwhelmed! (To be continued.)

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