Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 170 Spring Brilliance

"The clothes on your body fell off." Naruto said.

This girl, before she had time to put her clothes back on, was stimulated by Naruto's words, so she couldn't wait to catch Naruto and question her. With this movement, Naruto could see all the spring on her body, and Xiao Sakura's face was full flushed.

Now, as if she was actively showing Naruto, Sakura's face went through many changes, and finally became completely gloomy.

The feeling of the whole room is different, now Sakura won't cry at every turn, she just beats people at every turn!

Clenching her fists tightly, Sakura was about to lose her temper.

"How about, let's put on our clothes first." Naruto said softly.

"No hurry, we'll talk about it later, anyway, there are no outsiders, right?" Sakura suddenly smiled, which surprised Naruto.

boom! Blast out with a punch.

At the very moment, Naruto strode forward and blocked Sakura's fist with his palm. The moment the fist and palm collided, the air suddenly vibrated slightly.

The power level is high.

For ordinary people, one punch can be blasted into scum.

Don't forget, the lecherous sage's near-death injury was Tsunade's fist...

Naruto took advantage of the situation and pressed Sakura to the ground, restraining her, don't let this girl mess around!

"Be obedient, or I'll kill you!" Naruto said viciously.


Sakura kicked Naruto unconvinced.

"You don't believe me, do you? Let me show you my determination!" Naruto sneered, leaning over and kissing Sakura's lips.

The latter suddenly opened his eyes wide, and was kissed forcibly...

Things were different this time from her first time.

Sakura now knows that her first kiss was with Naruto who turned into Sasuke, she was very impressed that time, she thought it was Sasuke so she didn't refuse.

But this time? It was clearly kissed by Naruto, but why didn't she feel disgusted at all? She didn't resist at all, and even responded, her tongue was entangled in her mouth, really like a passionate couple.

"You know that the consequences of angering me are serious!" Naruto let go of Sakura's lips, and took a breath, his hands kept teasing Sakura's body.

"Wow!" Now she is like a young girl who is full of love, she is looking forward to and afraid of what may happen next, if that is the case, will she refuse, will she resist and struggle?

It seems... no! Why not? The one she likes is obviously Sasuke...

Sakura is both anxious and looking forward to it now, her heart is beating non-stop. With such a complicated and weird psychology, she... was knocked out by Naruto...


"Shira, Hinata, you take care of her, I'll go and see how Miko Shion is doing." Naruto said.

After he walked out of the room, he returned to normal, without the slightest abnormality, and he could not see the passion he had with Sakura just now... But Shiro, who observed the details, still noticed a little difference.

She smiled and said nothing.


Naruto is going to see Shion.

It is precisely because of this relationship that Naruto reined in just now.

Otherwise, Sakura would already be lying under him by now! ! !

However, think of Zi Yuan.

This is the girl Naruto once had a deep impression on in the original book.

He just controlled his passion, there are still things to deal with.


The exact age of Ziyuan is unknown, but it will never be more than twenty years old. The fallen water spirit, dressed in the costume of a priestess, sits upright on a high place, and the curtain is drawn. In the whole room, besides Ziyuan, Naruto, and no one else.

"Uzumaki Naruto, right! What do you mean?" Shion asked Naruto.

"Sealing sprites is the most important thing, why waste time here?" Zi Yuan still looked anxious. Could it be that you can't wait to seal the sprites?

"Spirit? I don't think you can seal it!" Naruto laughed.

"What are you talking about? Nonsense!" Zi Yuan scolded him angrily.

"I want you, a little girl who has never experienced the world, to seal it,

It's better to destroy this world! "Naruto refuted Shion with a merciless criticism.

"You! You..." Ziyuan was so angry that she couldn't speak. She worked so hard to learn the power of the seal, but this kid actually said that to her.

In this world, if she can't seal the monsters, then how else can she defeat the monsters?

"What about me, you just can't do it." Naruto seemed to like to provoke her very much, and his words were very rude, which was very different from his previous ways of picking up girls and the rules of picking up girls!

Pick up girls? Pick up?

Who are you dating? ? ?

I don't know this, who else could it be? Besides Shion, who else would it be?

This Miko Shion!

Regardless of appearance or this arrogant personality, it suits Naruto's appetite.

Besides, she had the same experience as herself, and she felt sorry for each other.

"What do you know?!" Zi Yuan approached Naruto, staring at him fiercely with big eyes.

"Are you afraid?" Naruto asked.


"I said, are you afraid of sprites?" Naruto raised Shion's chin and looked straight into her eyes.

"How... how is that possible! I am the witch who wants to seal it!" Ziyuan pretended to be calm and said guilty. Being so close to this man and being treated so frivolously made Ziyuan feel strange.

This guy has a different attitude towards her than the people in the ghost country.

They are either afraid of her, or they enshrine and protect her like a god... But this guy is different, with a very bad attitude, he actually said that she has no ability to seal monsters, and even teased her...

"But you can't even deal with the demon's subordinates, can you really do it?" Naruto continued to hit her. His hand firmly pressed Ziyuan's smooth chin, rubbing it back and forth.

"Yes! It will definitely be possible! I have practiced the sealing skills well." Zi Yuan encouraged herself. But doesn't she think there is a big problem with this way of speaking?

She looks more like being molested by Naruto! like a lover...

"But, you really don't need to bear these!" This time, Naruto didn't refute her.

"It's still the same sentence, if the life and death of this world requires you, a little girl, to sacrifice everything for protection, then it's better to be destroyed." Naruto hugged Ziyuan tightly, and whispered beside her delicate earlobe.

It is obviously the same words, but this time Naruto said them with pity and ambiguity, and the meanings between the words seem to be completely opposite.

The first time it seemed to be laughing at her, but this time, it was more like pity her!

"You..." Ziyuan, who was about to struggle, quietly leaned into the boy's arms after hearing this.

This was the first time Ziyuan heard someone say such deviant words.

There is a strange feeling in Ziyuan's heart... (To be continued.)

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