Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 131: Wuyin VS Yanyin

The wronged Chojuro thought of only their Mizukage-sama at this moment.

Mizukage-sama, Chojuro misses you very much!

The ninjas from other villages bullied me.

He had just left the country of water, the hidden village of Wuyin, and not long after leaving Mizukage-sama's side, and he felt more and more lonely and helpless.

Thinking of Mizukage-sama's beautiful smile, this is the warmth in his heart, the eternal encouragement...

Outside, in Konoha, he is a lonely ninja, he doesn't know how to greet people, how to get along with others, he doesn't know anything.

She blushes shyly when she speaks, and is always looked down upon by others.

Now that Naruto's language offensive has broken his mind again, Changjuro's explanations are in a mess and full of nonsense. Naturally, the more he explains, the more unclear the situation is, and the more he describes, the darker he is. Slowed down by these unscrupulous guys Slowly led to the ditch, anyway, it was deliberately misinterpreted by Naruto and the others, they are all black-bellied enough!

"Your Mizukage-sama is really incompetent! Would it be embarrassing for you to come here as an envoy to Konoha?" Kuroto Meimei looked at Chojuro's uselessness and looked down on him very much, and finally couldn't help but say something rude. Laughing at the misty shadow of this generation.

After all, there is also an unforgettable hatred between the Land of Earth and the Land of Water. Even if there is no war now, it still feels quite cool to attack each other verbally.

Unexpectedly, this sentence made Chojuro calm down suddenly.

The originally lively atmosphere was instantly cooled down.

The whole feeling is different...

"What did you say?!" Changjuro's tone suddenly became cold, and he said without any emotion.

"Yo, angry?" The black soil girl gave him a sideways glance. Although she was surprised by the change in this guy's attitude, she didn't really take it seriously.

"Say what you just said again!" Changjuro's cold eyes shot at Heitu. At this time, he looked very strange.

"What's the matter, complain about your Mizukage-sama!" Kuroto looked at Chojuro disdainfully, "You can't be the little man Mizukage raised, right?"

This sentence completely angered Chojuro.

No one can violate the taboo in his heart.


The air was pierced, and Chojuro held the signature weapon of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the flounder in his hand.

Just passing by for a split second, Chojuro appeared behind her from directly in front of Kuroto, instantly? !

Chojuro exploded.


On the flat grass, a drop of blood fell and hit the leaves of the grass.

Gaara, Darui, and Naruto all saw the scene just now.

There was a shallow bleeding scar on Heitu's cheek, and the clothes on her shoulders were also damaged.

Beads of blood dripped from the beautiful face and slid down the chin. This Chojuro looked shy, weak and lacking in confidence, but she really didn't expect to be so ruthless once he made a move.

Such thunderous, fierce and ruthless.

If it wasn't for Uzumaki Naruto pulling her alertly just now, I'm afraid it wouldn't be the injury. At least it may be seriously injured, and even life may be in danger.

Heitu gave Naruto a grateful look, "Thank you very much."

"It's okay, it's right to protect beautiful women." At this time, Naruto acted like a gentleman, he kept asking about his health, asking questions, feeling that he cared too much.

Of course, this kind of enthusiasm also has a special purpose. Who doesn't like warm men?

At least no women will hate it.

Coupled with Naruto's rescue of Heitu, the favorability is still rising.

A good start is often half the battle.

Unknowingly, the experience of picking up girls made Naruto form his own routine.

"Chojuro Kirigakure, do you want to seek death?" This kind of surprise attack without any prior notice made her furious and hurt her beautiful face, which is an unforgivable sin.

Heitu was also really angry.

The murderous aura scattered uncontrollably, the two people's aura was pulled,

This battle is inevitable.

"Be careful!" Naruto gently tickled Heitu's palm, then let go of her hand, encouraging her.

"Don't worry! What kind of ability does this guy have? I'll kill him in a short while." Heitu has experienced many battles, so how can the little ghost opposite her be her opponent.

Just now, she just underestimated the carelessness, because she really didn't expect this guy from Kirigakure to be so unruly, so he just did it directly.


"Chojuro Kirigakure, don't embarrass your Mizukage!" Darui cheered on Chojuro, this is really a conspiracy...

Chojuro didn't say a word, but his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

with a knife in both hands,

Chojuro who entered the fighting state is different from usual, it can be said that he is a different person.

For the prestige of Kirigakure ninja, for the reputation of Mizukage-sama, he is willing to do everything to fight.

Do not hesitate to die!

"Little devil, I will let you know the serious consequences of scratching a woman's appearance, and let you know that the anger of a beautiful woman is terrifying."

The battles at the beginning reached a feverish level.

The two sides clashed with each other in terms of weapons, and the collision of ping-pong-pong, sparks splashed everywhere, which shows the fierceness of the battle.

Taijutsu can reflect the basic quality of a ninja. Kuroto and Chojuro are not inferior in this respect. They can reach their level. Whether it is ninjutsu or taijutsu, it is impossible to be biased, even if it is weaker, it is better than that of a ninja. The average ninja is too strong.

This is the gap between elite ninjas and ordinary ninjas. The all-round development is far behind that of the special ninjas.

Heitu was startled inwardly, and only after he started fighting did he realize that this guy was unusual.

The usual cowardice and lack of self-confidence are more like a disguise. Is this the real him?

This Chojuro...

He was actually gradually suppressing her.

With the help of one of the Kirigakure seven ninja knives, the Hirame plaice, he pressed on against the black soil step by step, and danger abounded.

He didn't seem to be fighting with a beautiful woman, as if he had an enemy with a deep hatred, and wanted to use all means to hack and kill.

This ninja knife is so troublesome! Black Earth cursed inwardly.

"The black soil of Yanyin will suffer!" Darui said listlessly, although he has no energy, but his eyes are sharp.

"The ninja swords of the Kirigakure Seven are indeed well-deserved, and they are very distinctive."

"En!" Gaara, who cherishes words like gold, also agrees.

Kirigakure is the village with the highest level of information secrecy among the five major ninja villages. It is difficult to obtain information about their village. The seven ninja swordsmen and the seven ninja swords are only known by name, and they are not very clear about their details. Efficacy, in short, is very mysterious.

The plaice in Changjuro's hand has a strange shape and interesting features.

It can be combined into one weapon, or it can be used separately as a two-knife style. It is hard to defend against, and it is very difficult to do!

"Dual-knife style?" Darui sneered, in front of their younger brother Kirabi, who was Yin Yin Leiying, everything was just a cloud, and it was not worth mentioning at all. (To be continued.)

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