This exciting alternative fierce battle lasted for a long time in this empty field, and Samuel experienced multiple peak shocks from beginning to end, so that she was already exhausted when the eastern sun rose the next day, , her delicate body was boneless and naked, slumped on the ground, for a long time, she still had no strength in her body, and she was always listless.

"Now, are you satisfied?" Samuel said coldly, resisting all kinds of discomfort coming from his body.

If you are satisfied, can you let her go?

"Huh?" Naruto looked at Samui's expression at this moment, what should he say? He really wants to laugh!

Is this interesting?

Is it really interesting to pretend to be so cold now? Last night, we never saw or tasted anything on your body...

As the saying goes, if a couple pays a hundred days of kindness for one night, it wouldn't be possible for their faces to change so quickly, right?

The cold expression on Samui's face made Naruto want to attack her again...

"What do you mean? Am I satisfied?" Naruto pretended not to understand Samui's words, "Oh, I see, you are not satisfied yet, right? So you are implying me, right! You want to I'll treat you pervert..."

What? ? ?

Pervert? ? ?

There are a few black lines on Samui's forehead that are particularly clear. Did she say something that was misunderstood? Or is this guy deliberately misinterpreting her meaning?

Isn't the meaning of what I said clear enough? If you are satisfied, let her go, but what Naruto understands is that he is asking him back, she is not satisfied, and wants Naruto to continue to treat her...

Is this guy always so hateful?

The first time she formally dealt with Naruto, she didn't know this guy's temper at all.

That's why...he was bullied so badly! She knew that this was Naruto deliberately teasing her.

But what else could Samuel do? She can only bear all this passively, her freedom is in Naruto's hands, she has no ability to resist him...

If Naruto still wants her now, Samui can only flatter her in humiliation... There is no need to think about anything else!

She has no strength to resist!

Last night, she went from being passive to cooperating to a certain extent, in order to make Naruto be satisfied with her, and then let her leave with satisfaction after serving her with all her strength.

Samui is undoubtedly a very smart woman, or a smart female ninja.

If it was an ordinary woman, it would be a great humiliation to be bullied by Naruto, at least she should hide and cry secretly for three or four days, right? ? ? ! But Samui's other identity is a ninja. What is the essence of a ninja?

That is: everything must be based on the completion of the task as the first criterion!

As long as the task is completed, all the previous sacrifices are very worthwhile.

It's a grim rule...

But it is observed by almost all ninjas in the ninja world, and it has always been like this.

The only ninja who dared to risk the disgrace of the world is Baiya Konoha who became famous in the Second Ninja World War, the father of Sensei Kakashi.

It is precisely because of this that Konoha Baiga's tragic suicide in the end also indirectly caused Kakashi's tragic childhood and the lifelong bond with Uchiha Obito...

...Although Samui is one of the apprentices of Mr. Eight-tailed Kirabi in Yunyin Village, her strength is not outstanding. Compared with the other Karui and Omoi, she is only in the middle , or even slightly worse, she is not particularly good at fighting.

But she also has her advantages.

Samuel has a calm personality and a wide range of knowledge. She belongs to the kind of commanding talent. In the country of thunder, which is a fighting country, even Raikage is a village with a violent temper. Her wisdom can be said to be very important...

It is also because of this that Karui and Omoi willingly recognized Samui as their captain.

Even Darui, the candidate for the next Raikage, has great respect for Samuel.

Such a woman, no, female ninja, is difficult for a man to grasp.

Neither can Naruto! At least for a short time he couldn't do it. He can possess this woman's body, but the mind will take time to be tamed!

However, Naruto didn't have this time to spend on Samui!

Because Samui is too sensible, everything may have been clear in her heart. When Naruto took her as a prisoner, she may have started to analyze and calculate in her heart, why should she stay?

Although I don't know why Uzumaki Naruto suddenly burst out with a more powerful Chakra than before when he was dying, but in that situation, even Raikage-sama was unable to resist.

With Naruto's strength at that time, he could easily kill them.

But Naruto didn't do that.

Just put forward such a condition, let her stay...


Because Naruto is a big pervert!

According to the intelligence system of their Yunyin Village, this Uzumaki Naruto is a more lecherous guy than Jiraiya, one of his master "Sannin".

Then his purpose will be fully revealed.

But Samui knew that this was an opportunity! A chance for everyone to survive!

It is a condition, but it can actually be regarded as a deal. Naruto let Raikage and the remaining cloud ninjas leave, and Samui will stay and be Naruto's captive, and the hostages can be manipulated and bullied at will.

That's what's implied in it.

Samui understands, and Naruto understands too.

So, after Samui was completely possessed by Naruto at first, when Samui had no choice but to accept this established fact, she began to actively cooperate with Naruto, but would her true thoughts be like this? Did she cooperate with him sincerely?

Maybe her body is like this, but she definitely doesn't think so in her heart.

Got her body, but that heart is calm and scary...

It is impossible for Naruto to understand all of Samuel's thoughts, but this does not hinder his enjoyment. There are many more exciting postures that he uses forcefully. I can't forget the beautiful memory of this night...

"After I let you go, don't you think we should say goodbye?" Naruto smiled ambiguously.

Samuel also suddenly smiled, this smile is a sneer, can she refuse? Does she have the courage and right to refuse now?

Since not, then... other than spreading her legs, is there any other way she can do it?

... (To be continued.)

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