Kunai is flipping, the cold light is flowing, and every time it flashes, a rock ninja will die. The speed of the flash is so fast that these rocks can't figure it out, and the screams keep coming and going, even if they are elite surprise attack troops, but... there is no The strength to parry.

This Yanyin team soon ceased to exist.

All died at Naruto's hands.

Sure enough, after warming up, the body and mind are comfortable! I don't know how such a record compares with his father's?

Naruto smiled.


Change the landscape and bury all these corpses deep underground, so that they can no longer be found.

"Naruto, wouldn't this be too good?" Sakura asked, would such a violent killing of all the ninjas in Yanyin Village trigger conflicts between Fire and Earth?

Sakura sometimes helps her master Tsunade deal with some diplomatic issues with other countries.

In the execution of missions, conflicts of interest, and conflicts between countries may arise due to various issues, and there may also be fights and bloodshed, but it is always in the dark.

However, Naruto's reckless massacre is indeed very cool, and these rock ninjas are indeed in the way, making people annoying, but if this is the case, how to deal with diplomatic issues?

This must be handled with care!

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!

I'm afraid it will give her master Tsunade a headache.

"What's the matter, isn't it already silenced? Who else will know?" Naruto said indifferently, he looked at Shion and the guard named Ashio, "You won't say it?!"

"Hmph!" Ziyuan snorted arrogantly, turning her pretty face aside, this girl has a lot of personality!

"Master Naruto, please don't worry, I won't talk nonsense." They entrusted Konoha Village, and everything will depend on these Konoha ninjas, and I have seen their strength just now , if Master Ziyuan can be protected, there must be no problem.

As for those ninjas from other countries who wanted to take Master Zi Yuan away, how could they possibly protect Master Zi Yuan properly?

Taking many things into consideration, Ashio still feels that it would be better to be with Konoha's Naruto and the others... The strength of this Naruto-sama is believed to be able to protect Shion-sama!

Now Master Ziyuan has to rely on the strong to be able to do well!

"What are we going to do now? When can we go to the Marsh Country to seal the sprites?" Sakura said.

"You can go now, let's go!" Zi Yuan said. She seemed anxious, impatient.

"No! Please wait a moment, I will organize a soldier guard and set out to escort Master Shion together." Ashho said.

"You! Hey, let's go now!" Zi Yuan looked at Naruto and said.

"This... I don't think you need to be so anxious!" Naruto spread his hands.


A guest room in the country of ghosts.

Sakura is helping Hinata and Shiro to heal.

Although Bai and Hinata have no problems, since there are medical ninjas, it is natural to help them adjust to their best condition.

"Sakura, it's fine! Your own injury is the most serious, don't waste your chakra!" Naruto stopped.

"It's okay..." Sakura smiled tiredly at Naruto, and suddenly she lay down weakly.

"Huh..." I was so tired that I fainted.

Naruto was silent.

Bai and Hinata may indeed have some minor injuries, but it is clear that her own injuries are the most serious.

Although she won the battle to the death with Wei Tianjing, she went all out and was injured a lot!

He really didn't know what to say.

"I'll take Sakura in to rest." Naruto said, and then he carried Sakura into a separate room.


Hidden Leaf Village!

Naruto Office!

Tsunade, who is Hokage, frowned tightly, looked over the information in his hand, and walked around the room anxiously, "What the hell are these bastards doing!?"

"Master Tsunade,

what's the matter with you Get so angry. "Quietly asked. Is it still related to sprites?

"Look for yourself!" Tsunade threw the information he had just obtained to Shizune.

There are many pieces of information above, all of which are about the movements of several other big countries about sprites. There was nothing at first, but when she saw the end, her eyes suddenly widened, and she continued to read each word again, for fear of missing something or misreading it, her eyes were full of disbelief.

"This...he, why did that person go there?" Jing Yin had a surprised expression on his face, "He actually went to the Kingdom of Ghosts himself, is it also because of that witch?"

"I don't know! Maybe! Maybe there are other reasons?" Tsunade said in a deep voice.

But besides a witch, what else would there be in the kingdom of ghosts?

Naruto? ? ? ! ! !

"I hope Naruto can handle it!??" But even she herself didn't feel confident!

after all! Even Tsunade would be hard to deal with that person!

At that speed, I am afraid that only the Fourth Hokage can surpass him...

If that bad-tempered guy meets Naruto, a soft-hearted guy, wouldn't sparks collide with the earth, and a great battle will be fought?

Really don't! Can Naruto's current strength be able to fight against that guy...


Why didn't Naruto arrange departure immediately? It was obviously such an important task, but why did he still act so calmly?

It seems that he doesn't take the threat of monster sprites into his heart at all. Does he think that the so-called Yiren can destroy the world is just a joke?

Is the world exaggerating? Does Naruto think sprites are not enough to fear?

…Frankly speaking, Naruto has a lot of concerns.

He didn't know much about sprites, so he didn't want to say anything more!

But thinking about it, even if it delays the time, I'm afraid there won't be any major problems.

The five big countries, and many small countries, can't even deal with an undead army controlled by a sprite with only souls? Even if you really can't figure it out, you can delay the time...

For one or two days, there is absolutely no problem.

...And Naruto saw Sakura's weakness and overdraft with his own eyes. Would he still let Sakura drag his exhausted body to continue on the road non-stop?

In this case, it will be unbearable.

Even if she is a medical ninja, she is just an ordinary person after all.

She was so brave just now, and she wanted to use the Palm Immortal Technique to restore the loss of Bai and Hinata, but she didn't know that the one who suffered the most was herself! ! !

How come you don't know how to cherish yourself? !


Women, be nice to yourself! What does it mean to abuse yourself like this! ?

Are you hurting yourself or someone else? ? ? (To be continued.)

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