Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 139 Two Years Anbu


This is a special organization established during the tenure of the Second Hokage Senju Tobema.

It can be regarded as special forces! A choreography designed to perform a particular task. Those who can enter Anbu are excellent ninjas selected from the village, belonging to the elite.

Kakashi, Uzuki Yugao, and even Uchiha Itachi who has defected from the village... Even Naruto's father, the Fourth Hokage, he also trained in Anbu before he became Hokage.

Only after experiencing Anbu's way of life can one truly understand everything about the village.

Only then can we understand that Muye Village, which is bathed in the sun, actually also has a dark side.

After becoming Anbu, by performing some dangerous and unusual tasks, Naruto also came into contact with the dark side of Konoha for the first time.

After all, in order to develop and survive, there are many things that are not as simple as they appear on the surface.

Not everything can be resolved in an aboveboard manner.

Something is dark!

These dark things must be resolved in a dark way.

So, an organization like Anbu was born.

Originally, only Konoha had such an organization, but with the development, several other villages began to follow suit and establish Anbu.

Up to now, almost every village with ninjas will have Anbu.

For example, the ninja assassination force of Kirigakure, the country of water, was one of them when the ghosts were not killed or defected.

Anbu is an organization of this nature.

However... As the founding village of the organization 'Anbu', Konoha's Anbu is also relatively complicated.

Specifically, it is divided into two parts: one yin and one yang, light and darkness.

Needless to say, the yang side is naturally handled by Konoha's highest leader, Hokage-sama; the yin side is taken care of by Shimura Danzo.

This is Danzo's 'root' organization.

This is the part that has always existed in the dark, dark and gloomy, and can never survive in the sun... In the place where the sun can never shine, blood and killing exist.

Therefore...Although they are both Anbe, the Anbe and "gen" controlled by Hokage are relatively different in nature...

Naruto's father, Kakashi, was honed under Anbu who belonged to Hokage.

Although this part of Anbu often performs some dangerous tasks, it is different from the root of Danzo. There is not much intersection.


After all, it's Anbe!

That is, you can rarely have your own leisure and entertainment time.

When working, I wear an animal mask all day long, and then wear a uniform costume. I look like I am very mysterious, and there is very little space for my own normal life.

Two years, Naruto Uzumaki, he was sixteen years old.

Living in the most secret department of a village like Anbu for two full years, Naruto can learn and know a lot of things that cannot be learned in Konoha Village under the sun.

Only those who have really contacted Anbe can really get close to Konoha's authority.

This will be of great help to Naruto's future development, and it can also be regarded as a kind of accumulation of qualifications.


The third generation and Tsunade Hime's purpose of arranging him to Anbu is not so simple... He thinks... It may be surveillance, or it may be protection...


Two years, I believe they are enough to learn a lot...

So, he is now finally free.

During the two years in Anbu, because he always performed some dangerous and murderous tasks, although his life was very exciting, there were so many rules every day, so many things that could not be finished, and the tasks were one after another. You have to hide and stand guard, or protect important people... This shit doesn't even have basic freedom.

It's been two years, Naruto doesn't even have time to go back to his own home, and if he has a little time, he still needs to cultivate a relationship with his concubine, which really makes him panic...

but today,

He was finally free.

Can once again live under the sun and rain of Konoha.

No more Anbe!

It's the upright Jonin... Uzumaki Naruto!

That's right, Jonin!

Chunin exams are held twice a year. Now the twelve Konoha ninjas have been promoted to become Chunin, and the even more talented Hinata Neji has reached the level of Jōnin.

These are exactly the same as the original.

The difference is just Naruto as the protagonist.

His fate had already changed the day he crossed over. What changed was not only his fate, but also the fate of the whole world.

"Uzumaki Naruto, let's go!"

A very beautiful female voice said.

This woman couldn't see her face clearly. Like Naruto, she was wearing an animal mask, a black tights, and a white overalls. The most distinctive feature was the purple hair.

Anbu's unique dress is also a member of Anbe.

"Hey, let me tell you, given our relationship, can't you shout more kindly?" Naruto shook his head and was speechless. This woman never gave him a good face no matter when...even if she was... That's right.

It's been two years, aren't you tired? It has clearly reached that point...

A woman's heart, a sea needle. Even more so with female ninjas.

The purple-haired Anbu woman walked ahead and led the way without saying a word.

The place they are going now is the Hokage office.

Make a summary of the tasks of the past two years, and let Hokage, er, Tsunade Hime formally explain and announce it, and then he can officially leave Anbu and become a Jonin, living in the sun again, free and easy.

Sky high let the birds fly!

"It's finally here!" Tsunade said.

The bright and charming Fifth Hokage Tsunade-sama propped his head up and looked at Naruto sideways.

"Isn't the mask off yet?" Tsunade pouted.

"Hehe, I'm used to it." He took off the mask casually, revealing a handsome face.

Tsunade looked at Naruto's face, he was in a trance for a moment, it was... too similar!

Now he has matured a lot, and the relationship with Tsunade has also eased a lot. After all, his arms can't twist his thighs, can't he? Naruto can still fight Hokage to death ~ that is digging a hole to bury himself! In short, their current relationship, as long as Naruto is honest, is generally good.

Naruto handed a file on him to Tsunade.

Tsunade opened the scroll and read it, the more frightened he looked.

"I didn't expect you to have gone through so many missions in two years." Tsunade smacked his lips. The content on this scroll is really amazing. Every mission performed is above B-level...

"Cut!" Naruto looked at her with disdain, "70 to 80% of the tasks above are arranged for me."


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