Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 150 Missed? Destiny!

The starry sky in each place is different.

Even though the night is the same night, the stars in the sky may still be those of the past, the only difference is that Naruto is by Temari's side.

Therefore, under such a starry sky and such a night, it is different.

The huge three-star fan is still the same, but Temari is different. more mature and more temperamental.

Compared to the first season, er no, two years ago, the clothes she was wearing looked more conservative, but they were quite classic!

Very temperamental!

Nineteen-year-old Temari, now an adult woman, is a very, very attractive woman.

This woman belongs exclusively to him.

This gave Naruto a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

From top to bottom, there is an indescribable joy!

Seeing it with my own eyes, watching Temari slowly dress with a lazy and flattering attitude, this is a rare enjoyment.

"I hate it! Don't touch me!" Teju scolded coquettishly, this pervert, is he wearing clothes? Being taken advantage of by this guy's hands and feet, touching her back and forth, is about to make her body lustrous again!

"Hehe, sister Temari, your outfit is still so attractive!" Naruto caressed Temari's slender breasts from the beginning to the end, it was so tender and white that he couldn't put it down.

She is simply wearing sexy lingerie!

The black grid stockings are one left and one right, one up and one down, the upper body is still a close-fitting black grid, the exercise just now made Naruto's excitement a few points...

The dressing style of the appearance has also changed a lot. A mature woman needs to have a mature dress and mature clothes as a foil. Can show a person's aura. This black cheongsam-style dress, slit to the middle of the thigh, looming, revealing the snow-white thigh, made him unable to resist such a charm.


In the world of ninjas who are quite self-disciplined in all aspects and strictly control their emotions in all aspects, students like Naruto are a big wonder!

I can hardly resist wanting her again!

But this time Temari refused.

"Come out with me for a walk!"

Naruto has no reason to refuse, and it is imperative for a beautiful woman to ask.


Because of Teacher Asma's "bullying" of Naruto, Miss Ino, the Queen of Class 10, returned to her home angrily.

I saw my mother looking at her with a very special look.

There seems to be a lot of meaning in this look.

Ino suddenly remembered what Naruto whispered in her ear before leaving, that there was a surprise at home.

Was this surprise discovered by my mother?

Ino bit the bullet and said, "Mom, why are you looking at me like that? It's weird!"

"Hehe, girl, tell me the truth, is there someone outside?!" Ino's mother was the middle-aged woman that Naruto met at the flower shop during the day.

"What? Mom, what are you talking about?" Ino was very surprised, why did his mother talk like that? Isn't this the right way to ask? What do you mean there are people outside? Is there anyone in her family? Made her dizzy...

"Do you have someone you like!" It sounds right to hear that!

"Today I saw a handsome guy with long golden hair who bought a lot of roses in our flower shop." Ino's mother said.

"Rose? Who is he going to give it to?" Ino asked nervously. Could it be that the person who bought the flowers was Naruto?

"Hehe, this bouquet of roses is in your house right now!" Ino's mother didn't hold back.

As soon as the words fell, Ino showed extreme speed and rushed to his room like a gust of wind...

a long time!

Joyful laughter came down, "Naruto, I forgive you!"

At this time, for the first time, Ino thought of Sakura, and there was a dimness in the depths of his eyes. You may be one step ahead of me on the road of ninja, but on the road of love, the gap between us is getting farther and farther!



Naruto never expected it would be today,

At this time, at this place, I will meet this girl.

Yile Ramen Restaurant!

When Naruto and Temari went to eat ramen, they accidentally ran into Sakura.

Temari, Naruto, Sakura, when they met, there was silence.

"Naruto! Long time no see!" Sakura didn't have the cheerful smile she had when they first met.

"I heard about you today, and I didn't expect to meet you so soon." Sakura had a forced smile on her face, it seemed that since Sasuke and Naruto were not by her side one after another, this smile had lost its vitality. Instead, it was full of sadness.

She has always been an ordinary girl, without a family background like Ino, and her parents are the most ordinary Konoha villagers, and she can't see anything special about herself, but she just has no characteristics She would be accepted as a disciple by Tsunade-sama of the Fifth Hokage.

This is a great opportunity, and something she never imagined.

Because of Teacher Kakashi's encouragement, she was able to cheer up when Naruto and Sasuke were not around, and it was also because of Teacher Kakashi that she had the opportunity to be favored by Master Tsunade.

The seventh class that fell apart, when Sasuke left again, and when Naruto also disappeared, Sakura was really about to collapse!

She felt abandoned by the whole world! Abandoned by those who value her, she herself is a lonely and humble girl.

Abandoning the strong appearance, her heart is fragile and vulnerable.

change yourself!

To grow! keep it up! Let Tsunade-sama help him become a strong Sakura!

In the past two years, she practiced hard and put in efforts that surpassed ordinary people, which made Tsunade look at her with admiration!

In fact, at the beginning, Tsunade accepted Sakura as his apprentice just out of interest, but Sakura's hard work and her talent made Tsunade's eyes shine, and he thought it was a good seedling.

A disciple who is even more talented than Jing Yin! May carry on her mantle.

Jiraiya also has Naruto Uzumaki's naughty kid as a disciple, Uchiha's kid is also closely related to Orochimaru, and the only girl left in the seventh class is also so related to her. This is an alternative to "Sannin" continuation.

Tsunade-sama, who doesn't want to let the lewd sage who comes here and is dedicated to the beauty of the front, regards Sakura as her own.

Sakura usually also helps her master, Master Tsunade, to handle some affairs. Today, she finally heard the news about one of the two, and she went there with joy and enthusiasm, but she was disappointed, came in high spirits, and returned disappointed.

Sakura unknowingly came to the place of Yile Ramen, and unexpectedly met her.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, even if they miss, fate will make them meet again in the right place.

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