Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 174 Fight to the death!

Naruto had nothing to say about this defeat.

He has tried his best to display his speed, and he has fully exerted the body skills he can display.

However, Naruto was always a beat slower than Raikage.

Barely kept up with that speed, but since the tense battle just now, Naruto has been suppressed by Raikage's speed...

Furthermore, his lightning protection body defense is also extremely powerful. With Naruto's body skills, he can't break through this defense. This physical defense is really against the sky.

On the contrary, it was himself who was injured by Lei Ying's few punches.

This will indeed be a big battle, and it will be a very difficult battle.

However, Naruto has already made some psychological preparations.

After all, it is Raikage!

None of the guys who have reached this level of strength will be fuel-efficient.

This guy's Lightning Tunneling Body is already at its peak and superb.

If relying on the instant body technique, relying on the instant body technique alone may not work.

In terms of body skills, I am afraid that only Kai can reach the peak.

But Naruto is still young after all! However, there are many kinds of instant body art, he can use other instant body to make up for it!

"Be careful!" Naruto suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"Be with you at any time, don't play tricks." Lei Ying's imposing manner was full, and his domineering tone was full of confidence.


The leaves are flying, flying all over the sky.

Naruto used the wind escape to blow up the leaves and floated towards Raikage.

"Such a weak wind escape ninjutsu, Uzumaki Naruto, are you at the end of your rope?" Lei Ying disdainfully.

However, next, this disdain will turn into shock.


Instant body technique! The wind escapes the body instantly, and the leaf flashes the body.

Where the leaves are flying, Naruto can go everywhere with the help of Ye Shun, elusive, and has another speed contest with Raikage.

"Hmph, it's useless, my Thunder Dungeon is the fastest."

Indeed, no matter how elusive Ye Shun is, he is still inferior to the experienced Lei Ying and such Lei Dun.

But what else?

He also knows about Thunder Dun's instant body art! With the instant body of the five attributes of escapism combined with the instant body of the body technique, Lei Ying was also caught off guard.

He was able to master these five attributes of chakra so proficiently, and used them alternately, and Naruto finally took the lead.

A rare opportunity, Naruto will not give up.

Shadow Dance Leaf!

Raikage was kicked into the air, and the thunder light protected his body. He wanted to regain the initiative of his body and get rid of this situation, but Naruto followed up with a perfect three-stage kick, disrupting Raikage's breath.

Biao Lianhua!

Big jade spiral pill!

The pure Biaolianhua can't hurt Raikage, but this Daiyu Spiral Pill is the gathering of Naruto's Chakra, and it will definitely be effective...


The energy of the Dayu Helix Pill exploded, and the area couldn't bear its bombardment. Trees collapsed and the ground trembled... This huge sound shocked many people.

For example, Raikage's guards.

Would it be true that Lei Ying would not have a bodyguard to protect him when he left the country?

This is impossible, right?

As a shadow, when he succeeds, there will be a guard team dedicated to protecting the shadow.

The same is true for Lei Ying.

Although the strength of each country's shadow is the strongest, it seems that there is no need for protection at all, but it is necessary.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Although if something happened to the shadows, these guards would be useless.

But after all, even if you are a shadow, there will be some things you can't do yourself, so you need some ninjas to help you.

For various purposes, Lei Ying was also accompanied by a team of ninjas on this trip.

Among them are Darui, Omoi and others.

They act separately from Raikage, looking for Miko Shion who was taken away by Konoha.

In the ghost country, Darui and the others met Shiro and Sakura,


Originally, this was nothing. Although the two countries have not established specific diplomatic relations, there are not too many problems.

Except for what happened during the first ninja war, the last few decades have been peaceful.

There was also some contact two years ago.

However, there is a woman who hates Konoha very much.

That's Karui.

Two years ago, Karui was beaten up by Naruto, and it was a good meal.

Now let her meet these Konoha ninjas again, especially the relationship with Naruto is very close, and now their missions have conflicted, this Karui is very vengeful, determined to teach Konoha a few a ninja.

Bai, Xiaoying, and Hinata naturally wouldn't wait to die. Although they were small in number and seemed weak, they still fought with them.

Along the way, they fought and retreated. They heard a huge noise earlier, so they hurried over, and they ran into Naruto and Raikage.

"Are you all right?" Naruto frowned, he saw that the three of Bai and the others had certain injuries on their bodies, and there were bloodstains on their clothes.

As if this hasn't dried up, this injury is a new addition.

"Is this what they did?" Naruto's voice was cold, so cold that the temperature of the surrounding air dropped a lot.

"That's right! It's us!" Karui said arrogantly to Naruto.

"You guys from Konoha dare to hinder our mission? This time, you are courting death!"

"Really? Let's see who is looking for death!"

Naruto laughed, there were only four of them, and Shion, who was dragging oil bottles, was here. If they fought, it seemed that they would definitely lose.

But this time Naruto was angry, so even in such an unfavorable situation, he would not give up.

There are so many people on the other side, Raikage probably won't be seriously injured, and there are twelve elite ninjas with top strength. Under such a situation, Shion's fate seems to be doomed, will he be taken away by the Land of Thunder?

"If you don't leave, there will be a battle to the death!" Naruto said indifferently.

"Can you represent Konoha Village? This involves the relationship between the two countries. Do you really want to decide this?" Darui said.

Frankly speaking, he doesn't want to be an enemy of Konoha, or Naruto.

Because at this moment, he felt a slight threat from Naruto.

There is also that trace of uneasiness, this kind of uneasiness, which prevents Darui from completely making up his mind to encircle and suppress Naruto and the others.

This Uzumaki Naruto, his body hides the most terrifying nine-tailed demon fox!

Can they really show the thunder method and kill the demon fox before it is released?

What if it is not possible?

Then there will be a catastrophe!

This Karui, why does he have to provoke right and wrong?

Darui hesitated, but Naruto remained steadfast. He dared to hurt his woman, and even took away his future woman. This is unforgivable!

This time, he must protect all of them! (To be continued.)

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