
"En? What do you mean?" Naruto looked at Darui. 13579246810ggaawwx

The latter shrugged his shoulders, and seeing Naruto's questioning, he just said one by one. Anyway, there is nothing shameful about it, so there is nothing wrong with it.

"That kid with glasses and I met by chance on the street."

Darui shrugged his shoulders, looking very boring, "I'm hungry, when I came out to eat, I saw this Kirigakure ninja walking down the street alone with his head down, looking downcast, looking pitiful, I will be merciful and go over to say hello."

"Who knew that this guy didn't have any defenses, with that shy blushing look, I had to lead him."


Such a nonsense reason, but applied to Chojuro, made him unable to refute it.

This Changjuro's performance under normal circumstances really made Naruto drunk.

After all, there are seven members of Kirigakure, why don't they have any confidence at all? It seems that life skills are also lacking, not even the most basic vigilance. As a man, he is also a powerful ninja, is it really a strange thing?

So unconfident, doesn't he even believe in himself?

Naruto is completely speechless, it seems that he is not the only one who came to Kirigakure Village this time? Why is it like an abandoned child, no one cares, no one wants... so miserable.

What about the leader of the team called 'Blue' Mist Shinobi? Don't care about his? Does it really matter if they are stocked like this?

"This guy is really interesting." Darui admired, "The performance in battle is completely different from usual, as if he has a dual personality."

Now, he also has a different view of Chojuro.

In other words, this guy is also a guy who hides deeply.

It's not deliberately hidden,

It's just the nature, under the cowardly appearance, it seems to be a kind of protection, or repression. At this moment, the critical explosion has caused Yan Yin's black soil to suffer a lot.

Ninjas at their level would be very passive once they were given the upper hand.

"Iwagakure and Kirigakure have a great hatred, do you know?" Darui said suddenly.

"Know some." Naruto nodded. Although it happened decades ago, Tsuchikage and Mizukage died together at that time. Such a big event was recorded in the history of textbooks. Such a big hatred cannot be eliminated!

Over time, this accumulated hatred is very difficult to dissolve. And it's no longer what it was at the beginning, where the intricate hatred relationship is hard to eliminate.

"The two of them won't really fight to the death!" Darui said.



Among the five great powers, which country has no hatred? Even between the Kingdom of the Wind, which was previously allied with the Konoha Alliance, there were many disputes and bloodshed.

The fame of Kakashi's father White Fang was established in the battle with Sand Hidden.

Therefore, there are very few exchanges between the five major countries.

Naruto always felt that the purpose of coming this time would not be that simple.

Hokage's succession ceremony seemed like an excuse. Take this opportunity to discuss something.

Unfortunately, he can't guess!

"Speaking of which, Konoha and you Yunyin also have grudges. Do you want us to fight again, continuing yesterday's battle?"

"At any time!" Darui wrinkled his forehead. Although he was injured, he didn't want to show weakness and planned to fight.

At this time, two ninjas appeared instantly.

"The two of us are playing with you." These are two ninjas from Yunyin Village.

"What the hell are you two? Where did you pop out?" Naruto looked at the two Yunyin ninjas with contempt.

"Hmph!" said the red-haired woman Yun Yin, "Don't you want to fight? We will fight to the end."

"So, why do I want to fight with you...two people?" This seems to be two against one...doesn't it follow the rules?

These two guys are really thick-skinned!

"Daroui still has injuries on his body, do you know that?"

"I know~" Naruto said naturally.

"I know you still want to..." Karui, the red-haired ninja with a bad temper, froze for a moment, "Then why do you still want to fight?"

"Of course I want to bully him!" What nonsense, how could Naruto not know about Darui's situation? He saw Darui's serious injury at the first glance, this is an opportunity, Naruto thought about it, how about beating him up, this guy was also trying to block him yesterday...

"You're shameless." Karui looked at Naruto with contempt.

"Every other!" Naruto sneered, "Don't you two also think of two against one, are you embarrassed to say me?"

Naruto looked around, "Where's your good-looking captain? Isn't he there?"

"The captain is discussing important matters with your high-level Konoha, and you are not qualified enough to know."

Big deal? What?

That being said, it seems to be true.

It seems that some of the ninjas of Yunyin, Kirigakure, and Iwagakure have only shown their faces, and then I don’t know which corner they stayed in?

In addition to Black Soil, Iwagakure also had a fat man coming over, besides Kirigakure Chojuro, there was also Qing, Yunyin Darui, who was the strongest, but the one who was in charge was the huge **** Samuel, and even Sagittarius Yin, Gaara is the only one here today... Why does it seem like this is the case, do those other guys have other things to do?

It always feels like something is going to happen.

Still a very big deal.

"Hey, what are you doing here at Konoha!?" Naruto asked Darui.

"This is a secret." Darui said lightly.

"Yo, secret? Is it your cloud's secret? I must know it?" Naruto's momentum pressed on Darui.

"As long as you have the ability, what's the point of me telling you?"

"So we still have to fight!" Naruto sighed, can't he take a break? Is it interesting to start a fight if there is a disagreement?

"Boy, let the two of us learn!" Kalui and the sad-faced Omoi stood in front of Naruto.

When the fight was about to start, Gaara's sand suddenly appeared, lying between them.

"Hey, gourd-carrying guy, what do you mean?" Karui said.

"I'll help you deal with them, and then you fight me!" Gaara ignored her, just looked at Naruto and said.

"That's okay." Naruto nodded, "One per person! Leave the red-haired one to me."

"it is good!"

This time, Naruto didn't want to be sympathetic. As soon as he saw this red-haired woman, he would get angry, and there were also twists and turns in the original book, so it can't be counted.

Hmph, I delivered it to my door, don't blame me for being so hot!

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